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I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, your only practicalone practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera. That applies to anything you can see (read).

This applies on any such device where (for whatever reason) copy / paste is not available. I have done this for BIOS and like screens.

If you are doing this on Windows 10, WinKey + Shift + S is good at getting screen copies and might works as well.

I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, your only practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera. That applies to anything you can see (read).

This applies on any such device where (for whatever reason) copy / paste is not available. I have done this for BIOS and like screens.

I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, one practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera. That applies to anything you can see (read).

This applies on any such device where (for whatever reason) copy / paste is not available. I have done this for BIOS and like screens.

If you are doing this on Windows 10, WinKey + Shift + S is good at getting screen copies and might works as well.

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I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, your only practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera. That applies to anything you can see (read).

This applies on any such device where (for whatever reason) copy / paste is not available. I have done this for BIOS and like screens.

I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, your only practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera.

This applies on any such device where (for whatever reason) copy / paste is not available. I have done this for BIOS and like screens.

I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, your only practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera. That applies to anything you can see (read).

This applies on any such device where (for whatever reason) copy / paste is not available. I have done this for BIOS and like screens.

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I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, your only practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera.

This applies on any such device where (for whatever reason) copy / paste is not available. I have done this for BIOS and like screens.

I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, your only practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera.

I'd like to capture text from a website .... they have disabled copy-paste, printing and viewing the source.

Assuming the use to be personal and legal, your only practical choice is to capture it on a smart phone camera.

This applies on any such device where (for whatever reason) copy / paste is not available. I have done this for BIOS and like screens.

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