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  1. Open development tab -> open Visual Basic
  2. menuMenu: insert -> module
  3. pastePaste the following code under vbaproject(personal.xlsb)

Public Sub Opener()
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show ActiveWorkbook.Path+"\"
End Sub

Public Sub Opener()
    Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show ActiveWorkbook.Path+"\\"
End Sub
  1. saveSave and close the VBA
  2. modfyModify quick access toolbar and add the macro Opener (remember to add icon as well)
  1. Open development tab -> open Visual Basic
  2. menu insert -> module
  3. paste the following code under vbaproject(personal.xlsb)

Public Sub Opener()
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show ActiveWorkbook.Path+"\"
End Sub

  1. save and close the VBA
  2. modfy quick access toolbar and add the macro Opener (remember to add icon as well)
  1. Open development tab -> open Visual Basic
  2. Menu: insert -> module
  3. Paste the following code under vbaproject(personal.xlsb)

Public Sub Opener()
    Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show ActiveWorkbook.Path+"\\"
End Sub
  1. Save and close the VBA
  2. Modify quick access toolbar and add the macro Opener (remember to add icon as well)
Source Link

  1. Open development tab -> open Visual Basic
  2. menu insert -> module
  3. paste the following code under vbaproject(personal.xlsb)

Public Sub Opener()
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show ActiveWorkbook.Path+"\"
End Sub

  1. save and close the VBA
  2. modfy quick access toolbar and add the macro Opener (remember to add icon as well)