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I found a fix! In one Virtualbox Forum a user suggests to run the command VBoxManage modifyvm "High Sierra" --cpu-profile "Intel Core i7-6700K"

I replaced High Sierra with my VM name and the VM booted to the installation after seecting the boot.efi file! It took a long time, but I will update this when thenow have a working Mac VM finishes installing.! =)

I found a fix! In one Virtualbox Forum a user suggests to run the command VBoxManage modifyvm "High Sierra" --cpu-profile "Intel Core i7-6700K"

I replaced High Sierra with my VM name and the VM booted to the installation after seecting the boot.efi file! I will update this when the VM finishes installing.

I found a fix! In one Virtualbox Forum a user suggests to run the command VBoxManage modifyvm "High Sierra" --cpu-profile "Intel Core i7-6700K"

I replaced High Sierra with my VM name and the VM booted to the installation after seecting the boot.efi file! It took a long time, but I now have a working Mac VM! =)

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I found a fix! In one Virtualbox Forum a user suggests to run the command VBoxManage modifyvm "High Sierra" --cpu-profile "Intel Core i7-6700K"

I replaced High Sierra with my VM name and the VM booted to the installation after seecting the boot.efi file! I will update this when the VM finishes installing.