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Just as an addition to the answer of VainMan and the comment of haridsv (can't comment myself yet):

I had the same problem. Instead of DISKPART> remove execute mountvol N: /d on the command line. If you already have removed the partition first reassign a drive letter to the new recovery partition with assign letter=N. Normally (normally reagentc /info should now show the correct status again, otherwise repeat step 4 of VainMans instructions).

Just as an addition to the answer of VainMan and the comment of haridsv (can't comment myself yet):

I had the same problem. Instead of DISKPART> remove execute mountvol N: /d on the command line. If you already have removed the partition first reassign a drive letter to the new recovery partition with assign letter=N. Normally reagentc /info should now show the correct status, otherwise repeat step 4 of VainMans instructions.

Just as an addition to the answer of VainMan and the comment of haridsv (can't comment myself yet):

I had the same problem. Instead of DISKPART> remove execute mountvol N: /d on the command line. If you already have removed the partition first reassign a drive letter to the new recovery partition with assign letter=N (normally reagentc /info should now show the correct status again, otherwise repeat step 4 of VainMans instructions).

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Just as an addition to the answer of VainMan and the comment of haridsv (can't comment myself yet):

I had the same problem. Instead of DISKPART> remove execute mountvol N: /d on the command line. If you already have removed the partition first reassign a drive letter to the new recovery partition with assign letter=N. Normally reagentc /info should now show the correct status, otherwise repeat step 4 of VainMans instructions.