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In order to propose help in your case, I choose to suggest that you copy the bat file originally used ExecuteTests.bat, renaming it to something like ExecuteTests2.bat, and add the edition of the boldbold and italic lines below and add the necessary arguments for you to use this in scheduling.

@echo off

cls && cd /d "%~dp0"

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

if /I [%~1]==[debug] set "debug=on"
if /I not [%~x1]==[.jmx] set "testInput=%~nx1"

REM ## Fetch the PATH of the JMeter binary from the config file ##
REM ## Fetch JVM Heap Size from the config file ##

for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%a in ('FIND "JMeter Installation Path" "config.txt"') do (
  for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ("%%a") do (
    set JmeterPath=%%i
if "!JmeterPath:~0,1!"==" " set "JmeterPath=!JmeterPath:~1!"&GOTO :removeLeftSpace
if "!JmeterPath:~-1!"==" " set "JmeterPath=!JmeterPath:~0,-1!"&GOTO :removeRightSpace

for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%a in ('Find "JVM Heap Size" "config.txt"') do (
  for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ("%%a") do (
    set heapSize=%%i
    set heapSize=!heapSize: =!

if [%heapSize%]==[] (
set heapSize=3072

REM ## Verify the path is correct to avoid error when execute the JMeter binary. ##
dir "%JmeterPath%" | FIND "ApacheJMeter.jar" >NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto :JMTpathError

echo                Welcome To The Generic Test Suite
echo  **********************************************************************
echo * The available test script(s) to run :

REM ## List all .jmx files under .\DestJMXs folder ##
CD .\DestJMXs
for %%a in (*.jmx) do (
  echo   + "%%a"

echo Please choose the test(s) you want to run. You can :
echo . Run ALL test scripts by entering '*'. 
echo . Run A single test script by entering the file name.
echo . Run a GROUP of test scripts sharing the common text in file name by  
echo   entering 'TEXT*' (replace the TEXT part with the common text).
echo . EXAMPLES: -  "*";  "Films";  "Fi*" .
if /I Not "%testinput%" == "%~nx1" ( 
     set testInput=
     set /p testInput=Enter the TEST(s) you want to run :
IF /i "%testInput%" == "" GOTO :selectTest
REM ## Remove empty space from the input, to avoid JMeter execution error. ##
  for /f "delims=. tokens=1" %%i in ("%testInput%") do (
    set testInput=%%i
    set "testInput=!testInput: =!"
IF /i "%testInput%" == "" GOTO :selectTest

REM ## Check the input file name are existing, to avoid the execution error. ##
echo * The test script(s) you have chosen :
for %%a in (%testInput%.jmx) do (
  echo   -"%%a"
DIR %testInput%.jmx >NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto :404Error

if /I not  "%~2" == "y" ( 
     set confirmInput=
     set /p confirmInput=   DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED? : [Y/n] 
    ) else (
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "" GOTO :executeTest
      IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "Y" GOTO :executeTest
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "N" GOTO :selectTest
rem setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
CD ..
SET wdir="%cd%\DestJMXs"
for %%a in (DestJMXs\%testInput%.jmx) do (
  rem echo "%%a"
  set testName=%%a
  start "JMeter Test Window" call .\Executor\JMeterRunGen.bat
  timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL


echo                             xxxxxxxx
echo                               ERROR
echo   Can not find "ApacheJMeter.jar" file under the path you input:
echo   "%JmeterPath%". 
echo   Please check the setting in your "config.txt" file.

rem echo.
echo ERROR: Please check your file "%testInput%.jmx" exists in ".\DestJMXs\" directory.
003:  cls && cd /d "%~dp0"

008:  if /I [%~1]==[debug] set "debug=on"
009:  if /I not [%~x1]==[.jmx] set "testInput=%~nx1"

069:  if /I Not "%testinput%" == "%~nx1" ( 
070:       set testInput=
071:       set /p testInput=Enter the TEST(s) you want to run :
072:      )

096:  if /I not  "%~2" == "y" ( 
097:       set confirmInput=
098:       set /p confirmInput=   DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED? : [Y/n] 
099:       ) else (
100:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "" GOTO :executeTest
101:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "Y" GOTO :executeTest
102:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "N" GOTO :selectTest
103:   )

In order to propose help in your case, I choose to suggest that you copy the bat file originally used ExecuteTests.bat, renaming it to something like ExecuteTests2.bat, and add the edition of the bold lines below and add the necessary arguments for you to use this in scheduling.

@echo off

cls && cd /d "%~dp0"

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

if /I [%~1]==[debug] set "debug=on"
if /I not [%~x1]==[.jmx] set "testInput=%~nx1"

REM ## Fetch the PATH of the JMeter binary from the config file ##
REM ## Fetch JVM Heap Size from the config file ##

for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%a in ('FIND "JMeter Installation Path" "config.txt"') do (
  for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ("%%a") do (
    set JmeterPath=%%i
if "!JmeterPath:~0,1!"==" " set "JmeterPath=!JmeterPath:~1!"&GOTO :removeLeftSpace
if "!JmeterPath:~-1!"==" " set "JmeterPath=!JmeterPath:~0,-1!"&GOTO :removeRightSpace

for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%a in ('Find "JVM Heap Size" "config.txt"') do (
  for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ("%%a") do (
    set heapSize=%%i
    set heapSize=!heapSize: =!

if [%heapSize%]==[] (
set heapSize=3072

REM ## Verify the path is correct to avoid error when execute the JMeter binary. ##
dir "%JmeterPath%" | FIND "ApacheJMeter.jar" >NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto :JMTpathError

echo                Welcome To The Generic Test Suite
echo  **********************************************************************
echo * The available test script(s) to run :

REM ## List all .jmx files under .\DestJMXs folder ##
CD .\DestJMXs
for %%a in (*.jmx) do (
  echo   + "%%a"

echo Please choose the test(s) you want to run. You can :
echo . Run ALL test scripts by entering '*'. 
echo . Run A single test script by entering the file name.
echo . Run a GROUP of test scripts sharing the common text in file name by  
echo   entering 'TEXT*' (replace the TEXT part with the common text).
echo . EXAMPLES: -  "*";  "Films";  "Fi*" .
if /I Not "%testinput%" == "%~nx1" ( 
     set testInput=
     set /p testInput=Enter the TEST(s) you want to run :
IF /i "%testInput%" == "" GOTO :selectTest
REM ## Remove empty space from the input, to avoid JMeter execution error. ##
  for /f "delims=. tokens=1" %%i in ("%testInput%") do (
    set testInput=%%i
    set "testInput=!testInput: =!"
IF /i "%testInput%" == "" GOTO :selectTest

REM ## Check the input file name are existing, to avoid the execution error. ##
echo * The test script(s) you have chosen :
for %%a in (%testInput%.jmx) do (
  echo   -"%%a"
DIR %testInput%.jmx >NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto :404Error

if /I not  "%~2" == "y" ( 
     set confirmInput=
     set /p confirmInput=   DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED? : [Y/n] 
    ) else (
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "" GOTO :executeTest
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "Y" GOTO :executeTest
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "N" GOTO :selectTest
rem setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
CD ..
SET wdir="%cd%\DestJMXs"
for %%a in (DestJMXs\%testInput%.jmx) do (
  rem echo "%%a"
  set testName=%%a
  start "JMeter Test Window" call .\Executor\JMeterRunGen.bat
  timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL


echo                             xxxxxxxx
echo                               ERROR
echo   Can not find "ApacheJMeter.jar" file under the path you input:
echo   "%JmeterPath%". 
echo   Please check the setting in your "config.txt" file.

rem echo.
echo ERROR: Please check your file "%testInput%.jmx" exists in ".\DestJMXs\" directory.
003:  cls && cd /d "%~dp0"

008:  if /I [%~1]==[debug] set "debug=on"
009:  if /I not [%~x1]==[.jmx] set "testInput=%~nx1"

069:  if /I Not "%testinput%" == "%~nx1" ( 
070:       set testInput=
071:       set /p testInput=Enter the TEST(s) you want to run :
072:      )

096:  if /I not  "%~2" == "y" ( 
097:       set confirmInput=
098:       set /p confirmInput=   DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED? : [Y/n] 
099:       ) else (
100:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "" GOTO :executeTest
101:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "Y" GOTO :executeTest
102:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "N" GOTO :selectTest
103:   )

In order to propose help in your case, I choose to suggest that you copy the bat file originally used ExecuteTests.bat, renaming it to something like ExecuteTests2.bat, and add the edition of the bold and italic lines below and add the necessary arguments for you to use this in scheduling.

@echo off

cls && cd /d "%~dp0"

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

if /I [%~1]==[debug] set "debug=on"
if /I [%~x1]==[.jmx] set "testInput=%~nx1"

REM ## Fetch the PATH of the JMeter binary from the config file ##
REM ## Fetch JVM Heap Size from the config file ##

for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%a in ('FIND "JMeter Installation Path" "config.txt"') do (
  for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ("%%a") do (
    set JmeterPath=%%i
if "!JmeterPath:~0,1!"==" " set "JmeterPath=!JmeterPath:~1!"&GOTO :removeLeftSpace
if "!JmeterPath:~-1!"==" " set "JmeterPath=!JmeterPath:~0,-1!"&GOTO :removeRightSpace

for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%a in ('Find "JVM Heap Size" "config.txt"') do (
  for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ("%%a") do (
    set heapSize=%%i
    set heapSize=!heapSize: =!

if [%heapSize%]==[] (
set heapSize=3072

REM ## Verify the path is correct to avoid error when execute the JMeter binary. ##
dir "%JmeterPath%" | FIND "ApacheJMeter.jar" >NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto :JMTpathError

echo                Welcome To The Generic Test Suite
echo  **********************************************************************
echo * The available test script(s) to run :

REM ## List all .jmx files under .\DestJMXs folder ##
CD .\DestJMXs
for %%a in (*.jmx) do (
  echo   + "%%a"

echo Please choose the test(s) you want to run. You can :
echo . Run ALL test scripts by entering '*'. 
echo . Run A single test script by entering the file name.
echo . Run a GROUP of test scripts sharing the common text in file name by  
echo   entering 'TEXT*' (replace the TEXT part with the common text).
echo . EXAMPLES: -  "*";  "Films";  "Fi*" .
if /I Not "%testinput%" == "%~nx1" ( 
     set testInput=
     set /p testInput=Enter the TEST(s) you want to run :
IF /i "%testInput%" == "" GOTO :selectTest
REM ## Remove empty space from the input, to avoid JMeter execution error. ##
  for /f "delims=. tokens=1" %%i in ("%testInput%") do (
    set testInput=%%i
    set "testInput=!testInput: =!"
IF /i "%testInput%" == "" GOTO :selectTest

REM ## Check the input file name are existing, to avoid the execution error. ##
echo * The test script(s) you have chosen :
for %%a in (%testInput%.jmx) do (
  echo   -"%%a"
DIR %testInput%.jmx >NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto :404Error

if /I not  "%~2" == "y" ( 
     set confirmInput=
     set /p confirmInput=   DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED? : [Y/n] 
    ) else (
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "" GOTO :executeTest
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "Y" GOTO :executeTest
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "N" GOTO :selectTest
rem setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
CD ..
SET wdir="%cd%\DestJMXs"
for %%a in (DestJMXs\%testInput%.jmx) do (
  rem echo "%%a"
  set testName=%%a
  start "JMeter Test Window" call .\Executor\JMeterRunGen.bat
  timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL


echo                             xxxxxxxx
echo                               ERROR
echo   Can not find "ApacheJMeter.jar" file under the path you input:
echo   "%JmeterPath%". 
echo   Please check the setting in your "config.txt" file.

rem echo.
echo ERROR: Please check your file "%testInput%.jmx" exists in ".\DestJMXs\" directory.
003:  cls && cd /d "%~dp0"

008:  if /I [%~1]==[debug] set "debug=on"
009:  if /I [%~x1]==[.jmx] set "testInput=%~nx1"

069:  if /I Not "%testinput%" == "%~nx1" ( 
070:       set testInput=
071:       set /p testInput=Enter the TEST(s) you want to run :
072:      )

096:  if /I not  "%~2" == "y" ( 
097:       set confirmInput=
098:       set /p confirmInput=   DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED? : [Y/n] 
099:       ) else (
100:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "" GOTO :executeTest
101:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "Y" GOTO :executeTest
102:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "N" GOTO :selectTest
103:   )
deleted 8 characters in body
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Obs.: 1 The answer is considering that the bat file in which you will use the input is: %UserProfile%\Desktop\QVScalabilityTools\ScriptExecutor<b>ExecuteTests2%UserProfile%\QVScalabilityTools\ScriptExecutor<b>ExecuteTests2.bat

Obs.: 1 The answer is considering that the bat file in which you will use the input is: %UserProfile%\Desktop\QVScalabilityTools\ScriptExecutor<b>ExecuteTests2.bat

Obs.: 1 The answer is considering that the bat file in which you will use the input is: %UserProfile%\QVScalabilityTools\ScriptExecutor<b>ExecuteTests2.bat

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I had the feeling that you need to pass inputs, not exactly arguments.

To confirm I tried to download and verify the tool used in your question.

Then I realized that you are using a bat to call another bat that asks for data input, (not exactly arguments, but input).

In order to propose help in your case, I choose to suggest that you copy the bat file originally used ExecuteTests.bat, renaming it to something like ExecuteTests2.bat, and add the edition of the bold lines below and add the necessary arguments for you to use this in scheduling.

@echo off

cls && cd /d "%~dp0"

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

if /I [%~1]==[debug] set "debug=on"
if /I not [%~x1]==[.jmx] set "testInput=%~nx1"

REM ## Fetch the PATH of the JMeter binary from the config file ##
REM ## Fetch JVM Heap Size from the config file ##

for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%a in ('FIND "JMeter Installation Path" "config.txt"') do (
  for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ("%%a") do (
    set JmeterPath=%%i
if "!JmeterPath:~0,1!"==" " set "JmeterPath=!JmeterPath:~1!"&GOTO :removeLeftSpace
if "!JmeterPath:~-1!"==" " set "JmeterPath=!JmeterPath:~0,-1!"&GOTO :removeRightSpace

for /f "eol=# tokens=*" %%a in ('Find "JVM Heap Size" "config.txt"') do (
  for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ("%%a") do (
    set heapSize=%%i
    set heapSize=!heapSize: =!

if [%heapSize%]==[] (
set heapSize=3072

REM ## Verify the path is correct to avoid error when execute the JMeter binary. ##
dir "%JmeterPath%" | FIND "ApacheJMeter.jar" >NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto :JMTpathError

echo                Welcome To The Generic Test Suite
echo  **********************************************************************
echo * The available test script(s) to run :

REM ## List all .jmx files under .\DestJMXs folder ##
CD .\DestJMXs
for %%a in (*.jmx) do (
  echo   + "%%a"

echo Please choose the test(s) you want to run. You can :
echo . Run ALL test scripts by entering '*'. 
echo . Run A single test script by entering the file name.
echo . Run a GROUP of test scripts sharing the common text in file name by  
echo   entering 'TEXT*' (replace the TEXT part with the common text).
echo . EXAMPLES: -  "*";  "Films";  "Fi*" .
if /I Not "%testinput%" == "%~nx1" ( 
     set testInput=
     set /p testInput=Enter the TEST(s) you want to run :
IF /i "%testInput%" == "" GOTO :selectTest
REM ## Remove empty space from the input, to avoid JMeter execution error. ##
  for /f "delims=. tokens=1" %%i in ("%testInput%") do (
    set testInput=%%i
    set "testInput=!testInput: =!"
IF /i "%testInput%" == "" GOTO :selectTest

REM ## Check the input file name are existing, to avoid the execution error. ##
echo * The test script(s) you have chosen :
for %%a in (%testInput%.jmx) do (
  echo   -"%%a"
DIR %testInput%.jmx >NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto :404Error

if /I not  "%~2" == "y" ( 
     set confirmInput=
     set /p confirmInput=   DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED? : [Y/n] 
    ) else (
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "" GOTO :executeTest
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "Y" GOTO :executeTest
     IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "N" GOTO :selectTest
rem setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
CD ..
SET wdir="%cd%\DestJMXs"
for %%a in (DestJMXs\%testInput%.jmx) do (
  rem echo "%%a"
  set testName=%%a
  start "JMeter Test Window" call .\Executor\JMeterRunGen.bat
  timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL


echo                             xxxxxxxx
echo                               ERROR
echo   Can not find "ApacheJMeter.jar" file under the path you input:
echo   "%JmeterPath%". 
echo   Please check the setting in your "config.txt" file.

rem echo.
echo ERROR: Please check your file "%testInput%.jmx" exists in ".\DestJMXs\" directory.

Obs.: 1 The answer is considering that the bat file in which you will use the input is: %UserProfile%\Desktop\QVScalabilityTools\ScriptExecutor<b>ExecuteTests2.bat

Obs.: 2 The lines where editions took place are suggested respectively are:

003:  cls && cd /d "%~dp0"

008:  if /I [%~1]==[debug] set "debug=on"
009:  if /I not [%~x1]==[.jmx] set "testInput=%~nx1"

069:  if /I Not "%testinput%" == "%~nx1" ( 
070:       set testInput=
071:       set /p testInput=Enter the TEST(s) you want to run :
072:      )

096:  if /I not  "%~2" == "y" ( 
097:       set confirmInput=
098:       set /p confirmInput=   DO YOU WANT TO PROCEED? : [Y/n] 
099:       ) else (
100:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "" GOTO :executeTest
101:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "Y" GOTO :executeTest
102:        IF /i "%confirmInput%" == "N" GOTO :selectTest
103:   )

Obs.: 3 The edits made your bat use the %~1 and %~2 arguments, where respectively they will be used in the relevant inputs:

..\ExecuteTests2.bat Scripttest.jmx y