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How do I perform DHCP reservations using HyperV in Windows 10 Pro?

I've recently had to move from the Linux/libvirt world to a Windows 10 Pro system utilizing HyperV machine for some testing, and frankly don't know what I'm doing.

I have a CentOS virtual machine completely set up and working in HyperV, accessible via the HyperV Manager. What I'd like to do is ensure it has a static IP address assigned to it at boot when it performs DHCP. Currently, it is assigned whatever the internal Vswitch's DHCP server decides it should get.

In libvirt, I'd set up a configuration for the virtual machine's network to perform DHCP reservations. I'd provide it the MAC address of the VM, and on boot the DHCP server would always assign the IP I indicated, making it easy to set up static DNS records to reach that VM from the host.

I don't seem to be able to do that from Windows 10 Pro HyperV. If I select "Virtual Switch Manager" in the HyperV Manager, I get options for the switch, but nothing about DHCP reservations. Similarly in the VM Guest's settings, I see nothing allowing for reservations, but maybe I missed something.

Is this functionality that Windows HyperV has for the internal DHCP servers on VSwitches? I know I can statically assign an IP address in the virtual NAT'd network I have set up by default, but I'd prefer not to, as I am going to roll out a bunch of guests and it'd be much cleaner to just pre-define their MAC's and have them "automagically" connect. Thanks!