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I don't know what I wrondid wrong, was it a wrong package or something else. Now I can't change the keyboard layout. Is there a way to reset the setting of xkb to fix this problem?

I don't know what I wron, was it a wrong package or something else. Now I can't change the keyboard layout. Is there a way to reset the setting of xkb to fix this problem?

I don't know what I did wrong, was it a wrong package or something else. Now I can't change the keyboard layout. Is there a way to reset the setting of xkb to fix this problem?

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Your xorg.conf does not contain any XkbLayoout options Error in puppyLinux

I don't know what I wron, was it a wrong package or something else. Now I can't change the keyboard layout. Is there a way to reset the setting of xkb to fix this problem?