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removed vcpython27 not needed in pycryptodome
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The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the DeDRM tool for python2.7 and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks winbind
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Download VCForPython27.msi, we need it for pycrypto

  8. Install python, pip, vcforpython, and pycyrptpycryptodome:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/VCForPython27.msi
     wine python.exe -m pip install pycryptopycryptodome
  9. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  10. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  11. You should get the output:

     Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the DeDRM tool for python2.7 and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks winbind
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Download VCForPython27.msi, we need it for pycrypto

  8. Install python, pip, vcforpython, and pycyrpt:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/VCForPython27.msi
     wine python.exe -m pip install pycrypto
  9. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  10. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  11. You should get the output:

    Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the DeDRM tool for python2.7 and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks winbind
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Install python, pip and pycryptodome:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine pip install pycryptodome
  8. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  9. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  10. You should get the output:

     Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

added winbind in install
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The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the latest DeDRM tool for python2.7 and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks winbind
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Download VCForPython27.msi, we need it for pycrypto

  8. Install python, pip, vcforpython, and pycyrpt:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/VCForPython27.msi
     wine python.exe -m pip install pycrypto
  9. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  10. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  11. You should get the output:

    Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the latest DeDRM tool and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Download VCForPython27.msi, we need it for pycrypto

  8. Install python, pip, vcforpython, and pycyrpt:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/VCForPython27.msi
     wine python.exe -m pip install pycrypto
  9. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  10. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  11. You should get the output:

    Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the DeDRM tool for python2.7 and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks winbind
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Download VCForPython27.msi, we need it for pycrypto

  8. Install python, pip, vcforpython, and pycyrpt:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/VCForPython27.msi
     wine python.exe -m pip install pycrypto
  9. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  10. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  11. You should get the output:

    Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

Adobe DE link => generic language instead of french. Add proper link for "perfectly fine" of DRM removal.
Source Link

The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the latest DeDRM tool and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital EditionsAdobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Download VCForPython27.msi, we need it for pycrypto

  8. Install python, pip, vcforpython, and pycyrpt:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/VCForPython27.msi
     wine python.exe -m pip install pycrypto
  9. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  10. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  11. You should get the output:

    Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fineit's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the latest DeDRM tool and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Download VCForPython27.msi, we need it for pycrypto

  8. Install python, pip, vcforpython, and pycyrpt:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/VCForPython27.msi
     wine python.exe -m pip install pycrypto
  9. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  10. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  11. You should get the output:

    Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

The question is quite old, but people like myself still trip up on DRM locked ebooks. I assume you want to get out of the acsm a DRM-free epub. My instruction is for Ubuntu/Debian using apt-get, but the tools exist for other distros as well. I need a couple of tools in particular: the latest DeDRM tool and wine. On wine, we will install Adobe Digital Editions, python and pip for windows

  1. Install wine and winetricks because we will run Adobe Digital Editions in wine. By default ubuntu19.10 intalled wine 4 on my machine. Its easier to upgrade to wine5 first. ADE works so much better with wine5.

     sudo apt-get install winehq-stable winetricks
  2. Install dotnet40

     winetricks dotnet40 
  3. Now download Adobe Digital Editions for Windows and install it:

     wine Downloads/ADE_4.5_Installer.exe 
  4. After installing and launching DigitalEditions you will need to authorize you computer or log in with your adobe id if you don`t have one create it for free.

  5. Open in ADE the acsm file. It will download the epub into your user documents folder (e.g., ~/Documents ) in sub dir "My\ Digital\ Editions". Note that the file is still DRM protected.

  6. Now its time to run DeDRM from python wine. Unzip DeDRM tool Version 6.x and locate the file.

  7. Download VCForPython27.msi, we need it for pycrypto

  8. Install python, pip, vcforpython, and pycyrpt:

     winetricks python27 # this should also install pip
     wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/VCForPython27.msi
     wine python.exe -m pip install pycrypto
  9. Run from the dedrm you downloaded before with wine python:

     wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe 
  10. You get the adobekey_1.der that you need to run the other script:

     python adobekey_1.der ~/Path/to/drm_locked.epub your_drm_free_out.epub

    For pdfs use '' inststead of ''. If you get an error in this step about python, adjust the term 'python', to 'python2' or 'python3'.

  11. You should get the output:

    Successfully decrypted drm_locked.epub as your_drm_free_out.epub

Done. Read your epub on any epub reader, e.g., okular, readera, lithium.

To be sure, this is quite a few steps. However, ADE is not a good reader, and the reading experience using wine even worse. I disagree that removing DRM is not legal; for personal use it's perfectly fine to remove DRM from your purchased ebooks. Publishers, of course, have an interest in reducing and controlling access to the material. EFF has some interesting articles on DMCA, DRM, and copyright. Have fun reading.

DeDRM Version 7 will use python3, which is not installable through winetricks
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winetricks installs pip
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Added suggestion about inetpdf.pdf and recommended to use wine5 instead of wine4 to run ADE
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I had an error with this, found the answer on the Calibre forums.
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I had an error with this, found the answer on the Calibre forums.
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Remove stray backtick from example code
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add some notes on EFF, DMCA and DRM
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