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To show only the current directory in powershellPowerShell (or pwsh), put this in your profile.ps1profile.ps1:

function prompt { 'PS - ' + (get-item .).name + ' >' }

function prompt { 'PS - ' + (get-item .).name + ' >' }

To show only the current directory in powershell (or pwsh), put this in your profile.ps1:

function prompt { 'PS - ' + (get-item .).name + ' >' }

To show only the current directory in PowerShell (or pwsh), put this in your profile.ps1:

function prompt { 'PS - ' + (get-item .).name + ' >' }
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To show only the current directory in powershell (or pwsh), put this in your profile.ps1:

function prompt { 'PS - ' + (get-item .).name + ' >' }