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This error usually occurs when a PC is configured without a WinRE partition, instead storing WinRE on the Boot or OS partition.

  1. Boot a Windows Install USB
  2. Once GUI loads, press SHIFT+F10
  3. BootRec
    • BIOS: BootRec /FixMBR && BootRec /FixBoot && BootRec /RebuildBCD
    • UEFI: BootRec /FixMBR && BootRec /RebuildBCD
  4. Reboot to Windows

It's recommended to move WinRE to its own partition: (ReAgentC)

  1. Open an Admin Terminal: WinKey+R > Open: cmdpowershell > CTRL+SHIFT OK

  2. Backup current WinRE.wim:

    1. Verify if C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.wim exists:

       ls "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery" | FindStr /I "WinRE.wim" ; ls "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery" -Hidden | FindStr /I "WinRE.wim"
    2. If it doesn't:

       Xcopy /H "C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.wim" "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery"
      • BIOS: May store WinRE on Boot partition: Mount Boot partition at Y: > Update WIM path

  3. Create a 650MB WinRE Partition: WinKey+R > Open: DiskPart > OK

    1. sel vol c
    2. shrink desired=665 minimum=650
      • WinRE partition must have 320MB free (WinRE.wim is ~300MB in size)
      • If this command fails, you will need to use a 3rd party partition manager to shrink the system partition by 665MB [RAW], as the formatted size should be 650MB.
    3. BIOS: cre par pri size=665 id=27
      UEFI: cre par pri size=665 id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac
    4. format fs=ntfs quick label=WinRE
    5. assign letter=z
    6. UEFI only: gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001

  4. Copy WinRE.wim:

    MkDir "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE" ; Xcopy /H "C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.wim" "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE"
  5. Disable WinRE: ReAgentC /Disable

  6. Set Custom WinRE Path: ReAgentC /SetREimage /Path "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE"

  7. Enable WinRE: ReAgentC /Enable

  8. Verify: ReAgentC /Info

This error usually occurs when a PC is configured without a WinRE partition, instead storing WinRE on the Boot or OS partition.

  1. Boot a Windows Install USB
  2. Once GUI loads, press SHIFT+F10
  3. BootRec
    • BIOS: BootRec /FixMBR && BootRec /FixBoot && BootRec /RebuildBCD
    • UEFI: BootRec /FixMBR && BootRec /RebuildBCD
  4. Reboot to Windows

It's recommended to move WinRE to its own partition: (ReAgentC)

  1. Open an Admin Terminal: WinKey+R > Open: cmd > CTRL+SHIFT OK

  2. Backup current WinRE.wim:

    1. Verify if C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.wim exists:

       ls "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery" | FindStr /I "WinRE.wim" ; ls "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery" -Hidden | FindStr /I "WinRE.wim"
    2. If it doesn't:

       Xcopy /H "C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.wim" "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery"
      • BIOS: May store WinRE on Boot partition: Mount Boot partition at Y: > Update WIM path

  3. Create a 650MB WinRE Partition: WinKey+R > Open: DiskPart > OK

    1. sel vol c
    2. shrink desired=665 minimum=650
      • WinRE partition must have 320MB free (WinRE.wim is ~300MB in size)
      • If this command fails, you will need to use a 3rd party partition manager to shrink the system partition by 665MB [RAW], as the formatted size should be 650MB.
    3. BIOS: cre par pri size=665 id=27
      UEFI: cre par pri size=665 id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac
    4. format fs=ntfs quick label=WinRE
    5. assign letter=z
    6. UEFI only: gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001

  4. Copy WinRE.wim:

    MkDir "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE" ; Xcopy /H "C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.wim" "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE"
  5. Disable WinRE: ReAgentC /Disable

  6. Set Custom WinRE Path: ReAgentC /SetREimage /Path "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE"

  7. Enable WinRE: ReAgentC /Enable

  8. Verify: ReAgentC /Info

This error usually occurs when a PC is configured without a WinRE partition, instead storing WinRE on the Boot or OS partition.

  1. Boot a Windows Install USB
  2. Once GUI loads, press SHIFT+F10
  3. BootRec
    • BIOS: BootRec /FixMBR && BootRec /FixBoot && BootRec /RebuildBCD
    • UEFI: BootRec /FixMBR && BootRec /RebuildBCD
  4. Reboot to Windows

It's recommended to move WinRE to its own partition: (ReAgentC)

  1. Open an Admin Terminal: WinKey+R > Open: powershell > CTRL+SHIFT OK

  2. Backup current WinRE.wim:

    1. Verify if C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.wim exists:

       ls "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery" | FindStr /I "WinRE.wim" ; ls "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery" -Hidden | FindStr /I "WinRE.wim"
    2. If it doesn't:

       Xcopy /H "C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.wim" "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery"
      • BIOS: May store WinRE on Boot partition: Mount Boot at Y: > Update WIM path

  3. Create a 650MB WinRE Partition: WinKey+R > Open: DiskPart > OK

    1. sel vol c
    2. shrink desired=665 minimum=650
      • WinRE partition must have 320MB free (WinRE.wim is ~300MB in size)
      • If this command fails, you will need to use a 3rd party partition manager to shrink the system partition by 665MB [RAW], as the formatted size should be 650MB.
    3. BIOS: cre par pri size=665 id=27
      UEFI: cre par pri size=665 id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac
    4. format fs=ntfs quick label=WinRE
    5. assign letter=z
    6. UEFI only: gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001

  4. Copy WinRE.wim:

    MkDir "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE" ; Xcopy /H "C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.wim" "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE"
  5. Disable WinRE: ReAgentC /Disable

  6. Set Custom WinRE Path: ReAgentC /SetREimage /Path "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE"

  7. Enable WinRE: ReAgentC /Enable

  8. Verify: ReAgentC /Info

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This error usually occurs when a PC is configured without a WinRE partition, instead storing WinRE on the Boot or OS partition.

  1. Boot a Windows Install USB
  2. Once GUI loads, press SHIFT+F10
  3. BootRec
    • BIOS: BootRec /FixMBR && BootRec /FixBoot && BootRec /RebuildBCD
    • UEFI: BootRec /FixMBR && BootRec /RebuildBCD
  4. Reboot to Windows

It's recommended to move WinRE to its own partition: (ReAgentC)

  1. Open an Admin Terminal: WinKey+R > Open: cmd > CTRL+SHIFT OK

  2. Backup current WinRE.wim:

    1. Verify if C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.wim exists:

       ls "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery" | FindStr /I "WinRE.wim" ; ls "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery" -Hidden | FindStr /I "WinRE.wim"
    2. If it doesn't:

       Xcopy /H "C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.wim" "C:\Windows\System32\Recovery"
      • BIOS: May store WinRE on Boot partition: Mount Boot partition at Y: > Update WIM path

  3. Create a 650MB WinRE Partition: WinKey+R > Open: DiskPart > OK

    1. sel vol c
    2. shrink desired=665 minimum=650
      • WinRE partition must have 320MB free (WinRE.wim is ~300MB in size)
      • If this command fails, you will need to use a 3rd party partition manager to shrink the system partition by 665MB [RAW], as the formatted size should be 650MB.
    3. BIOS: cre par pri size=665 id=27
      UEFI: cre par pri size=665 id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac
    4. format fs=ntfs quick label=WinRE
    5. assign letter=z
    6. UEFI only: gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001

  4. Copy WinRE.wim:

    MkDir "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE" ; Xcopy /H "C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.wim" "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE"
  5. Disable WinRE: ReAgentC /Disable

  6. Set Custom WinRE Path: ReAgentC /SetREimage /Path "Z:\Recovery\WindowsRE"

  7. Enable WinRE: ReAgentC /Enable

  8. Verify: ReAgentC /Info