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  1. Some online blog suggested to remove what is not required from the .conf file, so I changed the file to just this:

{lager, [
{log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},
{handlers, [
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},
{level, info},
{date, ""},
{size, 0}]}
{extra_sinks, [ {rabbit_log_lager_event,[{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]}

After performing the above, I executed the RabbitMQ command 'rabbitmq-plugins' enable 'rabbitmq_management' & restarted the server & rabbitmq service, still the login page for RabbitMQ 'http://localhost:15672/' could not be opened.

  1. Some other blog suggested to keep the .conf file as:

[ {rabbit, [{log_levels,[{connection, error}]}]} ].

After performing the above, I executed the RabbitMQ command 'rabbitmq-plugins' enable 'rabbitmq_management' & restarted the server & rabbitmq service, still the login page for RabbitMQ 'http://localhost:15672/' could not be opened.

I have gone through several blogs & forums, but have not been able to identify where I am going wrong. I deeply suspect that something is wrong the moment I renamed my config file to .conf'.conf', because then the RabbitMQ stopped working.

I have gone through several blogs & forums, but have not been able to identify where I am going wrong. I deeply suspect that something is wrong the moment I renamed my config file to .conf, because then the RabbitMQ stopped working.

  1. Some online blog suggested to remove what is not required from the .conf file, so I changed the file to just this:

{lager, [
{log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},
{handlers, [
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},
{level, info},
{date, ""},
{size, 0}]}
{extra_sinks, [ {rabbit_log_lager_event,[{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]}

After performing the above, I executed the RabbitMQ command 'rabbitmq-plugins' enable 'rabbitmq_management' & restarted the server & rabbitmq service, still the login page for RabbitMQ 'http://localhost:15672/' could not be opened.

  1. Some other blog suggested to keep the .conf file as:

[ {rabbit, [{log_levels,[{connection, error}]}]} ].

After performing the above, I executed the RabbitMQ command 'rabbitmq-plugins' enable 'rabbitmq_management' & restarted the server & rabbitmq service, still the login page for RabbitMQ 'http://localhost:15672/' could not be opened.

I have gone through several blogs & forums, but have not been able to identify where I am going wrong. I deeply suspect that something is wrong the moment I renamed my config file to '.conf', because then the RabbitMQ stopped working.

Refined my query
Source Link

RabbitMQ - To be able to log only ‘Error’ & alsoUnable to avoid logging ‘Info’find rabbitmq.conf file

  1. Install Erlang OTO 21 (10.0.1) with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

  2. Install RabbitMQ 3.7.7 with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

  3. During the installation process, I have not created any environment variables etc.

  4. On completion of Erlang & RabbitMQ installation, RabbitMQ service is up & by default, the log is being created under the path \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log . Currently we can see too many ‘INFO’ entries in this log & the log is getting filled too soon which will unnecessarily eat up the disk space at a pace of almost 500 MB per day, leading to other problems over a period of few days. We are interested that only ‘Error’ are logged in the log file & that ‘Info’ shall not be logged.

  5. From Run -> services.msc, stop the RabbitMQ service.

  6. I am able to find the rabbitmq.config.example file under the folder \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ

  7. In the %% Lager controls logging. section at the bottom of the file, I make changes in the example file to change the logging level from ‘info’ to ‘error’ as follows:

    %% Lager controls logging.  
      %% See for more documentation  
      {lager, [ 
       %% Log directory, taken from the RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE env variable by default.  
       %% {log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},  
       %% All log messages go to the default "sink" configured with  
       %% the `handlers` parameter. By default, it has a single  
       %% lager_file_backend handler writing messages to "$nodename.log"  
       %% (ie. the value of $RABBIT_LOGS).  
       %% {handlers, [  
       %%   {lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},  
       %%                         {level, error},  
       %%                         {date, ""},  
       %%                         {size, 0}]}  
       %% ]},  
       %% Extra sinks are used in RabbitMQ to categorize messages. By  
       %% default, those extra sinks are configured to forward messages  
       %% to the default sink (see above). "rabbit_log_lager_event"  
       %% is the default category where all RabbitMQ messages without  
       %% a category go. Messages in the "channel" category go to the  
       %% "rabbit_channel_lager_event" Lager extra sink, and so on.  
       %% {extra_sinks, [  
       %%   {rabbit_log_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                               {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                   {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                    [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                     {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                      [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                     {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                      [lager_event, error]}]}]}  
       %% ]}  
    Install Erlang OTO 21 (10.0.1) with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.
  8. Rename the file RabbitMQ.config.example to rabbitmq.conf

    Install RabbitMQ 3.7.7 with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.
  9. Open RabbitMQ command prompt, & execute the command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

    During the installation process, I have not created any environment variables etc.
  10. From Run -> services.msc, start the RabbitMQ service.

    On completion of Erlang & RabbitMQ installation, RabbitMQ service is up & by default, the log is being created under the path \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log . Currently we can see too many ‘INFO’ entries in this log & the log is getting filled too soon which will unnecessarily eat up the disk space at a pace of almost 500 MB per day, leading to other problems over a period of few days. We are interested that only ‘Error’ are logged in the log file & that ‘Info’ shall not be logged.
  11. Restart the server.

    From Run -> services.msc, stop the RabbitMQ service.
  12. After this though logging stops happening, not because the above changes worked, but because RabbitMQ stops working.

    The log file mentions the path of config files as follows:
    config file(s) : c:/Users/MANPRE~1.SIN/AppData/Roaming/RabbitMQ/advanced.config
    : c:/Users/MANPRE~1.SIN/AppData/Roaming/RabbitMQ/rabbitmq.conf

As I am not able to find the rabbitmq.conf file under the folder \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ, I would have rather expected the entry in log for config as 'rabbitmq.conf not found', but no such entry is there in the log.

  1. However, I am able to find rabbitmq.config.example file under the same path. I uncomment the code & remove the comments from the file and save the file as below:

''' [
{rabbit, [{tcp_listeners, [5672]},
{tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672},
{"::1", 5672}]},
{ssl_listeners, [5671]},
{num_tcp_acceptors, 10},
{num_ssl_acceptors, 1},
{handshake_timeout, 10000},
{reverse_dns_lookups, false},
{loopback_users, [<<"guest">>]},
{loopback_users, []},
{ssl_options, [{cacertfile, "/path/to/testca/cacert.pem"},
{certfile, "/path/to/server/cert.pem"},
{keyfile, "/path/to/server/key.pem"},
{verify, verify_peer},
{fail_if_no_peer_cert, false}]},
{auth_mechanisms, ['PLAIN', 'AMQPLAIN']},
{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_internal]},
{auth_mechanisms, ['EXTERNAL']},
{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]},
{ssl_cert_login_from, distinguished_name},
{ssl_handshake_timeout, 5000},
{ssl_allow_poodle_attack, false},
{password_hashing_module, rabbit_password_hashing_sha256},
{config_entry_decoder, [{passphrase, <<"mypassphrase">>}]}
{config_entry_decoder, [{passphrase, {file, "/path/to/passphrase/file"}}]}
{config_entry_decoder, [{passphrase, prompt}]}
{config_entry_decoder, [{cipher, aes_cbc256},
{hash, sha512},
{iterations, 1000}]}
{default_vhost, <<"/">>},
{default_user, <<"guest">>},
{default_pass, <<"guest">>},
{default_permissions, [<<".">>, <<".">>, <<".*">>]},
{default_user_tags, [administrator]},
{heartbeat, 60},
{frame_max, 131072},
{initial_frame_max, 4096},
{channel_max, 0},
{connection_max, infinity},
{tcp_listen_options, [{backlog, 128},
{nodelay, true},
{exit_on_close, false}]},
{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.4},
{vm_memory_high_watermark, {absolute, 1073741824}},
{vm_memory_high_watermark, {absolute, "1024M"}},
{vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio, 0.5},
{vm_memory_calculation_strategy, rss},
{memory_monitor_interval, 2500},
{total_memory_available_override_value, "5000MB"},
{disk_free_limit, 50000000},
{disk_free_limit, "50MB"},
{disk_free_limit, "50000kB"},
{disk_free_limit, "2GB"},
{disk_free_limit, {mem_relative, 2.0}},
{queue_master_locator, <<"client-local">>},
{mirroring_sync_batch_size, 4096},
{mirroring_flow_control, true},
{server_properties, []},
{cluster_partition_handling, ignore},
{mirroring_sync_batch_size, 4096},
{cluster_nodes, {['[email protected]'], disc}},
{cluster_keepalive_interval, 10000},
{collect_statistics, none},
{collect_statistics_interval, 5000},
{trace_vhosts, []},
{hipe_compile, false},
{delegate_count, 16},
{mnesia_table_loading_retry_limit, 10},
{mnesia_table_loading_retry_timeout, 30000},
{queue_index_embed_msgs_below, 4096},
{queue_index_max_journal_entries, 32768},
{msg_store_credit_disc_bound, {4000, 800}},
{msg_store_io_batch_size, 4096},
{credit_flow_default_credit, {400, 200}},
{channel_operation_timeout, 15000},
{queue_explicit_gc_run_operation_threshold, 1000},
{lazy_queue_explicit_gc_run_operation_threshold, 1000},
{disk_monitor_failure_retries, 10},
{disk_monitor_failure_retry_interval, 120000},
{background_gc_enabled, false},
{background_gc_target_interval, 60000},
{msg_store_file_size_limit, 16777216},
{fhc_write_buffering, true},
{fhc_read_buffering, false}
{kernel, [{net_ticktime, 60}]},
{rabbitmq_management, [ {load_definitions, "/path/to/exported/definitions.json"},
{http_log_dir, "/path/to/rabbitmq/logs/http"},
{listener, [{port, 12345},
{ip, ""},
{ssl, true},
{ssl_opts, [{cacertfile, "/path/to/cacert.pem"},
{certfile, "/path/to/cert.pem"},
{keyfile, "/path/to/key.pem"}]}]},
{rates_mode, basic},
[{global, [{60, 5}, {3600, 60}, {86400, 1200}]},
{basic, [{60, 5}, {3600, 60}]},
{detailed, [{10, 5}]}]}
[{sources, [{brokers, ["amqp://user:[email protected]/my_vhost"]},{declarations, []}]}, {destinations, [{broker, "amqp://"},{declarations, []}]},
{queue, <<"your-queue-name-goes-here">>},
{prefetch_count, 10},
{ack_mode, on_confirm},
{publish_fields, [{exchange, <<"my_exchange">>},
{routing_key, <<"from_shovel">>}]},
{publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},
{reconnect_delay, 2.5}
{defaults, [{prefetch_count, 0},
{ack_mode, on_confirm},
{publish_fields, []},
{publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},
{reconnect_delay, 2.5}]}

{tcp_listeners, [{"", 61613},
{"::1", 61613}]},
{ssl_listeners, [61614]},
{num_tcp_acceptors, 10},
{num_ssl_acceptors, 1},
{ssl_cert_login, true},
[{login, "guest"},
{passcode, "guest"}]},
{implicit_connect, true},
{proxy_protocol, false}

{default_user, <<"guest">>},
{default_pass, <<"guest">>},
{allow_anonymous, true},
{vhost, <<"/">>},
{exchange, <<"amq.topic">>},
{subscription_ttl, 1800000},
{prefetch, 10},
{tcp_listeners, [1883]},
{ssl_listeners, []},
{num_tcp_acceptors, 10},
{num_ssl_acceptors, 1},
{tcp_listen_options, [
{backlog, 128},
{linger, {true, 0}},
{exit_on_close, false}
{proxy_protocol, false}

{default_user, "guest"},
{protocol_strict_mode, false}

{servers, ["your-server-name-goes-here"]},
{use_ssl, false},
{port, 389},
{timeout, infinity},
{log, false},
{user_dn_pattern, "cn=${username},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"},
{dn_lookup_attribute, "userPrincipalName"},
{dn_lookup_base, "DC=gopivotal,DC=com"},
{other_bind, as_user},
{vhost_access_query, {in_group,"ou=${vhost}- users,ou=vhosts,dc=example,dc=com"}}, {resource_access_query, {constant, true}},
{tag_queries, []}

{lager, [
{log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},
{handlers, [
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},
{level, info},
{date, ""},
{size, 0}]}
{extra_sinks, [ {rabbit_log_lager_event,[{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers,[{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]}

  1. Rename the file RabbitMQ.config.example to rabbitmq.conf
  2. Open RabbitMQ command prompt, & execute the command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
  3. From Run -> services.msc, start the RabbitMQ service.
  4. Restart the server.
  5. After this though logging stops happening, not because the above changes worked, but because RabbitMQ stops working.

I will appreciate if you are able to point out where am I going wrong, or could guide me to be able to log ‘error’ infind the log.conf file instead of logging ‘info’.

RabbitMQ - To be able to log only ‘Error’ & also to avoid logging ‘Info’

  1. Install Erlang OTO 21 (10.0.1) with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

  2. Install RabbitMQ 3.7.7 with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

  3. During the installation process, I have not created any environment variables etc.

  4. On completion of Erlang & RabbitMQ installation, RabbitMQ service is up & by default, the log is being created under the path \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log . Currently we can see too many ‘INFO’ entries in this log & the log is getting filled too soon which will unnecessarily eat up the disk space at a pace of almost 500 MB per day, leading to other problems over a period of few days. We are interested that only ‘Error’ are logged in the log file & that ‘Info’ shall not be logged.

  5. From Run -> services.msc, stop the RabbitMQ service.

  6. I am able to find the rabbitmq.config.example file under the folder \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ

  7. In the %% Lager controls logging. section at the bottom of the file, I make changes in the example file to change the logging level from ‘info’ to ‘error’ as follows:

    %% Lager controls logging.  
      %% See for more documentation  
      {lager, [ 
       %% Log directory, taken from the RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE env variable by default.  
       %% {log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},  
       %% All log messages go to the default "sink" configured with  
       %% the `handlers` parameter. By default, it has a single  
       %% lager_file_backend handler writing messages to "$nodename.log"  
       %% (ie. the value of $RABBIT_LOGS).  
       %% {handlers, [  
       %%   {lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},  
       %%                         {level, error},  
       %%                         {date, ""},  
       %%                         {size, 0}]}  
       %% ]},  
       %% Extra sinks are used in RabbitMQ to categorize messages. By  
       %% default, those extra sinks are configured to forward messages  
       %% to the default sink (see above). "rabbit_log_lager_event"  
       %% is the default category where all RabbitMQ messages without  
       %% a category go. Messages in the "channel" category go to the  
       %% "rabbit_channel_lager_event" Lager extra sink, and so on.  
       %% {extra_sinks, [  
       %%   {rabbit_log_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                               {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                   {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                    [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                     {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                      [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                     {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                      [lager_event, error]}]}]}  
       %% ]}  
  8. Rename the file RabbitMQ.config.example to rabbitmq.conf

  9. Open RabbitMQ command prompt, & execute the command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

  10. From Run -> services.msc, start the RabbitMQ service.

  11. Restart the server.

  12. After this though logging stops happening, not because the above changes worked, but because RabbitMQ stops working.

I will appreciate if you are able to point out where am I going wrong, or could guide me to be able to log ‘error’ in the log file instead of logging ‘info’.

RabbitMQ - Unable to find rabbitmq.conf file

  1. Install Erlang OTO 21 (10.0.1) with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.
  2. Install RabbitMQ 3.7.7 with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.
  3. During the installation process, I have not created any environment variables etc.
  4. On completion of Erlang & RabbitMQ installation, RabbitMQ service is up & by default, the log is being created under the path \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log . Currently we can see too many ‘INFO’ entries in this log & the log is getting filled too soon which will unnecessarily eat up the disk space at a pace of almost 500 MB per day, leading to other problems over a period of few days. We are interested that only ‘Error’ are logged in the log file & that ‘Info’ shall not be logged.
  5. From Run -> services.msc, stop the RabbitMQ service.
  6. The log file mentions the path of config files as follows:
    config file(s) : c:/Users/MANPRE~1.SIN/AppData/Roaming/RabbitMQ/advanced.config
    : c:/Users/MANPRE~1.SIN/AppData/Roaming/RabbitMQ/rabbitmq.conf

As I am not able to find the rabbitmq.conf file under the folder \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ, I would have rather expected the entry in log for config as 'rabbitmq.conf not found', but no such entry is there in the log.

  1. However, I am able to find rabbitmq.config.example file under the same path. I uncomment the code & remove the comments from the file and save the file as below:

''' [
{rabbit, [{tcp_listeners, [5672]},
{tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672},
{"::1", 5672}]},
{ssl_listeners, [5671]},
{num_tcp_acceptors, 10},
{num_ssl_acceptors, 1},
{handshake_timeout, 10000},
{reverse_dns_lookups, false},
{loopback_users, [<<"guest">>]},
{loopback_users, []},
{ssl_options, [{cacertfile, "/path/to/testca/cacert.pem"},
{certfile, "/path/to/server/cert.pem"},
{keyfile, "/path/to/server/key.pem"},
{verify, verify_peer},
{fail_if_no_peer_cert, false}]},
{auth_mechanisms, ['PLAIN', 'AMQPLAIN']},
{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_internal]},
{auth_mechanisms, ['EXTERNAL']},
{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]},
{ssl_cert_login_from, distinguished_name},
{ssl_handshake_timeout, 5000},
{ssl_allow_poodle_attack, false},
{password_hashing_module, rabbit_password_hashing_sha256},
{config_entry_decoder, [{passphrase, <<"mypassphrase">>}]}
{config_entry_decoder, [{passphrase, {file, "/path/to/passphrase/file"}}]}
{config_entry_decoder, [{passphrase, prompt}]}
{config_entry_decoder, [{cipher, aes_cbc256},
{hash, sha512},
{iterations, 1000}]}
{default_vhost, <<"/">>},
{default_user, <<"guest">>},
{default_pass, <<"guest">>},
{default_permissions, [<<".">>, <<".">>, <<".*">>]},
{default_user_tags, [administrator]},
{heartbeat, 60},
{frame_max, 131072},
{initial_frame_max, 4096},
{channel_max, 0},
{connection_max, infinity},
{tcp_listen_options, [{backlog, 128},
{nodelay, true},
{exit_on_close, false}]},
{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.4},
{vm_memory_high_watermark, {absolute, 1073741824}},
{vm_memory_high_watermark, {absolute, "1024M"}},
{vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio, 0.5},
{vm_memory_calculation_strategy, rss},
{memory_monitor_interval, 2500},
{total_memory_available_override_value, "5000MB"},
{disk_free_limit, 50000000},
{disk_free_limit, "50MB"},
{disk_free_limit, "50000kB"},
{disk_free_limit, "2GB"},
{disk_free_limit, {mem_relative, 2.0}},
{queue_master_locator, <<"client-local">>},
{mirroring_sync_batch_size, 4096},
{mirroring_flow_control, true},
{server_properties, []},
{cluster_partition_handling, ignore},
{mirroring_sync_batch_size, 4096},
{cluster_nodes, {['[email protected]'], disc}},
{cluster_keepalive_interval, 10000},
{collect_statistics, none},
{collect_statistics_interval, 5000},
{trace_vhosts, []},
{hipe_compile, false},
{delegate_count, 16},
{mnesia_table_loading_retry_limit, 10},
{mnesia_table_loading_retry_timeout, 30000},
{queue_index_embed_msgs_below, 4096},
{queue_index_max_journal_entries, 32768},
{msg_store_credit_disc_bound, {4000, 800}},
{msg_store_io_batch_size, 4096},
{credit_flow_default_credit, {400, 200}},
{channel_operation_timeout, 15000},
{queue_explicit_gc_run_operation_threshold, 1000},
{lazy_queue_explicit_gc_run_operation_threshold, 1000},
{disk_monitor_failure_retries, 10},
{disk_monitor_failure_retry_interval, 120000},
{background_gc_enabled, false},
{background_gc_target_interval, 60000},
{msg_store_file_size_limit, 16777216},
{fhc_write_buffering, true},
{fhc_read_buffering, false}
{kernel, [{net_ticktime, 60}]},
{rabbitmq_management, [ {load_definitions, "/path/to/exported/definitions.json"},
{http_log_dir, "/path/to/rabbitmq/logs/http"},
{listener, [{port, 12345},
{ip, ""},
{ssl, true},
{ssl_opts, [{cacertfile, "/path/to/cacert.pem"},
{certfile, "/path/to/cert.pem"},
{keyfile, "/path/to/key.pem"}]}]},
{rates_mode, basic},
[{global, [{60, 5}, {3600, 60}, {86400, 1200}]},
{basic, [{60, 5}, {3600, 60}]},
{detailed, [{10, 5}]}]}
[{sources, [{brokers, ["amqp://user:[email protected]/my_vhost"]},{declarations, []}]}, {destinations, [{broker, "amqp://"},{declarations, []}]},
{queue, <<"your-queue-name-goes-here">>},
{prefetch_count, 10},
{ack_mode, on_confirm},
{publish_fields, [{exchange, <<"my_exchange">>},
{routing_key, <<"from_shovel">>}]},
{publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},
{reconnect_delay, 2.5}
{defaults, [{prefetch_count, 0},
{ack_mode, on_confirm},
{publish_fields, []},
{publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},
{reconnect_delay, 2.5}]}

{tcp_listeners, [{"", 61613},
{"::1", 61613}]},
{ssl_listeners, [61614]},
{num_tcp_acceptors, 10},
{num_ssl_acceptors, 1},
{ssl_cert_login, true},
[{login, "guest"},
{passcode, "guest"}]},
{implicit_connect, true},
{proxy_protocol, false}

{default_user, <<"guest">>},
{default_pass, <<"guest">>},
{allow_anonymous, true},
{vhost, <<"/">>},
{exchange, <<"amq.topic">>},
{subscription_ttl, 1800000},
{prefetch, 10},
{tcp_listeners, [1883]},
{ssl_listeners, []},
{num_tcp_acceptors, 10},
{num_ssl_acceptors, 1},
{tcp_listen_options, [
{backlog, 128},
{linger, {true, 0}},
{exit_on_close, false}
{proxy_protocol, false}

{default_user, "guest"},
{protocol_strict_mode, false}

{servers, ["your-server-name-goes-here"]},
{use_ssl, false},
{port, 389},
{timeout, infinity},
{log, false},
{user_dn_pattern, "cn=${username},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"},
{dn_lookup_attribute, "userPrincipalName"},
{dn_lookup_base, "DC=gopivotal,DC=com"},
{other_bind, as_user},
{vhost_access_query, {in_group,"ou=${vhost}- users,ou=vhosts,dc=example,dc=com"}}, {resource_access_query, {constant, true}},
{tag_queries, []}

{lager, [
{log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},
{handlers, [
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},
{level, info},
{date, ""},
{size, 0}]}
{extra_sinks, [ {rabbit_log_lager_event,[{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers,[{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]},
{rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [{lager_forwarder_backend,[lager_event, info]}]}]}

  1. Rename the file RabbitMQ.config.example to rabbitmq.conf
  2. Open RabbitMQ command prompt, & execute the command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
  3. From Run -> services.msc, start the RabbitMQ service.
  4. Restart the server.
  5. After this though logging stops happening, not because the above changes worked, but because RabbitMQ stops working.

I will appreciate if you are able to point out where am I going wrong, or could guide me to be able to find the .conf file.

Improved overall formatting and remove greetings.
Source Link

Rabbit MQ RabbitMQ - To be able to log only ‘Error’ & also to avoid logging ‘Info’

I am using RabbitMQ 3.7.7 &and performed the below steps in installation on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard:

  1. Install Erlang OTO 21 (10.0.1) with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

    Install Erlang OTO 21 (10.0.1) with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

  2. Install RabbitMQ 3.7.7 with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

    Install RabbitMQ 3.7.7 with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

  3. During the installation process, I have not created any environment variables etc.

    During the installation process, I have not created any environment variables etc.

  4. On completion of Erlang & RabbitMQ installation, RabbitMQ service is up & by default, the log is being created under the path \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log .

    On completion of Erlang & RabbitMQ installation, RabbitMQ service is up & by default, the log is being created under the path \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log . Currently we can see too many ‘INFO’ entries in this log & the log is getting filled too soon which will unnecessarily eat up the disk space at a pace of almost 500 MB per day, leading to other problems over a period of few days. We are interested that only ‘Error’ are logged in the log file & that ‘Info’ shall not be logged.

    Currently we can see too many ‘INFO’ entries in this log & the log is getting filled too soon which will unnecessarily eat up the disk space at a pace of almost 500 MB per day, leading to other problems over a period of few days.
  5. From Run -> services.msc, stop the RabbitMQ service.

    We are interested that only ‘Error’ are logged in the log file & that ‘Info’ shall not be logged.
  6. From Run -> services.msc, stop the RabbitMQ service.

    I am able to find the rabbitmq.config.example file under the folder \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ

  7. I am able to find the rabbitmq.config.example file under the folder ‘\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ’

    In the %% Lager controls logging. section at the bottom of the file, I make changes in the example file to change the logging level from ‘info’ to ‘error’ as follows:

    %% Lager controls logging.  
      %% See for more documentation  
      {lager, [ 
       %% Log directory, taken from the RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE env variable by default.  
       %% {log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},  
       %% All log messages go to the default "sink" configured with  
       %% the `handlers` parameter. By default, it has a single  
       %% lager_file_backend handler writing messages to "$nodename.log"  
       %% (ie. the value of $RABBIT_LOGS).  
       %% {handlers, [  
       %%   {lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},  
       %%                         {level, error},  
       %%                         {date, ""},  
       %%                         {size, 0}]}  
       %% ]},  
       %% Extra sinks are used in RabbitMQ to categorize messages. By  
       %% default, those extra sinks are configured to forward messages  
       %% to the default sink (see above). "rabbit_log_lager_event"  
       %% is the default category where all RabbitMQ messages without  
       %% a category go. Messages in the "channel" category go to the  
       %% "rabbit_channel_lager_event" Lager extra sink, and so on.  
       %% {extra_sinks, [  
       %%   {rabbit_log_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                               {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                   {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                    [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                     {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                      [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                     {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                      [lager_event, error]}]}]}  
       %% ]}  
  8. In the ‘%% Lager controls logging.’ section at the bottom of the file, I make changes in the example file to change the logging level from ‘info’  ‘error’ as follows:

    Rename the file RabbitMQ.config.example to rabbitmq.conf

  9. Open RabbitMQ command prompt, & execute the command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

  10. From Run -> services.msc, start the RabbitMQ service.

  11. Restart the server.

  12. After this though logging stops happening, not because the above changes worked, but because RabbitMQ stops working.

%% Lager controls logging.
%% See for more documentation
{lager, [ %%
%% Log directory, taken from the RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE env variable by default.
%% {log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},
%% All log messages go to the default "sink" configured with
%% the handlers parameter. By default, it has a single
%% lager_file_backend handler writing messages to "$nodename.log"
%% (ie. the value of $RABBIT_LOGS).
%% {handlers, [
%% {lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},
%% {level, error},
%% {date, ""},
%% {size, 0}]}
%% ]},
%% Extra sinks are used in RabbitMQ to categorize messages. By
%% default, those extra sinks are configured to forward messages
%% to the default sink (see above). "rabbit_log_lager_event"
%% is the default category where all RabbitMQ messages without
%% a category go. Messages in the "channel" category go to the
%% "rabbit_channel_lager_event" Lager extra sink, and so on.
%% {extra_sinks, [
%% {rabbit_log_lager_event, [{handlers, [
%% {lager_forwarder_backend,
%% [lager_event, error]}]}]},
%% {rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers, [
%% {lager_forwarder_backend,
%% [lager_event, error]}]}]},
%% {rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [
%% {lager_forwarder_backend,
%% [lager_event, error]}]}]},
%% {rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [
%% {lager_forwarder_backend,
%% [lager_event, error]}]}]}
%% ]}

  1. Rename the file rabbitmq.config.example to rabbitmq.conf
  2. Open RabbitMQ command prompt, & execute the command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
  3. From Run -> services.msc, start RabbitMQ service.
  4. Restart the server.
  5. After this though logging stops happening, not because the above changes worked, but because RabbitMQ stops working.

It is confirmed that RabbitMQ is not working as the URL ‘http://localhost:15672/’http://localhost:15672/ fails to launch, which was launching fine earlier by default installation, instead it gives starts giving a proxy & firewall error.

I have gone through several blogs & forums, but have not been able to identify where I am going wrong.
I I deeply suspect that something is wrong the moment I renamerenamed my config file to .conf.conf, because then the RabbitMQ stopsstopped working.

I will appreciate if you are able to point out where am I going wrong, or could guide me to be able to log ‘error’ in the log file instead of logging ‘info’.

Manpreet Singh

Rabbit MQ - To be able to log only ‘Error’ & also to avoid logging ‘Info’

I am using RabbitMQ 3.7.7 & performed below steps in installation on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard:

  1. Install Erlang OTO 21 (10.0.1) with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.
  2. Install RabbitMQ 3.7.7 with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.
  3. During the installation process, I have not created any environment variables etc.
  4. On completion of Erlang & RabbitMQ installation, RabbitMQ service is up & by default, the log is being created under the path \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log . Currently we can see too many ‘INFO’ entries in this log & the log is getting filled too soon which will unnecessarily eat up the disk space at a pace of almost 500 MB per day, leading to other problems over a period of few days. We are interested that only ‘Error’ are logged in the log file & that ‘Info’ shall not be logged.
  5. From Run -> services.msc, stop the RabbitMQ service.
  6. I am able to find the rabbitmq.config.example file under the folder ‘\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ’
  7. In the ‘%% Lager controls logging.’ section at the bottom of the file, I make changes in the example file to change the logging level from ‘info’  ‘error’ as follows:

%% Lager controls logging.
%% See for more documentation
{lager, [ %%
%% Log directory, taken from the RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE env variable by default.
%% {log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},
%% All log messages go to the default "sink" configured with
%% the handlers parameter. By default, it has a single
%% lager_file_backend handler writing messages to "$nodename.log"
%% (ie. the value of $RABBIT_LOGS).
%% {handlers, [
%% {lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},
%% {level, error},
%% {date, ""},
%% {size, 0}]}
%% ]},
%% Extra sinks are used in RabbitMQ to categorize messages. By
%% default, those extra sinks are configured to forward messages
%% to the default sink (see above). "rabbit_log_lager_event"
%% is the default category where all RabbitMQ messages without
%% a category go. Messages in the "channel" category go to the
%% "rabbit_channel_lager_event" Lager extra sink, and so on.
%% {extra_sinks, [
%% {rabbit_log_lager_event, [{handlers, [
%% {lager_forwarder_backend,
%% [lager_event, error]}]}]},
%% {rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers, [
%% {lager_forwarder_backend,
%% [lager_event, error]}]}]},
%% {rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [
%% {lager_forwarder_backend,
%% [lager_event, error]}]}]},
%% {rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [
%% {lager_forwarder_backend,
%% [lager_event, error]}]}]}
%% ]}

  1. Rename the file rabbitmq.config.example to rabbitmq.conf
  2. Open RabbitMQ command prompt, & execute the command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
  3. From Run -> services.msc, start RabbitMQ service.
  4. Restart the server.
  5. After this though logging stops happening, not because the above changes worked, but because RabbitMQ stops working.

It is confirmed that RabbitMQ is not working as the URL ‘http://localhost:15672/’ fails to launch, which was launching fine earlier by default installation, instead it gives starts giving a proxy & firewall error.

I have gone through several blogs & forums but not been able to identify where I am going wrong.
I deeply suspect that something is wrong the moment I rename my config file to .conf, the RabbitMQ stops working.

I will appreciate if you are able to point out where am I going wrong, or could guide me to be able to log ‘error’ in the log file instead of logging ‘info’.

Manpreet Singh

RabbitMQ - To be able to log only ‘Error’ & also to avoid logging ‘Info’

I am using RabbitMQ 3.7.7 and performed the below steps in installation on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard:

  1. Install Erlang OTO 21 (10.0.1) with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

  2. Install RabbitMQ 3.7.7 with default selections in the wizard, without making any changes in wizard.

  3. During the installation process, I have not created any environment variables etc.

  4. On completion of Erlang & RabbitMQ installation, RabbitMQ service is up & by default, the log is being created under the path \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log . Currently we can see too many ‘INFO’ entries in this log & the log is getting filled too soon which will unnecessarily eat up the disk space at a pace of almost 500 MB per day, leading to other problems over a period of few days. We are interested that only ‘Error’ are logged in the log file & that ‘Info’ shall not be logged.

  5. From Run -> services.msc, stop the RabbitMQ service.

  6. I am able to find the rabbitmq.config.example file under the folder \AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ

  7. In the %% Lager controls logging. section at the bottom of the file, I make changes in the example file to change the logging level from ‘info’ to ‘error’ as follows:

    %% Lager controls logging.  
      %% See for more documentation  
      {lager, [ 
       %% Log directory, taken from the RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE env variable by default.  
       %% {log_root, "/var/log/rabbitmq"},  
       %% All log messages go to the default "sink" configured with  
       %% the `handlers` parameter. By default, it has a single  
       %% lager_file_backend handler writing messages to "$nodename.log"  
       %% (ie. the value of $RABBIT_LOGS).  
       %% {handlers, [  
       %%   {lager_file_backend, [{file, "rabbit.log"},  
       %%                         {level, error},  
       %%                         {date, ""},  
       %%                         {size, 0}]}  
       %% ]},  
       %% Extra sinks are used in RabbitMQ to categorize messages. By  
       %% default, those extra sinks are configured to forward messages  
       %% to the default sink (see above). "rabbit_log_lager_event"  
       %% is the default category where all RabbitMQ messages without  
       %% a category go. Messages in the "channel" category go to the  
       %% "rabbit_channel_lager_event" Lager extra sink, and so on.  
       %% {extra_sinks, [  
       %%   {rabbit_log_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                               {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_channel_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                   {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                    [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_conection_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                     {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                      [lager_event, error]}]}]},  
       %%   {rabbit_mirroring_lager_event, [{handlers, [  
       %%                                     {lager_forwarder_backend,  
       %%                                      [lager_event, error]}]}]}  
       %% ]}  
  8. Rename the file RabbitMQ.config.example to rabbitmq.conf

  9. Open RabbitMQ command prompt, & execute the command rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

  10. From Run -> services.msc, start the RabbitMQ service.

  11. Restart the server.

  12. After this though logging stops happening, not because the above changes worked, but because RabbitMQ stops working.

It is confirmed that RabbitMQ is not working as the URL http://localhost:15672/ fails to launch, which was launching fine earlier by default installation, instead it gives starts giving a proxy & firewall error.

I have gone through several blogs & forums, but have not been able to identify where I am going wrong. I deeply suspect that something is wrong the moment I renamed my config file to .conf, because then the RabbitMQ stopped working.

I will appreciate if you are able to point out where am I going wrong, or could guide me to be able to log ‘error’ in the log file instead of logging ‘info’.

Source Link