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embedded image. That 1st line wasn't quite bold enough. I couldn't read it from my neighbor's house. :-)
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Check if your Windows 10 theme color is on 'Dark'.

Check if your Windows 10 theme color is on 'Dark'.

Head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and unselect 'Dark' under 'Choose your default app mode'.

SCREENSHOT of Windows 10 settings pageSCREENSHOT of Windows 10 settings page

Check if your Windows 10 theme color is on 'Dark'.

Head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and unselect 'Dark' under 'Choose your default app mode'.

SCREENSHOT of Windows 10 settings page

Check if your Windows 10 theme color is on 'Dark'.

Head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and unselect 'Dark' under 'Choose your default app mode'.

SCREENSHOT of Windows 10 settings page

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Check if your Windows 10 theme color is on 'Dark'.

Head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and unselect 'Dark' under 'Choose your default app mode'.

SCREENSHOT of Windows 10 settings page