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Martin Prikryl
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I have the following generic host configuration in my .ssh/configssh_config:

Host *
  ConnectTimeout 5
  ServerAliveInterval 5
  ServerAliveCountMax 12

I also have some specific configurations. For example the following alias:

Host work-server-1
  Hostname a.b.c.d

Host work-server-2
  Hostname i.j.k.l

Now, my question: when logging into the host work-server-1, will SSH also use the ConnectTimeout, ServerAliveInterval and ServerAliveCountMax setting as defined in the Host * entry?

I have the following generic host configuration in my .ssh/config:

Host *
  ConnectTimeout 5
  ServerAliveInterval 5
  ServerAliveCountMax 12

I also have some specific configurations. For example the following alias:

Host work-server-1
  Hostname a.b.c.d

Host work-server-2
  Hostname i.j.k.l

Now, my question: when logging into the host work-server-1, will SSH also use the ConnectTimeout, ServerAliveInterval and ServerAliveCountMax setting as defined in the Host * entry?

I have the following generic host configuration in my .ssh/ssh_config:

Host *
  ConnectTimeout 5
  ServerAliveInterval 5
  ServerAliveCountMax 12

I also have some specific configurations. For example the following alias:

Host work-server-1
  Hostname a.b.c.d

Host work-server-2
  Hostname i.j.k.l

Now, my question: when logging into the host work-server-1, will SSH also use the ConnectTimeout, ServerAliveInterval and ServerAliveCountMax setting as defined in the Host * entry?

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Are host configurations in the SSH config merged?

I have the following generic host configuration in my .ssh/config:

Host *
  ConnectTimeout 5
  ServerAliveInterval 5
  ServerAliveCountMax 12

I also have some specific configurations. For example the following alias:

Host work-server-1
  Hostname a.b.c.d

Host work-server-2
  Hostname i.j.k.l

Now, my question: when logging into the host work-server-1, will SSH also use the ConnectTimeout, ServerAliveInterval and ServerAliveCountMax setting as defined in the Host * entry?