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My grub menu is not showing during startup, as a result of which Windows is loading by default. I have unchecked both hiberante and and fastboot options, but still default Windows is loading and grub menu is not showing.I tried the UEFI key but it still didn't work

My grub menu is not showing during startup, as a result of which Windows is loading by default. I have unchecked both hiberante and and fastboot options, but still default Windows is loading and grub menu is not showing.

My grub menu is not showing during startup, as a result of which Windows is loading by default. I have unchecked both hiberante and and fastboot options, but still default Windows is loading and grub menu is not showing.I tried the UEFI key but it still didn't work

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My grub menu is not showing during startupdue tostartup, as a result of which windowsWindows is loading inby default. I hvhave unchecked both hiberante and and fastboot options but, but still default windowsWindows is loading and grub menu is not showing.

My grub menu is not showing during startupdue to which windows is loading in default. I hv unchecked both hiberante and and fastboot options but still default windows is loading and grub menu is not showing

My grub menu is not showing during startup, as a result of which Windows is loading by default. I have unchecked both hiberante and and fastboot options, but still default Windows is loading and grub menu is not showing.

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Grub menu not displaying

My grub menu is not showing during startupdue to which windows is loading in default. I hv unchecked both hiberante and and fastboot options but still default windows is loading and grub menu is not showing