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Rowland Shaw
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Scheduled Task that does not exist is waking my PC up on a regular basis

So lately I've been having a super annoying issue with my Windows 10 install, it will wake itself up randomly, often in the middle of the night. When running 'powercfg -lastwake' in a command prompt I'm given the reason.

C:\Users\duopr>powercfg -lastwake
Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 1
Wake Source [0]
Type: Wake Timer
Owner: [SERVICE] \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Windows\System32\svchost.exe (SystemEventsBroker)
Owner Supplied Reason: Windows will execute 'NT TASK\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Universal Orchestrator Start' scheduled task that requested waking the computer.

But this doesn't help at all, as when I check my scheduled task list, this task does not exist..

C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator>dir /A
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is EC61-2D6A

Directory of C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator

07/04/2019  11:39 PM    <DIR>          .
07/04/2019  11:39 PM    <DIR>          .. 
07/04/2019  10:51 AM             3,356 Backup Scan
07/04/2019  09:15 PM             2,664 Maintenance Install
23/03/2019  05:30 PM             2,616 Reboot
06/04/2019  11:46 PM             2,822 Reboot_AC
06/04/2019  11:46 PM             2,778 Reboot_Battery
07/04/2019  11:44 PM             5,872 Schedule Scan
23/03/2019  05:30 PM             4,354 Schedule Scan Static Task
23/03/2019  05:30 PM             3,056 UpdateModelTask
23/03/2019  05:30 PM             2,510 USO_Broker_Display
23/03/2019  05:30 PM             3,282 USO_UxBroker
          10 File(s)         33,310 bytes
           2 Dir(s)  25,988,657,152 bytes free

I also checked this was the case in the normal Task Scheduler GUI. It isn't there. Has anyone experienced this ghost before? If so, how do I banish it so I can stop waking up to the eye searing white of my lock screen?