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All mysql binaries (bin\*.exe) quit without a single word.

Running Windows Server 2016 as host. Running docker image inside with native Windows containers. Unpacked inside the container. None of the binaries work. For example,

c:\mysql\bin> mysqld.exe --help
  • No errors on the console.
  • Nothing in Windows Event Application, Security, Setup, System logs mentions "mysql". (wevtutil ... | findstr /i mysql).
  • Used dumpbin from Visual Studio to see mysqld.exe's /imports, i.e. what DLLs it needs - all are present within the container.
  • Tried bin\replace.exe, bin\mysql.exe, etc - all with the same result.
  • Checked that both the OS and the MySQL binaries are x64 - they are, at least according to the Docker image description and mysql's zip name.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with MySQL specifically as I've seen this behaviour with other programs before, but howespecially on the nanoserver.

How do I figure out the cause of the abnormal behaviour?


All mysql binaries (bin\*.exe) quit without a single word.

Running Windows Server 2016 as host. Running docker image inside with native Windows containers. Unpacked inside the container. None of the binaries work. For example,

c:\mysql\bin> mysqld.exe --help
  • No errors on the console.
  • Nothing in Windows Event Application, Security, Setup, System logs mentions "mysql". (wevtutil ... | findstr /i mysql).
  • Used dumpbin from Visual Studio to see mysqld.exe's /imports, i.e. what DLLs it needs - all are present within the container.
  • Tried bin\replace.exe, bin\mysql.exe, etc - all with the same result.
  • Checked that both the OS and the MySQL binaries are x64 - they are, at least according to the Docker image description and mysql's zip name.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with MySQL specifically, but how do I figure out the cause of the abnormal behaviour?


All mysql binaries (bin\*.exe) quit without a single word.

Running Windows Server 2016 as host. Running docker image inside with native Windows containers. Unpacked inside the container. None of the binaries work. For example,

c:\mysql\bin> mysqld.exe --help
  • No errors on the console.
  • Nothing in Windows Event Application, Security, Setup, System logs mentions "mysql". (wevtutil ... | findstr /i mysql).
  • Used dumpbin from Visual Studio to see mysqld.exe's /imports, i.e. what DLLs it needs - all are present within the container.
  • Tried bin\replace.exe, bin\mysql.exe, etc - all with the same result.
  • Checked that both the OS and the MySQL binaries are x64 - they are, at least according to the Docker image description and mysql's zip name.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with MySQL specifically as I've seen this behaviour with other programs before, especially on the nanoserver.

How do I figure out the cause of the abnormal behaviour?


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Windows binaries quit silently

All mysql binaries (bin\*.exe) quit without a single word.

Running Windows Server 2016 as host. Running docker image inside with native Windows containers. Unpacked inside the container. None of the binaries work. For example,

c:\mysql\bin> mysqld.exe --help
  • No errors on the console.
  • Nothing in Windows Event Application, Security, Setup, System logs mentions "mysql". (wevtutil ... | findstr /i mysql).
  • Used dumpbin from Visual Studio to see mysqld.exe's /imports, i.e. what DLLs it needs - all are present within the container.
  • Tried bin\replace.exe, bin\mysql.exe, etc - all with the same result.
  • Checked that both the OS and the MySQL binaries are x64 - they are, at least according to the Docker image description and mysql's zip name.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with MySQL specifically, but how do I figure out the cause of the abnormal behaviour?
