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added 44 characters in body
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Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16) Do (
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_48x48.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico

Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16) Do (
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico

Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16) Do (
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_48x48.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico
deleted 2 characters in body
Source Link
  • 7.3k
  • 1
  • 16
  • 29

Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16) Do (
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico

Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16) Do (
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico

Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16) Do (
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico
added 5 characters in body
Source Link
  • 7.3k
  • 1
  • 16
  • 29

Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16) Do (
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico

Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16)
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico

Batch files are intended to avoid manual repititious tasks,
all the different resolutions can be put in another nested for.

The renaming should be first to allow access to the ~ modifiers later


:: Q:\Test\2019\01\15\SO_1394446.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set inkscape="C:\Program Files\Inkscape\"
Set magick="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe"

Set "Pattern= "
Set "Replace=_"

For %%a in ("* *.svg") Do (
    Set "File=%%~a"
    Ren "%%a" "!File:%Pattern%=%Replace%!"

for %%f in (*.svg) do (
    for %%r in (256 128 64 48 32 24 16) Do (
        %inkscape% ^
          -z ^
          --export-background-opacity=0 ^
          --export-height=%%r ^
          --export-png="%%~nf_%%rx%%r.png" ^
    mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 96 %%~nf_*.png

    %magick% convert %%~nf_16x16.png ^
                     %%~nf_24x24.png ^
                     %%~nf_32x32.png ^
                     %%~nf_64x64.png ^
                     %%~nf_128x128.png ^
                     %%~nf_256x256.png %%~nf.ico
Source Link
  • 7.3k
  • 1
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