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I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new and works just fine in text mode. (HP LP3065 flat panel if that makes any difference)

Any ideas?

More information:

If I remove the xorg.conf file, the original problem goes away but the monitor shows off center and with corruption around the edges. If I just comment out everything in the file, I get the original problem back.

A little spulunking show I'm using a Quadro FX 580. If I switch to a different monitor (24" with lower res) things work.

I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new and works just fine in text mode. (HP LP3065 flat panel if that makes any difference)

Any ideas?

More information:

If I remove the xorg.conf file, the original problem goes away but the monitor shows off center and with corruption around the edges. If I just comment out everything in the file, I get the original problem back.

I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new and works just fine in text mode. (HP LP3065 flat panel if that makes any difference)

Any ideas?

More information:

If I remove the xorg.conf file, the original problem goes away but the monitor shows off center and with corruption around the edges. If I just comment out everything in the file, I get the original problem back.

A little spulunking show I'm using a Quadro FX 580. If I switch to a different monitor (24" with lower res) things work.

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I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new.and and works just fine in text mode. (HP LP3065 flat panel if that makes any difference)

Any ideas?

More information:

If I remove the xorg.conf file, the original problem goes away but the monitor shows off center and with corruption around the edges. If I just comment out everything in the file, I get the original problem back.

I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new.and works just fine in text mode.

Any ideas?

More information:

If I remove the xorg.conf file, the original problem goes away but the monitor shows off center and with corruption around the edges. If I just comment out everything in the file, I get the original problem back.

I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new and works just fine in text mode. (HP LP3065 flat panel if that makes any difference)

Any ideas?

More information:

If I remove the xorg.conf file, the original problem goes away but the monitor shows off center and with corruption around the edges. If I just comment out everything in the file, I get the original problem back.

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I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new.and works just fine in text mode.

Any ideas?

More information:

If I remove the xorg.conf file, the original problem goes away but the monitor shows off center and with corruption around the edges. If I just comment out everything in the file, I get the original problem back.

I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new.and works just fine in text mode.

Any ideas?

I've been dinking with the xorg.conf file on my system and now when I try to start X I get a flickering effect and no usable image. I think (and this is just a guess) that it's a settings out of bound error of some kind but I don't know what setting. I'm almost completely sure that the hardware is good given that everything is brand new.and works just fine in text mode.

Any ideas?

More information:

If I remove the xorg.conf file, the original problem goes away but the monitor shows off center and with corruption around the edges. If I just comment out everything in the file, I get the original problem back.

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