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Open the Registry Editor, either by pressing Win+R, then type regedit in the Run dialog and hit enter, or simply typing "regedit" in Windows Start.

  1. In the Registry go to the following key:


and set the value of all string entries of the form PalmKms… to 0. These values determine the amount of ms that the touchpad stays disabled after keyboard input has been detected.

  1. Then go to the key:


and change DeleteUserSettingsOnUpgrade from 1 to 0

  1. Then to


and change RestoreAllDefaultsfrom form 1 to 0

Now you can change the ClickPad-Settings as many times as you want, which will not be deleted after a restart.

  1. You may also need to go to:


and set PalmRT to 0.

After you completed all the above steps, you will have to restart your machine in order for the changes to take affect.

Convenient .reg file to do all above.

Source: How to disable "Smartsense" on Synaptics Touchpad?

Open the Registry Editor, either by pressing Win+R, then type regedit in the Run dialog and hit enter, or simply typing "regedit" in Windows Start.

  1. In the Registry go to the following key:


and set the value of all string entries of the form PalmKms… to 0. These values determine the amount of ms that the touchpad stays disabled after keyboard input has been detected.

  1. Then go to the key:


and change DeleteUserSettingsOnUpgrade from 1 to 0

  1. Then to


and change RestoreAllDefaultsfrom form 1 to 0

Now you can change the ClickPad-Settings as many times as you want, which will not be deleted after a restart.

  1. You may also need to go to:


and set PalmRT to 0.

After you completed all the above steps, you will have to restart your machine in order for the changes to take affect.

Source: How to disable "Smartsense" on Synaptics Touchpad?

Open the Registry Editor, either by pressing Win+R, then type regedit in the Run dialog and hit enter, or simply typing "regedit" in Windows Start.

  1. In the Registry go to the following key:


and set the value of all string entries of the form PalmKms… to 0. These values determine the amount of ms that the touchpad stays disabled after keyboard input has been detected.

  1. Then go to the key:


and change DeleteUserSettingsOnUpgrade from 1 to 0

  1. Then to


and change RestoreAllDefaultsfrom form 1 to 0

Now you can change the ClickPad-Settings as many times as you want, which will not be deleted after a restart.

  1. You may also need to go to:


and set PalmRT to 0.

After you completed all the above steps, you will have to restart your machine in order for the changes to take affect.

Convenient .reg file to do all above.

Source: How to disable "Smartsense" on Synaptics Touchpad?

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Open the Registry Editor, either by pressing Win+R, then type regedit in the Run dialog and hit enter, or simply typing "regedit" in Windows Start.

  1. In the Registry go to the following key:


and set the value of all string entries of the form PalmKms… to 0. These values determine the amount of ms that the touchpad stays disabled after keyboard input has been detected.

  1. Then go to the key:


and change DeleteUserSettingsOnUpgrade from 1 to 0

  1. Then to


and change RestoreAllDefaultsfrom form 1 to 0

Now you can change the ClickPad-Settings as many times as you want, which will not be deleted after a restart.

  1. You may also need to go to:


and set PalmRT to 0.

After you completed all the above steps, you will have to restart your machine in order for the changes to take affect.

Source: How to disable "Smartsense" on Synaptics Touchpad?