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I am suspecting a bad power supply, along with a corrupt BIOS, corrupted by bad power. My current power supply is a cheap 500W job, that I have seen draw 800-900W from the wall. So, prime suspect. It is a 50$US PSU and has 5 years of heavy use on it. Since I need a new power supply for my next build anyway and a new BIOS chip is cheap as stale bread, I will be attempting a rescue by those means.

I am suspecting a bad power supply, along with a corrupt BIOS, corrupted by bad power. My current power supply is a cheap 500W job, that I have seen draw 800-900W from the wall. So, prime suspect. Since I need a new power supply for my next build anyway and a new BIOS chip is cheap as stale bread, I will be attempting a rescue by those means.

I am suspecting a bad power supply, along with a corrupt BIOS, corrupted by bad power. My current power supply is a cheap 500W job, that I have seen draw 800-900W from the wall. So, prime suspect. It is a 50$US PSU and has 5 years of heavy use on it. Since I need a new power supply for my next build anyway and a new BIOS chip is cheap as stale bread, I will be attempting a rescue by those means.

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Anyway, I wanted to get some opinions on my theory and see if anyone can see any glaring faults in my reasoning and logic.

I have re-flashed the BIOS, No change. Including driver revamp.

  • CPU: Intel i5 2500k , No overclock.
  • RAM: Corsair Vengance 1600MHz 16GB (4x4GB) Running at 1333 MHz.
  • Motherboard: AsRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 manual
  • Graphics: Nvidia 570GTX (MSI OEM design)
  • OS: Windows 10

Anyway, I wanted to get some opinions on my theory and see if anyone can see any glaring faults in my reasoning and logic.

Anyway, I wanted to get some opinions on my theory and see if anyone can see any glaring faults in my reasoning and logic.

I have re-flashed the BIOS, No change. Including driver revamp.

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  • CPU: Intel i5 2500k , No overclock.
  • RAM: Corsair Vengance 1600MHz 16GB (4x4GB) Running at 1333 MHz.
  • Motherboard: AsRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 manual
  • Graphics: Nvidia 570GTX (MSI OEM design)
  • OS: Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel i5 2500k , No overclock.
  • RAM: Corsair Vengance 1600MHz 16GB (4x4GB) Running at 1333 MHz.
  • Motherboard: AsRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 manual
  • Graphics: Nvidia 570GTX
  • OS: Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel i5 2500k , No overclock.
  • RAM: Corsair Vengance 1600MHz 16GB (4x4GB) Running at 1333 MHz.
  • Motherboard: AsRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 manual
  • Graphics: Nvidia 570GTX (MSI OEM design)
  • OS: Windows 10
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