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So I have a LAMP webserver hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi has a RAID 10 connected to it through a hardware RAID controller. My goal is to be able to upload large files through my webpage using PHP via a LAMP stack setup on the Raspberry Pi.

I am able to successfully upload a file that is 0.97G but not one that is 1.32G so something must be limiting my upload file size to approximately 1G is my guess.

In php.ini I have the following set right now:

  • memory_limit =: 1000M
  • post_max_size =: 4G
  • upload_max_filesize =: 4G
  • upload_tmp_dir =: /mnt/raid10/Files/TemTempp (This is on the connected RAID so it isn't just dump the file to the SD card that the raspberry piRaspberry Pi uses. Note that adding this DIDdid help up the max size from the before lower oneon.)

I can't figure out which other settings I should try changingadjusting and am open to any suggestions.

So I have a webserver hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi has a RAID 10 connected to it through a hardware RAID controller. My goal is to be able to upload large files through my webpage using PHP via a LAMP stack setup on the Raspberry Pi.

I am able to successfully upload a file that is 0.97G but not one that is 1.32G so something must be limiting my upload file size to approximately 1G is my guess.

In php.ini I have the following set right now:

  • memory_limit = 1000M
  • post_max_size = 4G
  • upload_max_filesize = 4G
  • upload_tmp_dir = /mnt/raid10/Files/Temp (This is on the connected RAID so it isn't just dump the file to the SD card that the raspberry pi uses. Note that adding this DID help up the max size from the before lower one)

I can't figure out which other settings I should try changing and am open to any suggestions.

So I have a LAMP webserver hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi has a RAID 10 connected to it through a hardware RAID controller. My goal is to be able to upload large files through my webpage using PHP via a LAMP stack setup on the Raspberry Pi.

I am able to successfully upload a file that is 0.97G but not one that is 1.32G so something must be limiting my upload file size to approximately 1G is my guess.

In php.ini I have the following set right now:

  • memory_limit: 1000M
  • post_max_size: 4G
  • upload_max_filesize: 4G
  • upload_tmp_dir: /mnt/raid10/Files/Temp (This is on the connected RAID so it isn't just dump the file to the SD card that the Raspberry Pi uses. Note that adding this did help up the max size from the before lower on.)

I can't figure out which other settings I should try adjusting and am open to any suggestions.

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What could be limiting my maximum upload file size on my Raspberry Pi LAMP stack?

So I have a webserver hosted on a raspberry piRaspberry Pi 3. The raspberry piRaspberry Pi has a RAID 10 connected to it through a hardware RAID controller. My goal is to be able to upload large files through my webpage using phpPHP via a LAMP stack setup on the Raspberry Pi. 

I am able to successfully upload a file that is 0.97G but not one that is 1.32G so something must be limiting my upload file size to approximately 1G is my guess.

In php.ini I have the following set right now:

  • memory_limitmemory_limit = 1000M
  • post_max_sizepost_max_size = 4G
  • upload_max_filesizeupload_max_filesize = 4G
  • upload_tmp_dirupload_tmp_dir = /mnt/raid10/Files/Temp/mnt/raid10/Files/Temp (This is on the connected raidRAID so it isn't just dump the file to the SD card that the raspberry pi uses. Note that adding this DID help up the max size from the before lower one)

I can't figure out which other settings I should try changing and am open to any suggestions.

What could be limiting my maximum upload file size?

So I have a webserver hosted on a raspberry pi 3. The raspberry pi has a RAID 10 connected to it through a hardware RAID controller. My goal is to be able to upload large files through my webpage using php. I am able to successfully upload a file that is 0.97G but not one that is 1.32G so something must be limiting my upload file size to approximately 1G is my guess.

In php.ini I have the following set right now:

  • memory_limit = 1000M
  • post_max_size = 4G
  • upload_max_filesize = 4G
  • upload_tmp_dir = /mnt/raid10/Files/Temp (This is on the connected raid so it isn't just dump the file to the SD card that the raspberry pi uses. Note that adding this DID help up the max size from the before lower one)

I can't figure out which other settings I should try changing and am open to any suggestions.

What could be limiting my maximum upload file size on my Raspberry Pi LAMP stack?

So I have a webserver hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi has a RAID 10 connected to it through a hardware RAID controller. My goal is to be able to upload large files through my webpage using PHP via a LAMP stack setup on the Raspberry Pi. 

I am able to successfully upload a file that is 0.97G but not one that is 1.32G so something must be limiting my upload file size to approximately 1G is my guess.

In php.ini I have the following set right now:

  • memory_limit = 1000M
  • post_max_size = 4G
  • upload_max_filesize = 4G
  • upload_tmp_dir = /mnt/raid10/Files/Temp (This is on the connected RAID so it isn't just dump the file to the SD card that the raspberry pi uses. Note that adding this DID help up the max size from the before lower one)

I can't figure out which other settings I should try changing and am open to any suggestions.

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Eric F
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Eric F
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