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Change your default web browser to Internet Explorer (or another one) to see if it works to isolate if its an issue with Windows or the browser. If its an issue in Windows, in Win10 Settings, System, Default apps, Choose default apps by protocol (or ' file type). I use Zoom with Firefox v61.0.2 & Win10, here is some pics to maybe help. All else fails reinstall Zoom and/or Firefox.  enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Change your default web browser to Internet Explorer (or another one) to see if it works to isolate if its an issue with Windows or the browser. If its an issue in Windows, in Win10 Settings, System, Default apps, Choose default apps by protocol (or ' file type). I use Zoom with Firefox v61.0.2 & Win10, here is some pics to maybe help. All else fails reinstall Zoom and/or Firefox.enter image description here enter image description here

Change your default web browser to Internet Explorer (or another one) to see if it works to isolate if its an issue with Windows or the browser. If its an issue in Windows, in Win10 Settings, System, Default apps, Choose default apps by protocol (or ' file type). I use Zoom with Firefox v61.0.2 & Win10, here is some pics to maybe help. All else fails reinstall Zoom and/or Firefox.  enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

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Change your default web browser to Internet Explorer (or another one) to see if it works to isolate if its an issue with Windows or the browser. If its an issue in Windows, in Win10 Settings, System, Default apps, Choose default apps by protocol (or ' file type). I use Zoom with Firefox v61.0.2 & Win10, here is some pics to maybe help. All else fails reinstall Zoom and/or Firefox.enter image description here enter image description here