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As no one ever actually answered your question, the following not-exactly-lightning-fast method may be the quickest way to get what you are looking for.

  1. The utilities you will need work under Linux, so you first need to create a USB key or CD that you can use to boot into Linux (or to attach the disk to a Linux machine).

  2. You then need to run ddrescueddrescue from the Gnu ddrescue package. This will create a "mapfile", which is basically a list of the bad sectors on your disk. There are many different options to ddrescueddrescue, which among other things vary in how hard it works to read/recover data from a bad sector. If you want to consider any sector which gives trouble as "bad", and don't want to really recover anything with ddrescue, you can use the "-n"-n option and specify /dev/null/dev/null as the target, and this will be pretty fast (ddrescue will just read once through all the sectors of the disk in order, and the mapfile output will contain a list of sectors where the read failed).

  3. You then need to run a utility called ddru_ntfsfindbadddru_ntfsfindbad on the mapfile and the disk, and this will output what you want: a list of the files on the disk that have parts in one of the bad sectors.

NOTE however:

  1. If a drive is failing, reading it at all is very likely to make it fail worse. So it is quite possible (some would say "close to certain") that some/many/lots of sectors that were good before you read the disk twice via the procedure are now bad. The smart thing to do would be to have a good drive and do both steps above actually recovering data. IF you do this, of course, you might want to use ddrescue'sddrescue's ability to try extra hard to get the data off of hard-to-read sectors.

  2. ddru_ntfsfindbad'sddru_ntfsfindbad's manual says that you CANNOT run it on the original bad drive UNLESS the file system is/was NTFS. So you're ok in your case, but it will almost certainly be faster if you run it on a ddrescue-recovered drive and not the original. And if the bad sectors are in certain filesystem metadata, you really will need to do this.

I realize that the original question is very old, but I had this problem recently and thought that others might want to know the answer to the original question.

As no one ever actually answered your question, the following not-exactly-lightning-fast method may be the quickest way to get what you are looking for.

  1. The utilities you will need work under Linux, so you first need to create a USB key or CD that you can use to boot into Linux (or to attach the disk to a Linux machine).

  2. You then need to run ddrescue from the Gnu ddrescue package. This will create a "mapfile", which is basically a list of the bad sectors on your disk. There are many different options to ddrescue, which among other things vary in how hard it works to read/recover data from a bad sector. If you want to consider any sector which gives trouble as "bad", and don't want to really recover anything with ddrescue, you can use the "-n" option and specify /dev/null as the target, and this will be pretty fast (ddrescue will just read once through all the sectors of the disk in order, and the mapfile output will contain a list of sectors where the read failed).

  3. You then need to run a utility called ddru_ntfsfindbad on the mapfile and the disk, and this will output what you want: a list of the files on the disk that have parts in one of the bad sectors.

NOTE however:

  1. If a drive is failing, reading it at all is very likely to make it fail worse. So it is quite possible (some would say "close to certain") that some/many/lots of sectors that were good before you read the disk twice via the procedure are now bad. The smart thing to do would be to have a good drive and do both steps above actually recovering data. IF you do this, of course, you might want to use ddrescue's ability to try extra hard to get the data off of hard-to-read sectors.

  2. ddru_ntfsfindbad's manual says that you CANNOT run it on the original bad drive UNLESS the file system is/was NTFS. So you're ok in your case, but it will almost certainly be faster if you run it on a ddrescue-recovered drive and not the original. And if the bad sectors are in certain filesystem metadata, you really will need to do this.

I realize that the original question is very old, but I had this problem recently and thought that others might want to know the answer to the original question.

As no one ever actually answered your question, the following not-exactly-lightning-fast method may be the quickest way to get what you are looking for.

  1. The utilities you will need work under Linux, so you first need to create a USB key or CD that you can use to boot into Linux (or to attach the disk to a Linux machine).

  2. You then need to run ddrescue from the Gnu ddrescue package. This will create a "mapfile", which is basically a list of the bad sectors on your disk. There are many different options to ddrescue, which among other things vary in how hard it works to read/recover data from a bad sector. If you want to consider any sector which gives trouble as "bad", and don't want to really recover anything with ddrescue, you can use the -n option and specify /dev/null as the target, and this will be pretty fast (ddrescue will just read once through all the sectors of the disk in order, and the mapfile output will contain a list of sectors where the read failed).

  3. You then need to run a utility called ddru_ntfsfindbad on the mapfile and the disk, and this will output what you want: a list of the files on the disk that have parts in one of the bad sectors.

NOTE however:

  1. If a drive is failing, reading it at all is very likely to make it fail worse. So it is quite possible (some would say "close to certain") that some/many/lots of sectors that were good before you read the disk twice via the procedure are now bad. The smart thing to do would be to have a good drive and do both steps above actually recovering data. IF you do this, of course, you might want to use ddrescue's ability to try extra hard to get the data off of hard-to-read sectors.

  2. ddru_ntfsfindbad's manual says that you CANNOT run it on the original bad drive UNLESS the file system is/was NTFS. So you're ok in your case, but it will almost certainly be faster if you run it on a ddrescue-recovered drive and not the original. And if the bad sectors are in certain filesystem metadata, you really will need to do this.

I realize that the original question is very old, but I had this problem recently and thought that others might want to know the answer to the original question.

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As no one ever actually answered your question, the following not-exactly-lightning-fast method may be the quickest way to get what you are looking for.

  1. The utilities you will need work under Linux, so you first need to create a USB key or CD that you can use to boot into Linux (or to attach the disk to a Linux machine).

  2. You then need to run ddrescue from the Gnu ddrescue package. This will create a "mapfile", which is basically a list of the bad sectors on your disk. There are many different options to ddrescue, which among other things vary in how hard it works to read/recover data from a bad sector. If you want to consider any sector which gives trouble as "bad", and don't want to really recover anything with ddrescue, you can use the "-n" option and specify /dev/null as the target, and this will be pretty fast (ddrescue will just read once through all the sectors of the disk in order, and the mapfile output will contain a list of sectors where the read failed).

  3. You then need to run a utility called ddru_ntfsfindbad on the mapfile and the disk, and this will output what you want: a list of the files on the disk that have parts in one of the bad sectors.

NOTE however:

  1. If a drive is failing, reading it at all is very likely to make it fail worse. So it is quite possible (some would say "close to certain") that some/many/lots of sectors that were good before you read the disk twice via the procedure are now bad. The smart thing to do would be to have a good drive and do both steps above actually recovering data. IF you do this, of course, you might want to use ddrescue's ability to try extra hard to get the data off of hard-to-read sectors.

  2. ddru_ntfsfindbad's manual says that you CANNOT run it on the original bad drive UNLESS the file system is/was NTFS. So you're ok in your case, but it will almost certainly be faster if you run it on a ddrescue-recovered drive and not the original. And if the bad sectors are in certain filesystem metadata, you really will need to do this.

I realize that the original question is very old, but I had this problem recently and thought that others might want to know the answer to the original question.