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Gabriel Fair
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Is there a way of installing WindowsUbuntu (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Win10 (v1709) without using the Store?

The Microsoft Store app is disabled by Group Policy by my university. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) directly? Or maybe via Chocolatey or some other command line method? I would like to download and install the Ubuntu on windows without using the Microsoft store.

Note that since version 1709 (Fall Creator's Upgrade), only enabling Developer Mode is no longer sufficient.

Is there a way of installing Windows Subsystem for Linux on Win10 (v1709) without using the Store?

The Microsoft Store app is disabled by Group Policy by my university. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) directly? Or maybe via Chocolatey or some other command line method?

Note that since version 1709 (Fall Creator's Upgrade), only enabling Developer Mode is no longer sufficient.

Is there a way of installing Ubuntu (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Win10 (v1709) without using the Store?

The Microsoft Store app is disabled by Group Policy by my university. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) directly? Or maybe via Chocolatey or some other command line method? I would like to download and install the Ubuntu on windows without using the Microsoft store.

Note that since version 1709 (Fall Creator's Upgrade), only enabling Developer Mode is no longer sufficient.

Question Protected by Ramhound
added v1709 in text, shortened it (i.e. reduced redundancies) for readability.
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Is there a way of installing Windows Subsystem for Linux on Win10 (WSLv1709) without using the microsoft Store?

The WindowsMicrosoft Store app is disabled by group policyGroup Policy by my university. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing WSLWindows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) directly? Or maybe via chocolateyChocolatey or some other command line method?

If it makes any difference, the microsoft apps store is disabled by my University's group policy.Note that since version 1709 (Probably for good reasonFall Creator's Upgrade), only enabling Developer Mode is no longer sufficient.

Is there a way of installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) without using the microsoft Store?

The Windows Store is disabled by group policy. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing WSL directly? Or maybe via chocolatey or some other command line method?

If it makes any difference, the microsoft apps store is disabled by my University's group policy. (Probably for good reason)

Is there a way of installing Windows Subsystem for Linux on Win10 (v1709) without using the Store?

The Microsoft Store app is disabled by Group Policy by my university. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) directly? Or maybe via Chocolatey or some other command line method?

Note that since version 1709 (Fall Creator's Upgrade), only enabling Developer Mode is no longer sufficient.

deleted 56 characters in body
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Gabriel Fair
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The Windows Store is disabled by group policy. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing WSL directly? Or maybe via chocolatey or some other command line method?

If it makes any difference, the microsoft apps store is disabled by my University's group policy. (Probably for good reason b/c everything except WSL is malware laden at this time)

The Windows Store is disabled by group policy. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing WSL directly? Or maybe via chocolatey or some other command line method?

If it makes any difference, the microsoft apps store is disabled by my University's group policy. (Probably for good reason b/c everything except WSL is malware laden at this time)

The Windows Store is disabled by group policy. I have administrator rights on my computer and I was wondering if there was a way of installing WSL directly? Or maybe via chocolatey or some other command line method?

If it makes any difference, the microsoft apps store is disabled by my University's group policy. (Probably for good reason)

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Gabriel Fair
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