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Cant Can’t open Device Manager in windowsWindows 7

So lately my PC stopped recognizing my speakers,. I searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the Device Manager.

When I try to open it, it says that the MMC  (Microsoft Management Console) wontwon’t run with a version of Internet Explorer older than 5.5 even though I have version 11.

I even reinstalled internet explorerInternet Explorer, and still it doesntdoesn’t work.

enter image description here

Cant open Device Manager in windows 7

So lately my PC stopped recognizing my speakers, I searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the Device Manager.

When I try to open it it says that the MMC(Microsoft Management Console) wont run with a version of Internet Explorer older than 5.5 even though I have version 11.

I even reinstalled internet explorer and still it doesnt work.

enter image description here

Can’t open Device Manager in Windows 7

So lately my PC stopped recognizing my speakers. I searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the Device Manager.

When I try to open it, it says that the MMC  (Microsoft Management Console) won’t run with a version of Internet Explorer older than 5.5 even though I have version 11.

I even reinstalled Internet Explorer, and still it doesn’t work.

enter image description here

So lately my pcPC stopped recognizing my speakers, iI searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the device managerDevice Manager. But when trying

When I try to open it it says that the MMC(microsoft managment consoleMicrosoft Management Console) wont run with a internet explorer version of Internet Explorer older than 5.5 but ieven though I have version 11. 

I even reinstalled internet explorer and still it doesnt work. PLS help.

enter image description here

So lately my pc stopped recognizing my speakers, i searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the device manager. But when trying to open it it says that the MMC(microsoft managment console) wont run with a internet explorer version older than 5.5 but i have version 11. I even reinstalled internet explorer and still it doesnt work. PLS help.

enter image description here

So lately my PC stopped recognizing my speakers, I searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the Device Manager.

When I try to open it it says that the MMC(Microsoft Management Console) wont run with a version of Internet Explorer older than 5.5 even though I have version 11. 

I even reinstalled internet explorer and still it doesnt work.

enter image description here

Made the image in-line.
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So lately my pc stopped recognizing my speakers, i searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the device manager. But when trying to open it it says that the MMC(microsoft managment console) wont run with a internet explorer version older than 5.5 but i have version 11. I even reinstalled internet explorer and still it doesnt work. PLS help. 

enter image description hereenter image description here

So lately my pc stopped recognizing my speakers, i searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the device manager. But when trying to open it it says that the MMC(microsoft managment console) wont run with a internet explorer version older than 5.5 but i have version 11. I even reinstalled internet explorer and still it doesnt work. PLS help.enter image description here

So lately my pc stopped recognizing my speakers, i searched for a solution, and every tip lead me to using the device manager. But when trying to open it it says that the MMC(microsoft managment console) wont run with a internet explorer version older than 5.5 but i have version 11. I even reinstalled internet explorer and still it doesnt work. PLS help. 

enter image description here

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