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Post Closed as "Not suitable for this site" by Daniel B, karel, user477799, Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style, G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica'
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which virtualization software Which hypervisor allows mounting and editing its virtual disks inside host windowsWindows?

I want to be able to have a complete control on the virtual disks that my virtual machine is going to use. Which softwarehypervisor allows that? VMware or virtualbox or windows virtual pc, orVirtualBox, Windows Virtual PC, etc.? I I want to be able to mount those hddsvirtual HDDs and edit the files inside them and also manage those disks with partitiona disk manager software.

which virtualization software allows mounting and editing its virtual disks inside host windows?

I want to be able to have a complete control on the virtual disks that my virtual machine is going to use. Which software allows that? VMware or virtualbox or windows virtual pc, or etc? I want to be able to mount those hdds and edit the files inside them and also manage those disks with partition manager software.

Which hypervisor allows mounting and editing virtual disks inside host Windows?

I want to be able to have a complete control on the virtual disks that my virtual machine is going to use. Which hypervisor allows that? VMware, VirtualBox, Windows Virtual PC, etc.? I want to be able to mount those virtual HDDs and edit the files inside them and also manage those disks with a disk manager.

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which virtualization software allows mounting and editing its virtual disks inside host windows?

I want to be able to have a complete control on the virtual disks that my virtual machine is going to use. Which software allows that? VMware or virtualbox or windows virtual pc, or etc? I want to be able to mount those hdds and edit the files inside them and also manage those disks with partition manager software.