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In order to 'force' ext4lazyinit to finish the thing it does with maximum priority, you need to mount the filesystem with 'init_itable=0'. By default it is 10 (for detail please see link below)

Alternative solution is to disable the ext4lazyinit thread by mount option 'no_init_itable''noinit_itable' which may however not be a good idea on production system (for detail please see link below).

Source with detailed info here ext4lazyinit git commit comment.

In order to 'force' ext4lazyinit to finish the thing it does with maximum priority, you need to mount the filesystem with 'init_itable=0'. By default it is 10 (for detail please see link below)

Alternative solution is to disable the ext4lazyinit thread by mount option 'no_init_itable' which may however not be a good idea on production system (for detail please see link below).

Source with detailed info here ext4lazyinit git commit comment.

In order to 'force' ext4lazyinit to finish the thing it does with maximum priority, you need to mount the filesystem with 'init_itable=0'. By default it is 10 (for detail please see link below)

Alternative solution is to disable the ext4lazyinit thread by mount option 'noinit_itable' which may however not be a good idea on production system (for detail please see link below).

Source with detailed info here ext4lazyinit git commit comment.

s/init_itable=1/init_itable=0/g - should be faster (theory & practice on my system). (...and edits have to be 6 cahracters...)
Source Link

In order to 'force' ext4lazyinit to finish the thing it does with maximum priority, you need to mount the filesystem with 'init_itable=1''init_itable=0'. By default it is 10 (for detail please see link below)

Alternative solution is to disable the ext4lazyinit thread by mount option 'no_init_itable' which may however not be a good idea on production system (for detail please see link below).

Source with detailed info here ext4lazyinit git commit comment.

In order to 'force' ext4lazyinit to finish the thing it does with maximum priority, you need to mount the filesystem with 'init_itable=1'. By default it is 10 (for detail please see link below)

Alternative solution is to disable the ext4lazyinit thread by mount option 'no_init_itable' which may however not be a good idea on production system (for detail please see link below).

Source with detailed info here ext4lazyinit git commit comment.

In order to 'force' ext4lazyinit to finish the thing it does with maximum priority, you need to mount the filesystem with 'init_itable=0'. By default it is 10 (for detail please see link below)

Alternative solution is to disable the ext4lazyinit thread by mount option 'no_init_itable' which may however not be a good idea on production system (for detail please see link below).

Source with detailed info here ext4lazyinit git commit comment.

Source Link

In order to 'force' ext4lazyinit to finish the thing it does with maximum priority, you need to mount the filesystem with 'init_itable=1'. By default it is 10 (for detail please see link below)

Alternative solution is to disable the ext4lazyinit thread by mount option 'no_init_itable' which may however not be a good idea on production system (for detail please see link below).

Source with detailed info here ext4lazyinit git commit comment.