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I have a link which indludes 12 files and I want to download all of them using just one command in Wget. And I use Cygwin as a terminal to runWget.

The link is and I only want all .grb files under this link. I have tired the following code, but it just downloads all .xml files.

I find some advices from ,but I still cannot solve the problem. Thanks for any help.

wget --load-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --save-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --keep-session-cookies -r -c -nH -nd -np -A nc4,xml ""

Thanks to all the help, I have fixed it but then it comes to a more complicated question. It requires username and password, which should be the case, but I do not know how to Create a .netrc file and Create a cookie file as recommended by the first link I post in the question

Here is a biref description of what I need to do.

To run wget, you need to set up .netrc and create a cookie file:
Create a .netrc file in your home directory.
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .netrc
c. echo "machine login <uid> password <password>" >> .netrc
     where <uid> is your user name and <password> is your URS password
d. chmod 0600 .netrc (so only you can access it)

Create a cookie file. This file will be used to persist sessions across calls to Wget or Curl. For example:
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .urs_cookies

I wonder how I can do this in Wget from Cygwin for Windows.

I have a link which indludes 12 files and I want to download all of them using just one command in Wget. And I use Cygwin as a terminal to runWget.

The link is and I only want all .grb files under this link. I have tired the following code, but it just downloads all .xml files.

I find some advices from ,but I still cannot solve the problem. Thanks for any help.

wget --load-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --save-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --keep-session-cookies -r -c -nH -nd -np -A nc4,xml ""

Thanks to all the help, I have fixed it but then it comes to a more complicated question. It requires username and password, which should be the case, but I do not know how to Create a .netrc file and Create a cookie file as recommended by the first link I post in the question.

Here is a biref description of what I need to do.

To run wget, you need to set up .netrc and create a cookie file:
Create a .netrc file in your home directory.
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .netrc
c. echo "machine login <uid> password <password>" >> .netrc
     where <uid> is your user name and <password> is your URS password
d. chmod 0600 .netrc (so only you can access it)

Create a cookie file. This file will be used to persist sessions across calls to Wget or Curl. For example:
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .urs_cookies

I wonder how I can do this in Wget from Cygwin for Windows.

I have a link which indludes 12 files and I want to download all of them using just one command in Wget. And I use Cygwin as a terminal to runWget.

The link is and I only want all .grb files under this link. I have tired the following code, but it just downloads all .xml files.

I find some advices from ,but I still cannot solve the problem. Thanks for any help.

wget --load-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --save-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --keep-session-cookies -r -c -nH -nd -np -A nc4,xml ""

Thanks to all the help, I have fixed it but then it comes to a more complicated question. It requires username and password, which should be the case, but I do not know how to Create a .netrc file and Create a cookie file as recommended by

Here is a biref description of what I need to do.

To run wget, you need to set up .netrc and create a cookie file:
Create a .netrc file in your home directory.
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .netrc
c. echo "machine login <uid> password <password>" >> .netrc
     where <uid> is your user name and <password> is your URS password
d. chmod 0600 .netrc (so only you can access it)

Create a cookie file. This file will be used to persist sessions across calls to Wget or Curl. For example:
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .urs_cookies

I wonder how I can do this in Wget from Cygwin for Windows.

added 178 characters in body
Source Link

I have a link which indludes 12 files and I want to download all of them using just one command in Wget. And I use Cygwin as a terminal to runWget.

The link is and I only want all .grb files under this link. I have tired the following code, but it just downloads all .xml files.

I find some advices from ,but I still cannot solve the problem. Thanks for any help.

wget --load-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --save-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --keep-session-cookies -r -c -nH -nd -np -A nc4,xml ""

Thanks to all the help, I have fixed it but then it comes to a more complicated question. It requires username and password, which should be the case, but I do not know how to Create a .netrc file and Create a cookie file as recommended by the first link I post in the question.

Here is a biref description of what I need to do.

To run wget, you need to set up .netrc and create a cookie file:
Create a .netrc file in your home directory.
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .netrc
c. echo "machine login <uid> password <password>" >> .netrc
     where <uid> is your user name and <password> is your URS password
d. chmod 0600 .netrc (so only you can access it)

Create a cookie file. This file will be used to persist sessions across calls to Wget or Curl. For example:
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .urs_cookies

I wonder how I can do this in Wget from Cygwin for Windows.

I have a link which indludes 12 files and I want to download all of them using just one command in Wget. And I use Cygwin as a terminal to runWget.

The link is and I only want all .grb files under this link. I have tired the following code, but it just downloads all .xml files.

I find some advices from ,but I still cannot solve the problem. Thanks for any help.

wget --load-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --save-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --keep-session-cookies -r -c -nH -nd -np -A nc4,xml ""

I have a link which indludes 12 files and I want to download all of them using just one command in Wget. And I use Cygwin as a terminal to runWget.

The link is and I only want all .grb files under this link. I have tired the following code, but it just downloads all .xml files.

I find some advices from ,but I still cannot solve the problem. Thanks for any help.

wget --load-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --save-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --keep-session-cookies -r -c -nH -nd -np -A nc4,xml ""

Thanks to all the help, I have fixed it but then it comes to a more complicated question. It requires username and password, which should be the case, but I do not know how to Create a .netrc file and Create a cookie file as recommended by the first link I post in the question.

Here is a biref description of what I need to do.

To run wget, you need to set up .netrc and create a cookie file:
Create a .netrc file in your home directory.
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .netrc
c. echo "machine login <uid> password <password>" >> .netrc
     where <uid> is your user name and <password> is your URS password
d. chmod 0600 .netrc (so only you can access it)

Create a cookie file. This file will be used to persist sessions across calls to Wget or Curl. For example:
a. cd ~ or cd $HOME
b. touch .urs_cookies

I wonder how I can do this in Wget from Cygwin for Windows.

Source Link

How to download multiple files using Wget from Cygwin for Windows

I have a link which indludes 12 files and I want to download all of them using just one command in Wget. And I use Cygwin as a terminal to runWget.

The link is and I only want all .grb files under this link. I have tired the following code, but it just downloads all .xml files.

I find some advices from ,but I still cannot solve the problem. Thanks for any help.

wget --load-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --save-cookies ~/.urs_cookies --keep-session-cookies -r -c -nH -nd -np -A nc4,xml ""