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I had this issue with Windows 10 and HP Pavilion. I  I read several posts and tried them all for hours. I I finally got it to work like this; which is similar to some posts:

  1. Bring up device managerDevice Manager and uninstall the ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery drive under battery“Battery” (or “Batteries”).
  2. Shut down the PC.
  3. Remove the battery and disconnect the AC.
  4. Hold the power switch down for 60 seconds.
  5. Connect the battery (no AC yet) and power on. PC  The PC is now running on battery.
  6. Connect the AC. It  It started charging! Note  Note: connecting the battery BEFOREbefore the AC seemed to do the trick.

I had this issue with Windows 10 and HP Pavilion. I read several posts and tried them all for hours. I finally got it to work like this; which is similar to some posts:

  1. Bring up device manager and uninstall the ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery drive under battery
  2. Shut down PC.
  3. Remove battery and disconnect AC.
  4. Hold power switch down for 60 seconds.
  5. Connect battery (no AC yet) and power on. PC now running on battery.
  6. Connect AC. It started charging! Note: connecting battery BEFORE AC seemed to do the trick.

I had this issue with Windows 10 and HP Pavilion.  I read several posts and tried them all for hours. I finally got it to work like this; which is similar to some posts:

  1. Bring up Device Manager and uninstall the ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery drive under “Battery” (or “Batteries”).
  2. Shut down the PC.
  3. Remove the battery and disconnect the AC.
  4. Hold the power switch down for 60 seconds.
  5. Connect the battery (no AC yet) and power on.  The PC is now running on battery.
  6. Connect the AC.  It started charging!  Note: connecting the battery before the AC seemed to do the trick.
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I had this issue with Windows 10 and HP Pavilion. I read several posts and tried them all for hours. I finally got it to work like this; which is similar to some posts:

  1. Bring up device manager and uninstall the ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery drive under battery
  2. Shut down PC.
  3. Remove battery and disconnect AC.
  4. Hold power switch down for 60 seconds.
  5. Connect battery (no AC yet) and power on. PC now running on battery.
  6. Connect AC. It started charging! Note: connecting battery BEFORE AC seemed to do the trick.