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In addition to setting up the init scripts (either using chkconfig or by hand hacking the /etc/init.d hierarchy) and using cron (8), some simple services can be handled from /etc/inittab.

See for instance Using inittab to ensure sshd (and other important items) are still running — any drawbacks?Using inittab to ensure sshd (and other important items) are still running — any drawbacks? on Server Fault.

In addition to setting up the init scripts (either using chkconfig or by hand hacking the /etc/init.d hierarchy) and using cron (8), some simple services can be handled from /etc/inittab.

See for instance Using inittab to ensure sshd (and other important items) are still running — any drawbacks? on Server Fault.

In addition to setting up the init scripts (either using chkconfig or by hand hacking the /etc/init.d hierarchy) and using cron (8), some simple services can be handled from /etc/inittab.

See for instance Using inittab to ensure sshd (and other important items) are still running — any drawbacks? on Server Fault.

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In addition to setting up the init scripts (either using chkconfig or by hand hacking the /etc/init.d hierarchy) and using cron (8), some simple services can be handled from /etc/inittab.

See for instance Using inittab to ensure sshd (and other important items) are still running — any drawbacks? on Server Fault.