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How to disable only some Windows 10 global shortuts forto use this shortcutsthem in third-party applications?

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want to disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I nodon't want to disable

But, for example, I nodon't want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use thisthese hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey disableis disabled for me, but my Sublime Text command paste notdoesn't run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice, if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I don't want not this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable use(using gpedit.msc), for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I can disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K is not disabled for me.

6. DisabledHotkeys parameter in Windows Registry


I create string parameter DisableHotkeys with value KHPE.


Win+E, for example, disableis disabled for me, but

  • Win+P, Win+K and Win+H are not disabledisabled.
  • This method is not for disabling, for example, Ctrl+Win+P and Ctrl+Win+F4.

4. Do not offer

How disable only some Windows 10 global shortuts for use this shortcuts in third-party applications?

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I no want disable

But, for example, I no want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use this hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey disable for me, but my Sublime Text command paste not run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice, if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I want not this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable use gpedit.msc, for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K not disabled for me.

6. DisabledHotkeys parameter in Windows Registry


I create string parameter DisableHotkeys with value KHPE.


Win+E, for example, disable for me, but

  • Win+P, Win+K and Win+H not disable.
  • This method not for disabling, for example, Ctrl+Win+P and Ctrl+Win+F4.

4. Do not offer

How to disable only some Windows 10 global shortuts to use them in third-party applications?

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want to disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I don't want to disable

But, for example, I don't want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use these hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey is disabled for me, but my Sublime Text command paste doesn't run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I don't want this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable (using gpedit.msc), for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I can disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K is not disabled for me.

6. DisabledHotkeys parameter in Windows Registry


I create string parameter DisableHotkeys with value KHPE.


Win+E, for example, is disabled for me, but

  • Win+P, Win+K and Win+H are not disabled.
  • This method is not for disabling, for example, Ctrl+Win+P and Ctrl+Win+F4.

4. Do not offer

Source Link

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I no want disable

But, for example, I no want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use this hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey disable for me, but my Sublime Text command paste not run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice, if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I want not this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable use gpedit.msc, for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K not disabled for me.

6. DisabledHotkeys parameter in Windows Registry


I create string parameter DisableHotkeys with value KHPE.


Win+E, for example, disable for me, but

  • Win+P, Win+K and Win+H not disable.
  • This method not for disabling, for example, Ctrl+Win+P and Ctrl+Win+F4.

4. Do not offer

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I no want disable

But, for example, I no want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use this hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey disable for me, but my Sublime Text command paste not run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice, if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I want not this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable use gpedit.msc, for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K not disabled for me.

6. DisabledHotkeys parameter in Windows Registry



Win+E, for example, disable for me, but

  • Win+P, Win+K and Win+H not disable.
  • This method not for disabling, for example, Ctrl+Win+P and Ctrl+Win+F4.

4. Do not offer

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I no want disable

But, for example, I no want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use this hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey disable for me, but my Sublime Text command paste not run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice, if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I want not this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable use gpedit.msc, for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K not disabled for me.

6. DisabledHotkeys parameter in Windows Registry


I create string parameter DisableHotkeys with value KHPE.


Win+E, for example, disable for me, but

  • Win+P, Win+K and Win+H not disable.
  • This method not for disabling, for example, Ctrl+Win+P and Ctrl+Win+F4.

4. Do not offer

Source Link

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I no want disable

But, for example, I no want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use this hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey disable for me, but my Sublime Text command paste not run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice, if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I want not this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable use gpedit.msc, for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K not disabled for me.

6. DisabledHotkeys parameter in Windows Registry



Win+E, for example, disable for me, but

  • Win+P, Win+K and Win+H not disable.
  • This method not for disabling, for example, Ctrl+Win+P and Ctrl+Win+F4.

4. Do not offer

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I no want disable

But, for example, I no want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use this hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey disable for me, but my Sublime Text command paste not run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice, if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I want not this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable use gpedit.msc, for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K not disabled for me.

4. Do not offer

1. Briefly

I want to disable only some Windows 10 default global hotkeys, to use this hotkeys for run Sublime Text commands.

2. Detail

I have Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393. In Windows 10 we have many native hotkeys.

1. I want disable

For example, I want to disable custom hotkeys, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.

2. I no want disable

But, for example, I no want to disable Win+D and Win+R hotkeys. I often use this hotkeys.

3. Sublime Text keymap part

    "keys": ["super+k"],
    "command": "paste"

3. Did not help

1. AutoHotkey Override

My code:


Win+K global hotkey disable for me, but my Sublime Text command paste not run too.

2. AutoHotkey overwrite global Windows hotkeys to hotkey of application

My code:

#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
$#2::ControlSend, ahk_parent, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

It is worked for me, but I have bugs, for example:

AutoHotkey bug

For other hotkeys I have bugs too. It would be nice, if someone will improve this code.

3. SharpKeys

SharpKeys program can disable or reassign Win key, but I want not this.

4. gpedit.msc

I can disable some default hotkeys, but:

  • I can not disable use gpedit.msc, for example, Win+K, Win+H and Ctrl+Win+P.
  • I disable Win+D and Win+R, but I want to use this hotkeys.

5. Simple disable key

I download Simple disable key → I disable Win+K in program → I restart Windows → Win+K not disabled for me.

6. DisabledHotkeys parameter in Windows Registry



Win+E, for example, disable for me, but

  • Win+P, Win+K and Win+H not disable.
  • This method not for disabling, for example, Ctrl+Win+P and Ctrl+Win+F4.

4. Do not offer

Source Link