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Fixed DesktopRefresh.exe link and added @Tony's icon refresh methods.
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You will not see anything change until you refresh the desktop. You can simply download and run DesktopRefresh.exe, or you can restart explorer.exe with the steps belowThere are 3 ways to do so:

  • In windows 10 run ie4uinit.exe -show. In Windows 7 and 8 run ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache. (Thanks to @Tony for this tip.)
  • Or, you can simply download and run DesktopRefresh.exe
  • Or, you can restart explorer.exe:

You will not see anything change until you refresh the desktop. You can simply download and run DesktopRefresh.exe, or you can restart explorer.exe with the steps below:

You will not see anything change until you refresh the desktop. There are 3 ways to do so:

  • In windows 10 run ie4uinit.exe -show. In Windows 7 and 8 run ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache. (Thanks to @Tony for this tip.)
  • Or, you can simply download and run DesktopRefresh.exe
  • Or, you can restart explorer.exe:
fixed icon numbers
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  1. In regedit, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\
  2. Now open the key with the same name as your file type. For example, if your file type is Applications\customJEPG.cmd, You will open:
  3. Create a new key inside named DefaultIcon
  4. Set the (Default) value of the DefaultIcon key to a path to the icon you want to use. Example:
    E:\Tools\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Photoshop.exe,3630

You will not see anything change until you refresh the desktop. You can simply download and run DesktopRefresh.exeDesktopRefresh.exe, or you can restart explorer.exe with the steps below:

  1. Create a shortcut to the .exe by right-clicking and selecting Create shortcut
  2. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties
  3. Click the Change Icon button near the bottom
  4. You will now see a window like this (but without the numbers):
    enter image description hereicons Window
  5. The icons are numbered starting from 10. Find the number of the icon you want to use. Instead of counting, you can use the formula (column - 1) * 4 + row - 1. For example, if the icon is in column 6, row 3, (6 - 1) * 4 + 3 - 1 = 2322
  6. Now you can reference that icon by including the number in the path to the .exe like so:
  1. In regedit, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\
  2. Now open the key with the same name as your file type. For example, if your file type is Applications\customJEPG.cmd, You will open:
  3. Create a new key inside named DefaultIcon
  4. Set the (Default) value of the DefaultIcon key to a path to the icon you want to use. Example:
    E:\Tools\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Photoshop.exe,36

You will not see anything change until you refresh the desktop. You can simply download and run DesktopRefresh.exe, or you can restart explorer.exe with the steps below:

  1. Create a shortcut to the .exe by right-clicking and selecting Create shortcut
  2. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties
  3. Click the Change Icon button near the bottom
  4. You will now see a window like this (but without the numbers):
    enter image description here
  5. The icons are numbered starting from 1. Find the number of the icon you want to use. Instead of counting, you can use the formula (column - 1) * 4 + row. For example, if the icon is in column 6, row 3, (6 - 1) * 4 + 3 = 23
  6. Now you can reference that icon by including the number in the path to the .exe like so:
  1. In regedit, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\
  2. Now open the key with the same name as your file type. For example, if your file type is Applications\customJEPG.cmd, You will open:
  3. Create a new key inside named DefaultIcon
  4. Set the (Default) value of the DefaultIcon key to a path to the icon you want to use. Example:
    E:\Tools\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Photoshop.exe,30

You will not see anything change until you refresh the desktop. You can simply download and run DesktopRefresh.exe, or you can restart explorer.exe with the steps below:

  1. Create a shortcut to the .exe by right-clicking and selecting Create shortcut
  2. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties
  3. Click the Change Icon button near the bottom
  4. You will now see a window like this (but without the numbers):
    icons Window
  5. The icons are numbered starting from 0. Find the number of the icon you want to use. Instead of counting, you can use the formula (column - 1) * 4 + row - 1. For example, if the icon is in column 6, row 3, (6 - 1) * 4 + 3 - 1 = 22
  6. Now you can reference that icon by including the number in the path to the .exe like so:
added note about refreshing regedit
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Note: If a key seems to be missing in the registry, try refreshing by pressing F5 or View->Refresh. regedit does not stay up to date and requires a refresh to see the latest.

Note: If a key seems to be missing in the registry, try refreshing by pressing F5 or View->Refresh. regedit does not stay up to date and requires a refresh to see the latest.

write -> write down
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