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Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


Logical Flow

The way I understand the flow of streaming media in this form is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured and other parameters. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


Logical Flow

The way I understand the flow of streaming media in this form is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


Logical Flow

The way I understand the flow of streaming media in this form is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured and other parameters. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


added 19 characters in body
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Mostly UsedCommon Applications

Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


Logical Flow

The way I understand the flow of streaming media in this form is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Additionally, the way I understand streaming media of this nature to work is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own VideosStreaming Technologies

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted VideoThe client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.HTTP Protocol

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or pageThe HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on your own WordPress sitethe Internet. The video will appear on your site, inclient makes a connection to the location where you pastedserver containing the embed code, butfile to be streamed, the video itselffile is being streamed fromretrieved and the video host’s servers,connection closed. as opposed to your own webThe HTTP server, where your WordPress site is communicates to the browser the type of file to be hostedtransferred.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web VideoBenefits Using HTTP

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. AsWhen streaming a result, the major web browsers have divergedfile using HTTP, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, butspecial streaming server is not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264required. Thankfully,As long as your browser understands MIME types it can Chrome will play allreceive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the major video formats, but if you want todistinct ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’lladvantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv,firewalls and   utilize proxy servers.webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.Some Disadvantages

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktopHTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet or laptop with the benefitProtocol) to ensure reliable delivery of a high-speed Internet connectionthe files. ForThis process those folks, you’ll wantchecks for missing packets and asks for them to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choosebe retransmitted. Generally, this means aThis 1080p or 720p file at a highbecome problematic in the streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll alsoscenario when you want the data to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tabletsbe disregarded if it is lost in delivery, as well asso dynamic files keep deliveryplaying. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to viewersserver users with slower Internetdifferent types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

6. Video PlayersRTSP Protocol

A video playerRTSP is a small piecethe standard protocol used by most of web software you install on yourthe streaming server sitevendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that will automatically detect which devicefiles have arrived at their destination. This is requesting youran advantage for streaming applications video, along with its connection speed, and then deliverbecause it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the appropriate version todelay is not too long. The result of this method is that personthere is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…source

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.

source source

Mostly Used

Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Additionally, the way I understand streaming media of this nature to work is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and  .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


Common Applications

Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


Logical Flow

The way I understand the flow of streaming media in this form is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


added 2790 characters in body
Source Link

Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Additionally, the way I understand streaming media of this nature to work is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Additionally, the way I understand streaming media of this nature to work is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


Protocol directives

While similar in some ways to HTTP, RTSP defines control sequences useful in controlling multimedia playback. While HTTP is stateless, RTSP has state; an identifier is used when needed to track concurrent sessions. Like HTTP, RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection and, while most RTSP control messages are sent by the client to the server, some commands travel in the other direction (i.e. from server to client).

Presented here are the basic RTSP requests. Some typical HTTP requests, like the OPTIONS request, are also available. The default transport layer port number is 554[3] for both TCP and UDP, the latter being rarely used for the control requests.



A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests. In contrast, a protocol which requires keeping of the internal state on the server is known as a stateful protocol.

A disadvantage of statelessness is that it may be necessary to include additional information in every request, and this extra information will need to be interpreted by the server.


In the below 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos section I've quoted the parts that get to the point to help answer your question in "general" without being too specific.

Essentially it says that the website that has the embedded media player controls will:

  • (1)detect the client web browser settings upon "connection and request" from the client and
  • (2)this will set the codec and any other client side detection settings to applicable parameter values, and then
  • (3)it'll stream the video directly from the streaming server you host the video and audio files on based on further code in your embedded media player configurations pointing to the URL of the media file on the hosted server.

Additionally, the way I understand streaming media of this nature to work is:

  • the server where the media content resides will encapsulate, compress, encode, etc. the video/audio data content in the proper formats and segments for stream delivery
  • the web server that listens for connections to access the streaming media will deliver all resources needed to stream the media
  • the client requests and downloads applicable resources and files, and then assembles them in a continuous fashion for playback via the URL pointer as configured. The playback software at the client level assembles the packets transmitted in sequence to allow proper playback of the content.

Please see the Streaming Technologies section below for a general comparison of HTTP versus RTSP.

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos

We’re Talking About Embedding vs. Self-Hosted Video

First, you upload your video file to a third-party video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia.

Then, you copy a small bit of code that they furnish to you, and paste it into your post or page on your own WordPress site. The video will appear on your site, in the location where you pasted the embed code, but the video itself is being streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own web server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

4. No Single File Format Standard for Web Video

The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which video formats browsers should support. As a result, the major web browsers have diverged, each one supporting a different format. Internet Explorer and Safari will play H.264 (MP4) videos, but not WebM or Ogg. Firefox will play Ogg or WebM videos, but not H.264. Thankfully, Chrome will play all the major video formats, but if you want to ensure your video will play back on all the major web browsers, you’ll have to convert your video into multiple formats: .mp4, .ogv, and .webm

5. Hope you like converting videos. A lot.

Most of your audience will likely watch your videos from their desktop or laptop with the benefit of a high-speed Internet connection. For those folks, you’ll want to deliver a large, HD-quality file so they can watch it full-screen if they so choose. Generally, this means a 1080p or 720p file at a high streaming bitrate (5000 – 8000 kbps).

But you’ll also want to encode a smaller, lower-resolution version for delivery to mobile devices like phones and tablets, as well as delivery to viewers with slower Internet connections.

6. Video Players

A video player is a small piece of web software you install on your site that will automatically detect which device is requesting your video, along with its connection speed, and then deliver the appropriate version to that person.

7. Cumbersome Code [or Shortcodes]

Whether you use a third-party plugin or WordPress’ built-in video capabilities, you’ll need to create a bit of code to tell the video player which formats you’ve created, as well as their location on the server. It looks something like this…

<video poster="movie.jpg" controls>
<source src="movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="movie.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"'/>
<p>This is fallback content</p>

So what’s the best solution for adding video to your site?

Simply use a third-party video hosting service, then just embed your video into your WordPress post or page.

Step One: Upload your video to one of the popular, well-established video hosting services like Vimeo PRO.

Step Two: Once your video has been uploaded and is ready for viewing, copy the URL to your video. Return to your WordPress site and paste the URL into your post or page where you want the video to appear.

When folks view your page, the video will appear in the location where you pasted the URL. But the video file itself will be streamed from the video host’s servers, as opposed to your own server, where your WordPress site is hosted.

The embedded video player will automatically detect the user’s device, browser, and Internet connection speed, and then serve the appropriate version of the video file to them. Nothing to install on your site. No plugins to keep up to date. No tricky code.


Streaming Technologies

The client browser must receive the data from the server and pass it to the streaming application for processing. The streaming application converts the data into pictures and sounds. An important factor in the success of this process is the ability of the client to receive data faster that the application can display the information. Excess data is stored in a buffer – an area of memory reserved for data storage within the application. If the data is delayed in transfer between the two systems, the buffer empties and the presentation of the material will not be smooth.

HTTP Protocol

The HTTP is the predominant way in which documents are linked on the Internet. The client makes a connection to the server containing the file to be streamed, the file is retrieved and the connection closed. The HTTP server communicates to the browser the type of file to be transferred.

Benefits Using HTTP

When streaming a file using HTTP, a special streaming server is not required. As long as your browser understands MIME types it can receive a streaming file from a HTTP server. One of the distinct advantages of streaming files using HTTP is that it can pass through firewalls and utilize proxy servers.

Some Disadvantages

HTTP streaming uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol) to ensure reliable delivery of the files. This process checks for missing packets and asks for them to be retransmitted. This become problematic in the streaming scenario when you want the data to be disregarded if it is lost in delivery, so dynamic files keep playing. HTTP cannot detect modem speed so server administrators must purposefully produce files at different compression rates to server users with different types of connections. Streaming files from HTTP servers is not recommended for high-demand situations.

RTSP Protocol

RTSP is the standard protocol used by most of the streaming server vendors. RTSP servers use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transfer media files. UDP does not continually check that files have arrived at their destination. This is an advantage for streaming applications because it allows for file transfers to be interrupted as long as the delay is not too long. The result of this method is that there is data loss at times, but files continue to play if the delay is small.


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