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Did you verify the ISO file?
It is possible you have a corrupted download.
Check the real MD5/SHA256/etc.SHA256 hashes from the Kali Linux website, and check if the output is similar to:

md5sumsha256sum (kali linux iso file name).iso

You should use the dd command to write your ISO to the drive, if that's an option.

sudo dd if=/dev/(name of usb device) of=path/to/kalilinux.iso of=/filedev/sdX bs=4M   (filename).isowhere bs=512kX is the letter shown from `lsblk` or `parted -l`

If that doesn't work, check if any ISO can be installed from the USB drive.
Kali may not work on your system for certain reasons.

Did you verify the ISO file?
It is possible you have a corrupted download.
Check the real MD5/SHA256/etc. hashes from the Kali Linux website, and check if the output is similar to:

md5sum (kali linux iso file name).iso

You should use the dd command to write your ISO to the drive, if that's an option.

sudo dd if=/dev/(name of usb device) of=/iso/file/(filename).iso bs=512k

If that doesn't work, check if any ISO can be installed from the USB drive.
Kali may not work on your system for certain reasons.

Did you verify the ISO file?
It is possible you have a corrupted download.
Check the real SHA256 hashes from the Kali Linux website, and check if the output is similar to:

sha256sum (kali linux iso file name).iso

You should use the dd command to write your ISO to the drive, if that's an option.

sudo dd if=/dev/path/to/kalilinux.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M   (where X is the letter shown from `lsblk` or `parted -l`

If that doesn't work, check if any ISO can be installed from the USB drive.
Kali may not work on your system for certain reasons.

Source Link

Did you verify the ISO file?
It is possible you have a corrupted download.
Check the real MD5/SHA256/etc. hashes from the Kali Linux website, and check if the output is similar to:

md5sum (kali linux iso file name).iso

You should use the dd command to write your ISO to the drive, if that's an option.

sudo dd if=/dev/(name of usb device) of=/iso/file/(filename).iso bs=512k

If that doesn't work, check if any ISO can be installed from the USB drive.
Kali may not work on your system for certain reasons.