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So, I had a bit of a time, since I had backups from multiple machines on the same drive. I had to install hdfsplus utilities (hfsprogs), then mount the drive, and finally change ownership of the relevant folders using both the user and group name.

Note: you can list the mount points and devices by just typing mount at the terminal.


sudo apt-get install hfsprogs

Then unmount your drive if it has already been mounted:

sudo umount /media/user/mount_point

(Re)Mount the drive using the following args:

sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdb# /media/mntpointuser/mount_point

Navigate to the directory containing the problem folders. Then do:

chmod -R your_user_group:your_user_name ./target_directory

Hope that helps.

So, I had a bit of a time, since I had backups from multiple machines on the same drive. I had to install hdfsplus utilities (hfsprogs), then mount the drive, and finally change ownership of the relevant folders using both the user and group name.

Note: you can list the mount points and devices by just typing mount at the terminal.


sudo apt-get install hfsprogs

Then unmount your drive if it has already been mounted:

sudo umount /media/user/mount_point

(Re)Mount the drive using the following args:

sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdb# /media/mntpoint

Navigate to the directory containing the problem folders. Then do:

chmod -R your_user_group:your_user_name ./target_directory

Hope that helps.

So, I had a bit of a time, since I had backups from multiple machines on the same drive. I had to install hdfsplus utilities (hfsprogs), then mount the drive, and finally change ownership of the relevant folders using both the user and group name.

Note: you can list the mount points and devices by just typing mount at the terminal.


sudo apt-get install hfsprogs

Then unmount your drive if it has already been mounted:

sudo umount /media/user/mount_point

(Re)Mount the drive using the following args:

sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdb# /media/user/mount_point

Navigate to the directory containing the problem folders. Then do:

chmod -R your_user_group:your_user_name ./target_directory

Hope that helps.

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So, I had a bit of a time, since I had backups from multiple machines on the same drive. I had to install hdfsplus utilities (hfsprogs), then mount the drive, and finally change ownership of the relevant folders using both the user and group name.

Note: you can list the mount points and devices by just typing mount at the terminal.


sudo apt-get install hfsprogs

Then unmount your drive if it has already been mounted:

sudo umount /media/user/mount_point

(Re)Mount the drive using the following args:

sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdb# /media/mntpoint

Navigate to the directory containing the problem folders. Then do:

chmod -R your_user_group:your_user_name ./target_directory

Hope that helps.