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I've got a Dell 13z notebook with 8 gb of RAM (DD3, 666 Mhz). With 2 active Chrome tabs open, I somehow got 41% of my memory used. How is this possible? The top consuming processes running (the ones shown in the screenshot) roughly amount to 1 GB. Where is the rest?

Edit: the real performance issue i am experiencing is that I often get warnings that my memory is low. Usually what I have running is an ubuntu virtual machine with 3gb of ram, two instances of visual studio code, a couple of chrome tabs and a couple of custom command lines open ("cmder"). Sometimes I also open MySQL and OneNote. Is there anything I need to configure so that these warnings go away? Maybe it's an issue with pagination?

Edit 2: I don't have a pagefile. I deleted it some time ago because it was a huge file and I wanted to clear some space in my hard drive.

Edit 3: I have one 500gb hard drive with 180 gb free. I cannot add more physical memory.

Task manager:

Memory usage  

RAM details:

Memory description





I've got a Dell notebook with 8 gb of RAM (DD3, 666 Mhz). With 2 active Chrome tabs open, I somehow got 41% of my memory used. How is this possible? The top consuming processes running (the ones shown in the screenshot) roughly amount to 1 GB. Where is the rest?

Edit: the real performance issue i am experiencing is that I often get warnings that my memory is low. Usually what I have running is an ubuntu virtual machine with 3gb of ram, two instances of visual studio code, a couple of chrome tabs and a couple of custom command lines open ("cmder"). Sometimes I also open MySQL and OneNote. Is there anything I need to configure so that these warnings go away? Maybe it's an issue with pagination?

Edit 2: I don't have a pagefile. I deleted it some time ago because it was a huge file and I wanted to clear some space in my hard drive.

Memory usage  Memory description

I've got a Dell 13z notebook with 8 gb of RAM (DD3, 666 Mhz). With 2 active Chrome tabs open, I somehow got 41% of my memory used. How is this possible? The top consuming processes running (the ones shown in the screenshot) roughly amount to 1 GB. Where is the rest?

Edit: the real performance issue i am experiencing is that I often get warnings that my memory is low. Usually what I have running is an ubuntu virtual machine with 3gb of ram, two instances of visual studio code, a couple of chrome tabs and a couple of custom command lines open ("cmder"). Sometimes I also open MySQL and OneNote. Is there anything I need to configure so that these warnings go away? Maybe it's an issue with pagination?

Edit 2: I don't have a pagefile. I deleted it some time ago because it was a huge file and I wanted to clear some space in my hard drive.

Edit 3: I have one 500gb hard drive with 180 gb free. I cannot add more physical memory.

Task manager:

Memory usage

RAM details:

Memory description





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I've got a Dell notebook with 8 gb of RAM (DD3, 666 Mhz). With 2 active Chrome tabs open, I somehow got 41% of my memory used. How is this possible? The top consuming processes running (the ones shown in the screenshot) roughly amount to 1 GB. Where is the rest?

Edit: the real performance issue i am experiencing is that I often get warnings that my memory is low. Usually what I have running is an ubuntu virtual machine with 3gb of ram, two instances of visual studio code, a couple of chrome tabs and a couple of custom command lines open ("cmder"). Sometimes I also open MySQL and OneNote. Is there anything I need to configure so that these warnings go away? Maybe it's an issue with pagination?

Edit 2: I don't have a pagefile. I deleted it some time ago because it was a huge file and I wanted to clear some space in my hard drive.

Memory usage Memory description

I've got a Dell notebook with 8 gb of RAM (DD3, 666 Mhz). With 2 active Chrome tabs open, I somehow got 41% of my memory used. How is this possible? The top consuming processes running (the ones shown in the screenshot) roughly amount to 1 GB. Where is the rest?

Memory usage Memory description

I've got a Dell notebook with 8 gb of RAM (DD3, 666 Mhz). With 2 active Chrome tabs open, I somehow got 41% of my memory used. How is this possible? The top consuming processes running (the ones shown in the screenshot) roughly amount to 1 GB. Where is the rest?

Edit: the real performance issue i am experiencing is that I often get warnings that my memory is low. Usually what I have running is an ubuntu virtual machine with 3gb of ram, two instances of visual studio code, a couple of chrome tabs and a couple of custom command lines open ("cmder"). Sometimes I also open MySQL and OneNote. Is there anything I need to configure so that these warnings go away? Maybe it's an issue with pagination?

Edit 2: I don't have a pagefile. I deleted it some time ago because it was a huge file and I wanted to clear some space in my hard drive.

Memory usage Memory description

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Memory usage is high despite having only Chrome open

I've got a Dell notebook with 8 gb of RAM (DD3, 666 Mhz). With 2 active Chrome tabs open, I somehow got 41% of my memory used. How is this possible? The top consuming processes running (the ones shown in the screenshot) roughly amount to 1 GB. Where is the rest?

Memory usage Memory description