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Making pair of two YUV video file croppingvideos (side by side) using FFmpeg

I have 1920x1080 YUV video fileam trying to make a pair of 2 videos (side by side) with a 10px white border seperator. I useused the following FFmpeg command to crop 480:500(center aligned),
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 1920x1080 -r 25 -i input left.yuv -filter:v "crop=480:500:720:290" -crfi 23 outputright.yuv and it works well.
But when i down-sample the video file from 19820x1080 to 960x540 and then try the same command to crop the video,
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422pfilter_complex -s"[0:v 960x540 -r 25 -i am_down.yuv -c:v libx264 “crop=4300]pad=iw*2:270ih:215color=white[bg]; [bg][1:135”v:0]overlay=w+10" left-crf 23 outright.yuvYUV
But it is not working.

It gives meBoth of the following error:
Unable to find a suitable output format for '“crop=430:270:215:135”' “crop=430:270:215:135”: Invalid argument
videos duration and rations are same (480x270 and 8 seconds)

Can anyone help me?

YUV video file cropping using FFmpeg

I have 1920x1080 YUV video file. I use the following FFmpeg command to crop 480:500(center aligned),
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 1920x1080 -r 25 -i input.yuv -filter:v "crop=480:500:720:290" -crf 23 output.yuv and it works well.
But when i down-sample the video file from 19820x1080 to 960x540 and then try the same command to crop the video,
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 960x540 -r 25 -i am_down.yuv -c:v libx264 “crop=430:270:215:135” -crf 23 out.yuv

It gives me the following error:
Unable to find a suitable output format for '“crop=430:270:215:135”' “crop=430:270:215:135”: Invalid argument

Can anyone help me?

Making pair of two YUV videos (side by side) using FFmpeg

I am trying to make a pair of 2 videos (side by side) with a 10px white border seperator. I used the following FFmpeg command,
ffmpeg -i left.yuv -i right.yuv -filter_complex "[0:v:0]pad=iw*2:ih:color=white[bg]; [bg][1:v:0]overlay=w+10" left-right.YUV
But it is not working.

Both of the videos duration and rations are same (480x270 and 8 seconds)

Can anyone help me?

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I have 1920x1080 YUV video file. I use the following FFmpeg command to crop 480:500(center aligned),
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 1920x1080 -r 25 -i input.yuv -filter:v "crop=480:500:720:290" -crf 23 output.yuv and it works well.
But when i down-sample the video file from 19820x1080 to 960x540 and then try the same command to crop the video,
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 960x540 -r 25 -i am_down.yuv -c:v libx264 “crop=430:270:215:135” -crf 23 out.yuv

It gives me the following error:
Unable to find a suitable output format for '“crop=430:270:215:135”' “crop=430:270:215:135”: Invalid argument

Can anyone help me?

I have 1920x1080 YUV video file. I use the following FFmpeg command to crop 480:500(center aligned),
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 1920x1080 -r 25 -i input.yuv -filter:v "crop=480:500:720:290" -crf 23 output.yuv and it works well.
But when i down-sample the video file from 19820x1080 to 960x540 and then try the same command to crop the video,
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 960x540 -r 25 -i am_down.yuv -c:v libx264 “crop=430:270:215:135” out.yuv

It gives me the following error:
Unable to find a suitable output format for '“crop=430:270:215:135”' “crop=430:270:215:135”: Invalid argument

Can anyone help me?

I have 1920x1080 YUV video file. I use the following FFmpeg command to crop 480:500(center aligned),
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 1920x1080 -r 25 -i input.yuv -filter:v "crop=480:500:720:290" -crf 23 output.yuv and it works well.
But when i down-sample the video file from 19820x1080 to 960x540 and then try the same command to crop the video,
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 960x540 -r 25 -i am_down.yuv -c:v libx264 “crop=430:270:215:135” -crf 23 out.yuv

It gives me the following error:
Unable to find a suitable output format for '“crop=430:270:215:135”' “crop=430:270:215:135”: Invalid argument

Can anyone help me?

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YUV video file cropping using FFmpeg

I have 1920x1080 YUV video file. I use the following FFmpeg command to crop 480:500(center aligned),
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 1920x1080 -r 25 -i input.yuv -filter:v "crop=480:500:720:290" -crf 23 output.yuv and it works well.
But when i down-sample the video file from 19820x1080 to 960x540 and then try the same command to crop the video,
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -s:v 960x540 -r 25 -i am_down.yuv -c:v libx264 “crop=430:270:215:135” out.yuv

It gives me the following error:
Unable to find a suitable output format for '“crop=430:270:215:135”' “crop=430:270:215:135”: Invalid argument

Can anyone help me?