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I was wondering if there is anyway to return the name of the table using a formula?

I was working on a way to break down a few thousand addresses into there perspective column of information. ie.. #, Street, City, State, Zip-code and Phone#. The addresses are not in any consistent format that Text to Columns would work. I finally came up with the formulas to get the job done, but the are very long. In a post I found it suggested to use repeated parts of the formulas as a Defined Name. And it made it so much easier. Now Here is the problem.

A formula that has the table name "Table1" won't work in "Table2". Or any other table name. Column headers are the same for each table.


A way to return the name of the table is needed. Via formula or formula as Defined Name.


I prefer it to be a formula. I'm not sure if a VBA solution would be a correct answer to this question so I would not be able to choose it as THE answer, even if it does work. It will still be appreciated. I will ask in a separate post if I do not find a Formula Solution.


I found this post that has a VBA solution, but I can't use it. I will post just so someone can maybe figure this out. Portland Runner Posted this CODE to get table name.

Function GetTableName(shtName As String) As String
    GetTableName = Worksheets(shtName).ListObjects(1).Name
End Function

In that Function I enter My Defined Name formula named "SheetName"


So I can use it like this.


However I still need this to be Formula Only. While I can run Macros on My PC, they will not run in the PC that has all the data.

I was wondering if there is anyway to return the name of the table using a formula?

I was working on a way to break down a few thousand addresses into there perspective column of information. ie.. #, Street, City, State, Zip-code and Phone#. The addresses are not in any consistent format that Text to Columns would work. I finally came up with the formulas to get the job done, but the are very long. In a post I found it suggested to use repeated parts of the formulas as a Defined Name. And it made it so much easier. Now Here is the problem.

A formula that has the table name "Table1" won't work in "Table2". Or any other table name. Column headers are the same for each table.


A way to return the name of the table is needed. Via formula or formula as Defined Name.


I prefer it to be a formula. I'm not sure if a VBA solution would be a correct answer to this question so I would not be able to choose it as THE answer, even if it does work. It will still be appreciated. I will ask in a separate post if I do not find a Formula Solution.


I found this post that has a VBA solution, but I can't use it. I will post just so someone can maybe figure this out. Portland Runner Posted this CODE to get table name.

Function GetTableName(shtName As String) As String
    GetTableName = Worksheets(shtName).ListObjects(1).Name
End Function

In that Function I enter My Defined Name formula named "SheetName"


So I can use it like this.


However I still need this to be Formula Only. While I can run Macros on My PC, they will not run in the PC that has all the data.

I was wondering if there is anyway to return the name of the table using a formula?

I was working on a way to break down a few thousand addresses into there perspective column of information. ie.. #, Street, City, State, Zip-code and Phone#. The addresses are not in any consistent format that Text to Columns would work. I finally came up with the formulas to get the job done, but the are very long. In a post I found it suggested to use repeated parts of the formulas as a Defined Name. And it made it so much easier. Now Here is the problem.

A formula that has the table name "Table1" won't work in "Table2". Or any other table name. Column headers are the same for each table.


A way to return the name of the table is needed. Via formula or formula as Defined Name.


I prefer it to be a formula. I'm not sure if a VBA solution would be a correct answer to this question so I would not be able to choose it as THE answer, even if it does work. It will still be appreciated. I will ask in a separate post if I do not find a Formula Solution.


I found this post that has a VBA solution, but I can't use it. I will post just so someone can maybe figure this out. Portland Runner Posted this CODE to get table name.

Function GetTableName(shtName As String) As String
    GetTableName = Worksheets(shtName).ListObjects(1).Name
End Function

In that Function I enter My Defined Name formula named "SheetName"


So I can use it like this.


However I still need this to be Formula Only. While I can run Macros on My PC, they will not run in the PC that has all the data.

Update what I have found so far
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I was wondering if there is anyway to return the name of the table using a formula?

I was working on a way to break down a few thousand addresses into there perspective column of information. ie.. #, Street, City, State, Zip-code and Phone#. The addresses are not in any consistent format that Text to Columns would work. I finally came up with the formulas to get the job done, but the are very long. In a post I found it suggested to use repeated parts of the formulas as a Defined Name. And it made it so much easier. Now Here is the problem.

A formula that has the table name "Table1" won't work in "Table2". Or any other table name. Column headers are the same for each table.


A way to return the name of the table is needed. Via formula or formula as Defined Name.


I prefer it to be a formula. I'm not sure if a VBA solution would be a correct answer to this question so I would not be able to choose it as THE answer, even if it does work. It will still be appreciated. I will ask in a separate post if I do not find a Formula Solution.


I found this post that has a VBA solution, but I can't use it. I will post just so someone can maybe figure this out. Portland Runner Posted this CODE to get table name.

Function GetTableName(shtName As String) As String
    GetTableName = Worksheets(shtName).ListObjects(1).Name
End Function

In that Function I enter My Defined Name formula named "SheetName"


So I can use it like this.


However I still need this to be Formula Only. While I can run Macros on My PC, they will not run in the PC that has all the data.

I was wondering if there is anyway to return the name of the table using a formula?

I was working on a way to break down a few thousand addresses into there perspective column of information. ie.. #, Street, City, State, Zip-code and Phone#. The addresses are not in any consistent format that Text to Columns would work. I finally came up with the formulas to get the job done, but the are very long. In a post I found it suggested to use repeated parts of the formulas as a Defined Name. And it made it so much easier. Now Here is the problem.

A formula that has the table name "Table1" won't work in "Table2". Or any other table name. Column headers are the same for each table.


A way to return the name of the table is needed. Via formula or formula as Defined Name.


I prefer it to be a formula. I'm not sure if a VBA solution would be a correct answer to this question so I would not be able to choose it as THE answer, even if it does work. It will still be appreciated. I will ask in a separate post if I do not find a Formula Solution.


I was wondering if there is anyway to return the name of the table using a formula?

I was working on a way to break down a few thousand addresses into there perspective column of information. ie.. #, Street, City, State, Zip-code and Phone#. The addresses are not in any consistent format that Text to Columns would work. I finally came up with the formulas to get the job done, but the are very long. In a post I found it suggested to use repeated parts of the formulas as a Defined Name. And it made it so much easier. Now Here is the problem.

A formula that has the table name "Table1" won't work in "Table2". Or any other table name. Column headers are the same for each table.


A way to return the name of the table is needed. Via formula or formula as Defined Name.


I prefer it to be a formula. I'm not sure if a VBA solution would be a correct answer to this question so I would not be able to choose it as THE answer, even if it does work. It will still be appreciated. I will ask in a separate post if I do not find a Formula Solution.


I found this post that has a VBA solution, but I can't use it. I will post just so someone can maybe figure this out. Portland Runner Posted this CODE to get table name.

Function GetTableName(shtName As String) As String
    GetTableName = Worksheets(shtName).ListObjects(1).Name
End Function

In that Function I enter My Defined Name formula named "SheetName"


So I can use it like this.


However I still need this to be Formula Only. While I can run Macros on My PC, they will not run in the PC that has all the data.

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Return Table name using Formula?

I was wondering if there is anyway to return the name of the table using a formula?

I was working on a way to break down a few thousand addresses into there perspective column of information. ie.. #, Street, City, State, Zip-code and Phone#. The addresses are not in any consistent format that Text to Columns would work. I finally came up with the formulas to get the job done, but the are very long. In a post I found it suggested to use repeated parts of the formulas as a Defined Name. And it made it so much easier. Now Here is the problem.

A formula that has the table name "Table1" won't work in "Table2". Or any other table name. Column headers are the same for each table.


A way to return the name of the table is needed. Via formula or formula as Defined Name.


I prefer it to be a formula. I'm not sure if a VBA solution would be a correct answer to this question so I would not be able to choose it as THE answer, even if it does work. It will still be appreciated. I will ask in a separate post if I do not find a Formula Solution.