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The growroot package is designed to do exactly that.

If not already installed, add it with àpt-get install cloud-initramfs-growroot`apt-get install cloud-initramfs-growroot and reboot your instance. The root partition will be extandedexpanded to the full size of your vitualvirtual disk (the one that you extended using qemu-img).

The growroot package is designed to do exactly that.

If not already installed, add it with àpt-get install cloud-initramfs-growroot` and reboot your instance. The root partition will be extanded to the full size of your vitual disk (the one that you extended using qemu-img).

The growroot package is designed to do exactly that.

If not already installed, add it with apt-get install cloud-initramfs-growroot and reboot your instance. The root partition will be expanded to the full size of your virtual disk (the one that you extended using qemu-img).

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The growroot package is designed to do exactly that.

If not already installed, add it with àpt-get install cloud-initramfs-growroot` and reboot your instance. The root partition will be extanded to the full size of your vitual disk (the one that you extended using qemu-img).