Visa Working Party

The Visa Working Party “deals with the common visa policy in relation to citizens from non-EU countries subject to a visa requirement.” Documents archived here concern meetings from September 2023 onwards.

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Please note: All documents listed (whether officially numbered or referred to otherwise, for example as a presentation) have been requested by Statewatch. If there is a link to the document, the request was successful or it has been obtained via other means. If there is no link to a document, the request is still pending. Where access has been refused or only partial access has been granted a note is included. Text in square brackets is an addition to the original agenda.


24 April 2024

(return to top)


1. Adoption of the agenda


2. The future of visa policy: internal dimension

– Exchange of views on the basis of a Presidency paper



3. Evaluation of the Visa Code

– Presentation by the Commission and exchange of views [WK 5925/2024 INIT]

6253/24 + ADD 1 + ADD 2 REV 2


4. AOB

– Votes on visa files in the European Parliament – information by the Presidency

– Article 25a mechanism: information by the Presidency

– Investor citizenship schemes of Vanuatu and Eastern Caribbean: update and next steps – information by the Commission

– Next Report under the Visa Suspension Mechanism: update – information by the Commission

– Implementation of visa digitalisation - information by the Commission

– Artificial Intelligence (AI) Regulation and EU information systems

– US request for the suspension of the Airport Transit Visa exemption for citizens of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

– EMPACT – Handbook on visa fraud – information from Germany [WK 5835/2024 REV 1 DCL 1 and WK 8343/2024 INIT]

5. Prospect of a Visa Facilitation Agreement with Kazakhstan

– Information by the Commission and exchange of views

6. AOB

– Visa liberalisation dialogue with Armenia: feedback by the Presidency from SCIFA meeting on 10 April 2024 and information from Czechia, France, Sweden and Germany


26 March 2024

(return to top)


1. Adoption of the agenda

[CM 2144/1/24 REV 1]

2. The future of visa policy: scene-setter on visa and asylum

– Presentation by EUAA
– Exchange of views on the basis of a Presidency paper
– 7832/24

3. Measures under Article 25a of the Visa Code

a) Proposal for a Council implementing Decision on the suspension of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with respect to Ethiopia


b) Proposal for a Council implementing Decision on repealing Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2459 on the application of an increased visa fee with respect to The Gambia

16980/23 [COR 1]
– Exchange of views and approval

4. US visa requirement for flight crew members

– Exchange of views

5. AOB

– EU-US JHA Senior Officials Meeting (Brussels, 11-12 March 2024): information from the Presidency
– Visa facilitations with Kazakhstan: information from the Presidency
– Vanuatu – visa exemption suspension: information from the Commission
– Visa Code: delegated act on the visa fees and report on the delegation of power to the Commission [7811/24, 7812/24]
– Implementation of visa digitalisation: information from the Commission
– Information from the Swedish Delegation on registration and access to the upcoming Visa Code Training


6. AOB

– Joint Declaration establishing a partnership on migration between the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the European Union: information from the Presidency


19 February 2024

(return to top)

Format: 1+2 (Presidency 2+2)

1. Adoption of the agenda

[CM 1594/1/24 REV 1]

2. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards the revision of the suspension mechanism

– Examination of the revised Presidency compromise proposal, including an exchange of views on the urgency procedure
16126/2/23 REV 2 [Previous versions: 16126/1/23 REV 1, 16126/23]
5858/24 [Revision of the visa suspension mechanism – Urgency procedures – Diagram]

3. United States:

a) EU-US Irregular Migration Cooperation kick-off meeting, 25 January 2024

– Information by the Presidency

b) Discussion in IXIM Working Party on EBSP with participation of US representatives, 16 February 2024

– Information by the Presidency

c) EU-U.S. JHA Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), 11-12 March 2024

– Information by the Presidency

4. Pilot project for the reduction of waiting times to apply for Schengen visas in various consular locations

– Presentation by the Commission
– 6672/24
– Presentation by the Netherlands: experience with Morocco [WK 2722/2024 INIT]

5. AOB

– Visa implications of the lifting of checks on persons at internal air and sea borders with and between Bulgaria and Romania - Presentation by the Commission [WK 2560/2024 INIT]
– Proposals Article 25a Visa Code: debriefing by the Presidency on the discussions held in IMEX (Expulsion) on 16 January and 8 February
– Launch of a migration partnership and dialogue with Mauritania: visa-related aspects - Information by the Presidency
– Publication of a seconded national expert post in DG HOME, Visa policy unit - information from the Commission
– US visa requirement for flight crew members


15 January 2024

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Format: 1+2 (Presidency 2+2)

1. Adoption of the agenda

[CM 1080/1/24 REV 1]

2. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards the revision of the suspension mechanism

– Exchange of views on the basis of a Presidency paper

3. Kosovo visa liberalisation:

– Presentation by the Commission of the measures carried out with a view to the entry into operation of the visa exemption and exchange of views;
– Information by the Presidency on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards holders of Serbian passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate (Koordinaciona uprava)

4. Visa Code Article 25a exercise:

– Presentation by the Presidency of a new approach and exchange of views

5. AOB

– US Enhanced Border Security Partnership
– eVisa Regulations: secondary legislation


19 December 2023

(return to top)

Format: 1+2 (Presidency 2+2)


1. Adoption of the agenda

[CM 5752/2/23 REV 1]

2. Visa Code Article 25a exercise:

a) Proposal for a Council implementing Decision on repealing Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2459 on the application of an increased visa fee with respect to The Gambia

– Exchange of views

b) Proposals for a Council implementing decision on the suspension of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with respect to Ethiopia, Senegal and Iraq

‒ Update from the Commission and EEAS and continuation of exchange of views
13582/23 [Ethiopia]
14563/22 [Senegal]
– 11671/21 [Iraq]

3. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards the revision of the suspension mechanism

– Examination of the revised Presidency compromise text
16126/1/23 REV 1
16909/23 [Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards the revision of the suspension mechanism - Discussion paper on the thresholds]

4. Waiting time for appointments – actions that could be envisaged in 2024 in coordination with Member States

– Presentation by the Commission and exchange of views

5. Implementation by France of measures for members of the Olympic family, according to Annex XI of the Visa Code, in the context of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

– Information by the French delegation
– WK 17064/2023

6. Presentation of the priorities of the incoming Belgian Presidency

- WK 17100/24 [Presentation highlighting five key priorities on migration and asylum, redacted]

7. AOB

– Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards holders of Serbian passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate (Koordinaciona uprava) – information by the Presidency
– Debriefing by the Presidency on the EU-U.S. JHA Ministerial meeting (Washington, 13-14 November 2023)
– Debriefing by the Commission on the tripartite meeting with the US (Brussels, 12 December 2023)
– Information on the procedure for the revision of the visa fees – meeting of the Ad-hoc expert group on 20 December 2023
– Scheval training for lead experts – information from the Commission
– US request for the suspension of the Airport Transit Visa exemption for citizens of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan


8. Debriefing by the Commission of the 7th EU-Azerbaijan Joint Visa Facilitation Committee, 23 November 2023

9. AOB


16 November 2023

(return to top)

Format: 1+2 (Presidency 2+2)

1. Adoption of the agenda

[CM 5114/1/23 REV 1]

2. Visa Code Article 25a exercice:

a) Proposal for a Council implementing Decision on repealing Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2459 on the application of an increased visa fee with respect to The Gambia


b) Proposal for a Council implementing Decision on the suspension of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with respect to Ethiopia

– Continuation of exchange of views

c) Proposals for a Council implementing decision on the suspension of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with respect to Senegal and Iraq

‒ Update from the Commission and EEAS and continuation of exchange of views
14563/22 [Senegal]
– 11671/21 [Iraq]

3. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards the revision of the suspension mechanism

– Examination

4. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards holders of Serbian passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate (Koordinaciona uprava)

– Presentation by the Commission and exchange of views

5. AOB

– Belarus - ban on the issuance and extension of Belarusian travel documents abroad
– Requests for translation of the Visa Code Training
– Possible use of revised VIS for the implementation of the Long-Term Residents Directive
– Changes in US legislation concerning delivery of visas to artists
– EU and Kazakhstan dialogue on visa facilitations


23 October 2023

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Format: 1+2 (Presidency 2+2)


1. Adoption of the agenda

[CM 4682/2/23 REV 2]

2. Visa Code Article 25a exercice:

a) Proposal for a Council implementing Decision on repealing Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2459 on the application of an increased visa fee with respect to The Gambia


b) Proposal for a Council implementing Decision on the suspension of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with respect to Ethiopia

– Presentation by the Commission and exchange of views

c) Proposals for a Council implementing decision on the suspension of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with respect to Senegal and Iraq

‒ Update from the Commission and EEAS and exchange of views on readmission cooperation
14563/22 [Senegal]
– 11671/21 [Iraq]

3. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards the revision of the suspension mechanism

– Presentation by the Commission and first exchange of views
14008/23 (to be issued)

4. 6th Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council under the visa suspension mechanism

– Presentation by the Commission and exchange of views
14009/23 (to be issued)

5. AOB

– Debrief of the EU-U.S. JHA Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) (Madrid, 5-6 October 2023) and preparation of the EU-U.S. JHA Ministerial meeting (Washington, 13-14 November 2023)
– Information from the Swedish Delegation on the Pilot Launch for the Visa Code Training Project
– Current Omani system for issuing service passports – possible impact for a bilateral visa waiver agreement


6. 7th meeting of the EU-ARMENIA Joint Visa Facilitation Committee (19 October 2023)

– Information by the Commission

7. AOB


21 September 2023

(return to top)

Format: 2+2 (Presidency 2+2)


1. Adoption of the agenda

[CM 4090/2/23 REV 2]

2. Visa Code Article 25a exercise

– Update by the Presidency on the latest discussions in the Council on the Commission’s assessment of third countries' level of cooperation on readmission in 2022 [the Commission's report is available here]
– Update and state of play by the Commission on the cooperation on readmission with Senegal and Iraq

3. AOB

– Visa reciprocity with the US
– Information by the Commission on the ECJ ruling of 5 September 2023 in case C-137/21 European Parliament v European Commission
– Debriefing by the Presidency of the EU-US JHA Ministerial Meeting (Stockholm, 21 June 2023) and information on the preparation of the EU-U.S. JHA Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) (Madrid, 5-6 October)
– Adoption of a Commission proposal amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 as regards the revision of the suspension mechanism – Information by the Commission on the timeline
– Adoption of the 6th visa suspension mechanism report – Information by the Commission on the timeline
– Evaluation of the Visa Code: State of play – Information by the Commission
– Compendium of the Visa Working Party Presidencies – Information by the Swedish delegation
– Adoption of the Regulation on the digitalisation of the visa procedure and application of the amended VIS
– Planning of the adoption of the delegated acts for the implementation of the Regulation on the digitalisation of the visa procedure
– Belarus - ban on the issuance and extension of Belarusian travel documents abroad
– Media coverage of irregularities in the issuance of visas by Poland


4. Suspension of the application of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Vanuatu on the short-stay visa waiver: state of play of the ongoing dialogue with Vanuatu

‒ Information by the Commission

5. AOB

– 7th meeting of the EU-ARMENIA Joint Visa Facilitation Committee – information by the Commission
– 7th meeting of the EU-AZERBAIJAN Joint Visa Facilitation Committee – information by the Commission

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