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The Stata Journal
Volume 11 Number 1: pp. 1-29

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A procedure to tabulate and plot results after flexible modeling of a quantitative covariate

Nicola Orsini
Division of Nutritional Epidemiology
National Institute of Environmental Medicine
Karolinska Institutet
Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]
Sander Greenland
Departments of Epidemiology and Statistics
University of California–Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Abstract.  The use of flexible models for the relationship between a quantitative covariate and the response variable can be limited by the difficulty in interpreting the regression coefficients. In this article, we present a new postestimation command, xblc, that facilitates tabular and graphical presentation of these relationships. Cubic splines are given special emphasis. We illustrate the command through several worked examples using data from a large study of Swedish men on the relation between physical activity and the occurrence of lower urinary tract symptoms.

View all articles by these authors: Nicola Orsini, Sander Greenland

View all articles with these keywords: xblc, cubic spline, modeling strategies, logistic regression

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