Source Engine frame drops

Also known as lag spikes, or FPS drops, or frame stuttering, this annoying problem doesn’t happen only in Valve’s Source engine, as I’ve experienced, but also in GoldSrc(yeah, the Half-Life 1 engine). A gif will best explain this phenomenon: You can imagine that if in single player this is super annoying, multiplayer games like CS:GO […]

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Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style

This post is going to be extra short, because the solution is simple. This error appears on newer systems that have an UEFI BIOS, I myself encountered it on a system after I enabled legacy BIOS on a laptop and tried to format the HDD with a new installation. Without closing the installation menu of […]

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Trying RAGE

RAGE is free to play this weekend on STEAM. I thought I’d give it a try. I think it has a certain Borderlands feel to it, although not featuring that cartoonish outline. Actually, at a first glance it looks quite realistic. It’s running on the id Tech 5 Engine, and I’m amazed of how well […]

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