@Paradiso 09/02/24

Posted by peterlunenfeld on July 5th, 2024 filed in Uncategorized
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I’ll be in Amsterdam giving a talk on and around the concept of digital wellness in a conference organized by Next Nature. The venue is one of my favorites anywhere, a concert venue cum dialogue space that’s hosted performances by artists as varied as Prince and David Bowie, as well as Powershows organized by Mieke Gerritzen and Koert van Mensvoort.

Bergman Center Residency

Posted by peterlunenfeld on July 3rd, 2024 filed in Uncategorized
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I was awarded a Bergman Foundation Residential Fellowship on Fårö Island in Sweden to support on a new book-in-progress on search-versus-research. We will be staying in the Writer’s Lodge, right on the Baltic Sea, where portions of Scenes from a Marriage were filmed.

Art & AI in Venezia

Posted by peterlunenfeld on April 10th, 2024 filed in Uncategorized
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With Massimo Sterpi, I’ve co-organized “The Neo-Synthetic: A Dialogue on Art, A.A., and Emergent Aesthetics,” during the opening week of the Venice Biennale at the Home of the Human Safety Net on Piazza San Marco. Featuring Refik Anadol, Michelle Kuo, Lev Manovich, and Eva & Franco Mattes, the event is sold out.

AI & Power

Posted by peterlunenfeld on February 29th, 2024 filed in Uncategorized
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I participated in Lee Rainie’s “Imagining the Digital Future Initiative,” his follow-up to 25 years of running the Pew Internet and American Life project. This year’s topic was – no surprise here – artificial intelligence. Check out the summary or the entire report.

Cryto in LA Review

Posted by peterlunenfeld on December 19th, 2023 filed in Uncategorized
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The Los Angeles Review of Books published my essay on crypto and the history of the American long con.

Launch of .able

Posted by peterlunenfeld on March 23rd, 2023 filed in Uncategorized
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Excited to see .able launch this week. I’m on the editorial board and have a piece titled “Solve for (x)Futurisms” in the first issue. This peer-reviewed publication makes research accessible through images. Created at the initiative of La Chaire Arts & Sciences of the École Polytechnique, the École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL, and the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, the journal is published by Actar Publishers. [The image above by UCLA undergraduates in my Design Futures hybrid seminar/studio.]

Crypto and Cons on YouTube

Posted by peterlunenfeld on December 14th, 2022 filed in Uncategorized
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My talk “Null Demos: The Long Confidence Games of Crypto Currencies” from the International Colloquium on Demonstrations sponsored by the Centre de Recherche Français à Jérusalem is online. Thanks to fellow participants and organizers Claude Rosental (CNRS, Paris), Samuel Bianchini (ENSAD, Paris) and Émile de Visscher (Humboldt University, Berlin).

Good Neighbors

Posted by peterlunenfeld on July 14th, 2022 filed in Uncategorized
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Nice to be on the rack featuring books about Los Angeles at my local, Book Soup, in the company of Anna Deavere Smith and John Fante.

Summer Reading

Posted by peterlunenfeld on July 11th, 2022 filed in Uncategorized
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Michel Foucault, left, and Michael Stoneman in a photo from the book "Foucault in California."
For the 20th anniversary of Roy Christopher’s summer reading list, he asked his contributors to limit themselves to one book. I chose Simeon Wade’s very trippy  Foucault in California [A True Story—Wherein the Great Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death]. Pictured, the man himself and his guide to Southern California’s very ’70s desert vibes.

Checked Off the List

Posted by peterlunenfeld on July 11th, 2022 filed in Uncategorized
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Thanks to Stuart Candy who was a Berggruen Institute Fellow this year, I was finally able to ride the elevator and get to the top of the Bradbury Building in DTLA.