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Recent Announcements

Giving Members a Voice!

Who Do We Support
  • MUNASA membership is open to all non-unionized non-academic administrative staff regardless of your role profile or level. 

What We Can Do For You
  • MUNASA represents the interests of its members on matters pertaining to salaries, benefits and working conditions to the McGill Administration and directly supports its members on labour relations issues.

Why Your Voice Matters
  • If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to MUNASA. We are here to listen, offer meaningful advice and to help you in understanding the Personnel Policies.  Any questions or issues you may encounter, big or small, are kept strictly confidential.  

MUNASA is an association run by elected staff members and is McGill University's recognized body that represents and negotiates on behalf of Managerial employees. 

Contact Us:

McGill University Non-Academic Staff Association (MUNASA) 
3495 Peel Street, Suite 203

Montreal, QC H3A 1W7


Telephone : (514) 398-6540   



Judy Dear
(514) 462-9876

© 2019

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