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UK 5 day weather forecast


Often cloudy, with the risk of rain or showers.


A mostly cloudy day, but there will be some glimmers of sunshine from time to time. Outbreaks of rain possible, most likely across northern Scotland and eastern parts of England. Heavy thundery showers also developing across southwest England. Staying cool.


Heavy showers in the southwest will ease through the evening. Staying cloudy as we head into the early hours, with some patchy rain. Turning chilly under any clear spells.


Staying cloudy and cool in the north and east on Saturday, with some patchy rain. Brightening up elsewhere, with the risk of heavy showers towards southwest England and Wales.

Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:

Staying on the unsettled side, with sunny spells and scattered showers, some heavy with hail and thunder. Temperatures trending up and feeling warm in any prolonged spells of sunshine.


UK long range weather forecast

This period will most likely start with low pressure over the UK bringing some unsettled weather with showers and some longer periods of rain for some. This unsettled weather moving east or northeast across the country, with rain (most frequent in the northwest) or showers and some sunny spells (most frequent in the southeast) in-between at times. There is a chance that the end of next week may be more settled for many, with any unsettled conditions being confined to the far north and west. Thereafter, there are limited, if any, signs for more prolonged settled and warm weather, but winds are likely to stay fairly light overall with temperatures, particularly across the south, coming up to around the average for the of year.


There remain encouraging signs of a more settled spell developing at some point during the period, at least for a time, and perhaps more likely in the south. However, by the same token further, perhaps shorter, unsettled interludes are likely too, and confidence in the broad weather patterns during this period is much lower than average. Above average temperatures overall, and drier than average conditions overall, are slightly favoured.


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