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De quoi s'agit-il

This group is open to anyone interested in Go : from the curious to the experienced user.

"Go, otherwise known as Golang, is an open source, compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent system programming language. It was first designed and developed at Google Inc.[6] beginning in September 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson." (Wikipedia)

Used in production at Google, DotCloud (Docker project), Heroku... Go can compiled for Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Plan 9 and MS Windows and also addresses the i386, amd64 and ARM cpu architectures.

Some meetups will be organised for new users to get acquainted with the language but also to discuss more specific subjects between experienced users (libs/frameworks presentations, tooling, best practices and feedback on lessons learned).

Note : for the new subscribers, if you find annoying the few questions during your signup, skip them, they are just here to help us prepare better events.

Crédits: the Go language mascot, the Gopher, visible on the group welcome page, with a variation on the body color in blue, is a derivative work from the original drawing by Renée French under the terms of the Creative Commons 3.0 license which can be found at: