
Linearis Labs and Linearis Ventures






drug discovery

Accessible Health Through Metabolomic Testing & Drug Discovery

Through the identification of multi-omics disease signatures, we accelerate the innovation cycle in prevention, treatment monitoring and AI drug discovery.


Accelerate AI innovation to improve people's health with novel Omic-AI tests & facilitate drug discovery.


LINEARIS is building a combined omic/AI platform to identify signatures and accelerate drug development, screening and monitoring in metabolomic diseases including cancer, diabetes, and antimicrobial resistance.


Innovate Responsibly.
Excel With Rigor.
Foster Integrity And Work Ethics.
Promote Collaborations.
Create Sustainable And Positive Impacts.
Improve People's Health With Passion.

Linearis Labs | About our work

Linearis Labs is expanding omics testing and discovery capabilities. Linearis Labs operates from our recently acquired 9000 sq ft (800m2) laboratory.

Linearis offers metabolomics profiling services. Services include both targeted and untargeted LC-MS measurements. High throughput procedures are also available to process thousands of samples using laser diode thermal desorption mass spectrometry. The analyses will be carried out in a certified clinical grade environment.

We work with leaders in both AI and metabolomics to generate quantitative and actionable AI-friendly data as part of their AI pipelines. Some recent work involves omics signatures for COVID-19 and cancer. Linearis Labs couples high throughput technology and mass spectrometry to provide metabolomics analysis of blood plasma.

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What we do | Our disease signature discovery platform

Linearis Labs couples high throughput technology and mass spectrometry to provide metabolomics analysis of minimal amounts of biological fluids for diseases including cancer, diabetes and antimicrobial resistance which have significant metabolomics components.

Using an AI pipeline, disease signatures are discovered and can provide actionable insights for several types of metabolomic diseases, improve effectiveness of therapeutic interventions, and prevent the emergence of resistance and side effects of treatments. Using an AI pipeline, disease signatures are discovered and can provide actionable insights

What we do | Biobank analysis services

Linearis Labs offers metabolomics profiling services for biobanks using both a targeted 1359 metabolomic assay and untargeted LC-MS measurements.

Metabolomic Analysis

As metabolomics is closer to the phenotype, it provides a great advantage for biobanks to acquire metabolomics data.

Moreover, there is an expectation that multi-omics analyses will be required for better interpretation of the diseases under investigation.

The data is made available in an AI-friendly format for machine learning-based analysis. Linearis Labs can also perform data analysis with state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms.

The impact SPANS the ENTIRE health continuum



Early Diagnostics

Personalized treatment
Predictive response

Drug Discovery

In Silico – Vitro – Vivo Feedback loop & optimization for curative treatments

Accessible & Responsible

Accessible Societal benefits for cancer, diabetes and AMR aligned with financial incentives

Linearis Ventures, the responsible AI health fund, provides access to capital and disease signatures in Cancer, AMR and Diabetes to facilitate diagnosis, monitoring treatment and improve drug discovery for our partners.


Improving accessibility to early diagnosis and personalized for high burden diseases


Eco-Friendly AI & Laboratories


Government & Foundation Infectious Diseases Diabetes and Cancer Solutions

Primary Purpose

Impact on Patient Lives

Our leadership team

Jacques Corbeil, Ph.D.

Partner & CSO

Alexandre Le Bouthillier, PhD

Partner & CEO

Manon Boisclair, MS, MBA

Partner & COO/CCO

Yoshua Bengio, PhD

AI Advisor

David Wishart, PhD

Metabolomics Advisor