12 Reviews
Progress of Japanese Halted in Award-Winning Documentary
rsoonsa19 September 2001
Director John Huston, while a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps in 1943, creates an Academy Award winning documentary, which he narrates with assistance from his actor father Walter, treating of the Armed Forces' successful effort to prevent the fall of the Aleutian Islands to advancing Japanese troops who had captured several islets. Although no claim can be reasonably made that this location was of major strategic importance during the War, it presented enormous tactical and logistic difficulty for those assigned there, and Huston's color film demonstrates the determined ensemble work upon the outpost of Adak by a wide range of military specialists who combat loneliness and boredom along with notably severe weather conditions. The work was made over a six month period, and is climaxed by the preparations for, followed by an actual filming of, a bombing run over Japanese-occupied Kiska, wherein Huston nearly lost his life, and which is significant for its combat footage and for the atmosphere of suspense present in the viewer who wonders if all will return safely.
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Overall a good wartime movie.
jimsim2219 November 2005
A nice and fairly accurate portrayal of combat in the Aleutians. One item I thought very interesting was the lack of mention regarding the large Canadian contribution to this theater. I would have to guess it was not considered appropriate for the home audience in the US at the time. Considering the minor theater the Aleutins seemed to be view as it is a great tribute to this campaign. I found the scenes of vastness of the area amazing. The views of old aircraft in action would be of great interest to aviation fans. For most people, I'm sure this is film will be the only views of the Aleutian Islands most people will ever see! Certainly require viewing for any WWll buff!
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Report from the Aleutians is the first wartime documentary from John Huston
tavm28 May 2012
In recognizing Memorial Day, I decided to watch some wartime documentaries made by John Huston during World War II starting with this one which took place at the outpost of Adak concerning a bombing mission over Japan-occupied Kiska. Huston narrates with some additional voice overs by his father, Walter. Suitable mood music permeates most of the film which adds to the color footage's appeal. When the actual flying sequences are shown, one gets some sense of excitement though since dialogue is kept to a minimum and there are few explosions, it doesn't seem Hollywood-made to provide unbridled joy to victory. Worth seeing. Watched this on Internet Archive.
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Very Good Doc from Huston
Michael_Elliott1 March 2012
Report from the Aleutians (1943)

*** (out of 4)

John Huston directed and narrates this Academy Award winning documentary that takes a look at the American troops who went up to protect Alaska during WWII so that it wouldn't be open to attack from the Japanese. Frank Capra, William Wyler, John Ford and many other legendary directors made these documentaries during WWII but of all I've seen (and I've seen most) it was Huston who really delivered something different. He made a handful of these documentaries and they were all quite different from others and I'd say that if you know his reputation then you'd understand why. Huston was always known for being a man's man as he loved to fight, drink, have a good time and live adventure. His documentaries were so different from the others because he seemed to focus in on things that the others wouldn't dare do. Apparently the U.S. government objected to some of the stuff he shot here but the director stood by his guns and these scenes are actually the most entertaining in the movie. These scenes involved showing what the soldiers were doing when not on actual duty. This includes them shaving, cleaning their pots and pans and just wrestling around in front of the camera. It's really these scenes here that give you a great idea of what it was like out in the field and we get to see things that other directors often didn't show. Most of the time it was just about rules, bravery and the actual combat footage but Huston goes an extra mile and gives you a complete idea of the scene. Most of the action comes at the very end as we see some combat missions with the B-17s.
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Wind, Fog, Rain, Clouds, and Japanese.
rmax30482319 June 2015
One of John Huston's contributions to the war effort. His engaging voice narrates the facts of being in the armed forces and stationed on one of the Aleutian Islands, which extend southwestward from Alaska. The narration begins with an unsparing look at the geography of the archipelago -- rough and volcanic, treeless, and a merciless climate.

By the time of this release, the Japanese had landed on Kiska, one of the outer islands, and had made a naval feint to distract the US fleet from a defense of Midway. The feint failed. The on-and-off conflict with the Japanese went on for some time, mostly consisting of our bombing their positions whenever the weather allowed. In the end, the US Army landed on the Japanese-held islands only to find they had folded their tents and silently stolen away.

The documentary is kind of stuck with a description of humdrum work in a dreary place, leading to an extended salute to the men who run the supplies in and out of Dutch Harbor, the engineers who drive the bulldozers. The men wear old-fashioned campaign hats, carry Springfield rifles with old-fashioned long bayonets, and some wear the broad-brimmed pre-war steel helmets.

We see the usual scenes. Mail call is a treasure. The food is awful -- powdered eggs and canned this-and-that. They play old songs on guitars and harmonicas. Everyone attends services by Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish chaplains. No booze, no women. However, the troops are cheerful and morale is high. Nothing can blunt the keenness of these gum-chewing boys in their parkas.

There are some finely done shots of airplanes taking off and landing -- P-39s, P-38s, P-40s, B-17s, B-26s, and B-24s. It's startling to see an airplane like the P-38, with its tricycle landing gear, plowing at speed through a foot of water and creating a moving fountain of gray that masks the airplane itself except for its dark nose which juts out ahead of the watery curtain.

The film ends with a bombing mission of nine B-17s over Kiska. It's no more alluring than life back in Dutch Harbor although far more dangerous. There are bursts of flak, and though there have been casualties on other missions, this one returns safely.
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little known battle
SnoopyStyle29 June 2023
John Huston directed, wrote, and narrated this documentary about this lesser known part of the WWII Pacific theater. It's in color. Japan had invaded Alaska. It's a long range battle as these two military forces launch air raids and fight over these remote islands. This is an important witness to those events since there isn't that much visual from this long ranging faraway battle.

If there is an issue, it is the lack of bang bang footage. This part of the war doesn't have much close combat. A lot of the film are the preparations and sparse bases in empty landscapes. It does close with a bombing run and that's very compelling footage.
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Alaskan attack
nickenchuggets3 April 2024
World War II was a conflict big enough to have some of its theaters forgotten, even among those who like learning about the subject. When I first heard about the Aleutian Islands campaign, it surprised even me. This was a series of battles fought on and nearby the aleutian islands, which is the island chain stretching away from Alaska into the Bering Sea and towards the far eastern part of Soviet Russia. This place was so remote and isolated from basically every other theater of the war that it's hard to believe its occupation posed a real threat to the United States, but Japan knew that whoever controlled these islands controlled Pacific transport routes. Additionally, having airbases on these islands would possibly allow for bombing raids on cities like Anchorage and various places in California. This documentary, directed by John Huston, forgoes a lot of emphasis on actual combat and instead focuses on what the lives of the men fighting in the aleutians were like. More specifically, it shows soldiers on Adak, an island in the aleutians which is relatively close to another island named Kiska. Kiska had been occupied by japanese forces and US forces on adak needed to build up a sizable number of planes and other materials needed to dislodge the invaders. We get to see how in this bleak environment, adjustments need to be made to the methods by which runways are built. It's infeasible to build them with concrete on a muddy island, so infantry are brought in to build runways with prefabricated steel planks that interlock with each other. Although the total area exceeds a million square feet, the men get it done in a day and a half. After this, footage is shown of American planes, both bombers and fighters, making landings on adak island. The large bombers, like B-24s and 17s, can absorb (as well as deal) a lot of damage, and are likely to bring their crews safely back to base no matter how many times they are hit, unless an explosive shell impacts a gas tank. One of the planes, a P-38 Lightning, makes a wheels up landing and slides into the runway, badly scraping the undercarriage. The pilot is killed and his funeral is then shown. We're told how nobody hates war more than a soldier, and any pilot on adak will gladly risk getting shot down over kiska if it means getting another letter from back home sent their way. Towards the end of the film, we see how officers plan a bombing attack on kiska. American bomber pilots are to proceed at a certain altitude to the japanese held island and rain explosive hell on them from the air. About a dozen Curtiss P-40 fighter planes are sent as escorts. The flight to kiska, a little under two hours, is apparently really boring as some members of the bomber crews play cards on the way there. Meanwhile, the guns on the planes are tested. Once over kiska, the bombers start dropping ordinance on enemy positions and blowing up hangars. Japanese resistance is not as bad as it could be, since they use no planes of their own to attack the bombers. America sends out 9 planes, and 9 planes get back to base. The rest of adak is happy and the mission is accomplished. Although this film has to do with ww2, I would think only those truly interested in the subject will be able to get the full use out of it. There's not much going on until the last 10 minutes or so (when the bombing attack starts), and Huston wanted to portray war for what it is 90% of the time: boring. Army officials actually fought Huston's decision to include scenes such as GI's standing around having cigarettes or opening letters, but he wanted to show the truth about what was going on in the north Pacific. What the film makes no mention of is the rather embarrassing event that followed around 2 weeks after it was released. American and Canadian forces eventually assaulted kiska with actual soldiers in order to completely eliminate the japanese presence on it; something that can't be accomplished from the sky. Unbeknownst to the two allies, japanese forces had deserted the island altogether days earlier, and there was no enemy to fight at all. Despite this, american and canadian forces repeatedly shot at (and in some cases accidentally killed) each other due to confusion and bad visibility on the foggy island. As a result, the two nations lost around 90 men while japan lost none. Overall, Report from the Aleutians is a mostly slow moving but important look into world war 2's only north american campaign.
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First Pearl Harbor, then...Kiska?
evening17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We learn here about a seemingly forgotten blip in military history -- Japan's invasion of two Alaskan islands in June 1942, the first occupation of US territory since the War of 1812.

Our side responded with a frenzy to prevent further incursion into the States, and director John Huston, in a documentary for the War Department, does a creditable job of introducing the unfamiliar landscape and the boys who served there, even flying along on a mission to destroy dug-in enemy holdings -- "Bombs away!" We meet some of the warriors who flew, including Jack Chennault, son of aviator Claire Lee Chennault of "Flying Tigers" fame.

A glance at Wikipedia reveals that hundreds of our fighting men died in this operation, from everything from blown-up prop planes to trench foot. (When a pine box is lowered into an obscure field, one wonders why the hero's remains aren't sent to Arlington.)

With its crude cinematography, the film quaintly spotlights the specialness of real, paper letters at mail call and ditties sung 'round a guitar: "I've got sixpence, jolly, jolly sixpence..."

This little work is worth viewing for its reminder that we owe our freedom to the US grunt.
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Better made than many of the other WWII documentaries of the era
planktonrules13 April 2017
During the war, Hollywood became an official propaganda arm of the US government. This unusual relationship meant that Hollywood could use its money and expertise to make high quality films...much higher than the military itself could normally make. That's why the likes of John Ford and Frank Capra made documentaries...very good ones at that. In the case of "Report from the Aleutians", the young but very successful John Huston helmed this project.

The film is about a portion of WWII that few would remember today. Believe it or not, war DID affect Alaska and some tough battles between Japanese and American troops occurred. This coincided, at times, with the attack on Midway Island....as the Aleutian attack was meant as a diversion...one that ultimately failed.

Using excellent footage of the day, nice narration (by the director's father, Walter) and an overall high quality of the project make this one worth seeing...especially if you are a history lover like me.
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A dull, dry, even annoying telling of what should have been an interesting story.
grantss8 May 2018
John Huston's WW2 documentary on the Aleutians campaign.

I was intrigued by this documentary as the Aleutians campaign is not covered much in history books or documentaries. Directed by the great John Huston, with some rare footage, what can go wrong?

Well, actually, a lot. The biggest problem is that John Huston decided to narrate the movie himself. His delivery is incredibly off-putting: flowery, bombastic, verbose and all about style rather than substance. Yes, it was a propaganda film, so a bit of salesmanship was required, but a bit more subtlety would have helped the message go down.

The content itself, while showing the daily operations on the US forces in the Aleutians, especially the USAAF, well, doesn't have much of the bigger picture. All we know is the US are on one island, Adak, and the Japanese are on another, Kiska, and the Americans are bombing Kiska on a regular basis. (Don't get me started on how many times Huston says "Kiska"! I grew sick of the word quite quickly). That's it.

Quite disappointing.
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enjoyable documentary
oscar-3520 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- 1943, A documentary film of the work and challenges of getting supplies and soldiers to stop the Japanese expansion into the North American continent in the Alaskan Island chain.

*Special Stars- Director: John Huston

*Theme- Determination and planning will win battles.

*Trivia/location/goofs- Color documentary. John Huston almost killed in bombing raid over an island. These island battles were often called: 'The Forgotten Battles'. Actor Charlton Heston was another veteran of these cold island operations.

*Emotion- An enjoyable documentary made up of live action combat or newsreel footage. But it is extremely educational and does what a narrative simulated war film can do.
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Alaska's island chain makes for a rough setting, especially during a war
lee_eisenberg25 July 2022
Probably the only production that you will ever see that got filmed on the Aleutian Islands, John Huston's Academy Award-nominated "Report from the Aleutians" looks at the day-to-day lives of the troops stationed on said islands during World War II. There's little footage of the planes going into combat; it's all about the men in uniform and what they do while in service.

Obviously the documentary is propaganda. If we're going to defend that, then it's only because in World War II, we went after the country that attacked us, rather than mire ourselves in a fruitless occupation of an unrelated country, resulting in thousands killed (yeah, I'm still pointing that out).

Whatever the case, there are some great shots of the islands, with ample narration by Huston and his dad. I bet that the two of them had a lot of fun making this. No doubt Huston had a lot of stories to tell Humphrey Bogart upon returning to Hollywood.
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