Table of Contents




A. Accreditation.

B. Registrar Use of ICANN Name.

C. Submission of SLD Holder Data to Registry.

D. Public Access to Data on SLD Registrations.

E. Retention of SLD Holder and Registration Data.

F. Rights in Data.

G. Data Escrow.

H. Conduct of Registrar When Also Serving as Registry Administrator.

I. Business Dealings, Including with SLD Holders.

J. Domain-Name Dispute Resolution.

K. Accreditation Fees.

L. Termination of Agreement.

M. Term of Agreement; Renewal.

N. Resolution of Disputes Under this Agreement.

O. Limitations on Monetary Remedies for Violations of this Agreement.

P. Handling by ICANN of Registrar-Supplied Data.

Q. Miscellaneous.


This REGISTRAR ACCREDITATION AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is by and between the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, and ________________________________ ("Registrar"), a ___________________, and shall be deemed made on __________, 1999, at Los Angeles, California, USA.


As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

A. "Accredit" means to identify and set minimum standards for the performance of registration functions and to recognize persons or entities meeting those standards.

B. "DNS" refers to the Internet domain-name system.

C. "ICANN" refers to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a party to this Agreement.

D. An "ICANN-adopted policy" (and references to ICANN "adopt[ing]" policies) refers to a policy adopted by ICANN (i) in conformity with applicable provisions of its articles of incorporation and bylaws and (ii) of which Registrar has been given notice and a reasonable period in which to comply.

E. "IP" means Internet Protocol.

F. "NSI" refers to Network Solutions, Inc.

G. "NSI or any successor registry administrator" refers to NSI unless and until a different registry administrator is designated by ICANN or the United States Department of Commerce for the applicable TLD, in which case it refers to such different registry administrator and not NSI.

H. "Personal Data" refers to data about any identified or identifiable natural person.

I. The word "Registrar," when appearing with an initial capital letter, refers to ________________________________, a party to this Agreement.

J. The word "registrar," when appearing without an initial capital letter, refers to a person or entity that acts as an interface between domain name holders and a registry, collecting registration data about the domain name holders and submitting zone file information for entry in the registry, either directly or through the registry administrator.

K. A "registry" is a database containing the zone file(s) of one or more DNS domains, including lower-level domain names, corresponding IP addresses, and related data.

L. A "registry administrator" is the person or entity responsible for administering a registry.

M. An "SLD" is a second-level domain of the DNS.

N. An SLD registration is "sponsored" by the registrar that placed the record associated with that registration into the registry. Sponsorship of a registration may be changed at the express direction of the SLD holder or, in the event a registrar loses accreditation, as ICANN directs.

O. A "TLD" is a top-level domain of the DNS.



A. In its June 1998 statement of policy concerning "Management of Internet Names and Addresses," 63 Fed. Reg. 31741 (1998), the U.S. Government adopted a policy of transitioning management responsibility for DNS functions then performed by, or on behalf of, the U.S. Government to a new, not-for-profit corporation formed by private-sector Internet stakeholders.

B. ICANN was formed to serve as that not-for-profit corporation.

C. On October 6, 1998, the U.S. Government and NSI entered into Amendment 11 to their Cooperative Agreement No. NCR-921874, which provides means to introduce robust competition in the provision of registrar services within the .com, .net, and .org TLDs, for which NSI now acts as the registry administrator.

D. Amendment 11 ascribed to the not-for-profit corporation (which it referred to as "NewCo") the responsibility for accrediting registrars for the .com, .net, and .org TLDs.

E. On November 25, 1998, the U.S. Government and ICANN entered into a Memorandum of Understanding by which they are collaboratively designing, developing, and testing the mechanisms, methods, and procedures that should be in place and the steps necessary to transition DNS management functions to the private sector.

F. On February 8, 1999, proposed guidelines for accreditation of registrars were posted on ICANN's web site and ICANN solicited and received numerous oral and written public comments on that proposal.

G. On February 26, 1999, the U.S. Government formally recognized ICANN "as the 'NewCo' identified in Amendment 11 of the Cooperative Agreement for the purposes of carrying out the functions and activities ascribed to 'NewCo' in that Amendment."

H. On March 4, 1999, after considering the comments received, ICANN's Board of Directors adopted policies for accreditation of registrars for the .com, .net, and .org TLDs.

I. Registrar has applied for and seeks accreditation as a registrar in the .com, .net, and .org TLDs.



The parties agree as follows:

A. Accreditation. During the term of this Agreement, Registrar is hereby accredited by ICANN to act as a registrar (including to insert and renew registration of SLDs in the registry) for the .com, .net, and .org TLDs.

B. Registrar Use of ICANN Name. Registrar is hereby granted a non-exclusive worldwide license to state during the term of this Agreement that it is accredited by ICANN as a registrar in the .com, .net, and .org TLDs. No other use of ICANN's name is licensed hereby. This license may not be assigned or sublicensed by Registrar.

C. Submission of SLD Holder Data to Registry. During the term of this Agreement:

D. Public Access to Data on SLD Registrations. During the term of this Agreement:

E. Retention of SLD Holder and Registration Data.

F. Rights in Data. Registrar disclaims all rights to ownership or exclusive use of the data elements listed in Sections III.C.1.a through c and III.D.1.a through c for all SLD registrations submitted by Registrar to, or sponsored by Registrar in, any registry. Registrar shall be permitted to claim rights in the data elements listed in Sections III.C.1.d and e and III.D.1.d through k concerning active SLD registrations sponsored by it in the registry for the .com, .net, and .org TLDs, subject to (1) a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to ICANN to exercise or have exercised all such rights for or on behalf of ICANN throughout the world, which ICANN may sublicense to any other registrar it accredits in the event Registrar's accreditation agreement is terminated or expires without renewal; and (2) a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to make use of and disclose the data elements listed in Sections III.D.1.d through k in a service (such as a Whois service) providing real-time public access. Upon a change in sponsorship from Registrar of any SLD registration in the registry for the .com, .net, and .org TLDs, Registrar's rights to the data elements listed in Sections III.C.1.d and e and III.D.1.d through k concerning that registration shall automatically be transferred to the newly sponsoring registrar, provided that the registrar losing sponsorship shall be permitted to continue to use the data. Nothing in this Section III.F prohibits Registrar from (1) restricting bulk public access to data elements in a manner consistent with any ICANN-adopted policies or (2) transferring rights it claims in data elements subject to the licenses and automatic-transfer provisions stated in this Section III.F.

G. Data Escrow. During the term of this Agreement, on a daily basis or on such other schedule as ICANN may from time to time specify, Registrar shall submit to ICANN or to an independent escrow agent ICANN designates, an electronic copy, in a format specified by ICANN, of the database described in Section III.E.1 above. The escrowed data shall be held by ICANN or the escrow agent under an escrow agreement that specifies that the escrowed data may be used only in the event that Registrar's accreditation agreement is terminated or expires without renewal.

H. Conduct of Registrar When Also Serving as Registry Administrator. [Reserved]

I. Business Dealings, Including with SLD Holders.


J. Domain-Name Dispute Resolution. During the term of this Agreement, Registrar shall have in place a policy and procedure for resolution of disputes concerning SLD names. In the event that ICANN adopts a policy or procedure for resolution of disputes concerning SLD names that by its terms applies to Registrar, Registrar shall adhere to the policy or procedure.

K. Accreditation Fees. As a condition of accreditation, Registrar shall pay accreditation fees to ICANN. These fees consist of fixed and variable components. The fixed component for the initial one-year term of this Agreement shall be US$5,000.00. Payment of the fixed component shall be due upon execution by Registrar of this Agreement and each renewal of this Agreement. The variable component shall be based on the number of SLD registrations inserted or renewed in the .com, .net, and .org registries by Registrar on or after July 1, 1999, and shall be payable monthly in arrears. Within five calendar days following the end of each month during the term of this Agreement beginning July 1999, Registrar shall submit an accounting to ICANN stating the sum of the durations (in years) of all of the registrations inserted or renewed in said registry(ies) by Registrar during the month. At the time the accounting is submitted to ICANN, Registrar shall pay ICANN an amount computed by multiplying that sum by a charge specified from time to time by ICANN, which shall not exceed US$1.00 per registration-year during the term of this Agreement. On reasonable notice given by ICANN to Registrar, accountings submitted by Registrar shall be subject to verification by an audit of Registrar's books and records by an independent third-party that shall preserve the confidentiality of such books and records (other than its findings as to the accuracy of, and any necessary corrections to, the accountings).

L. Termination of Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated by ICANN before its expiration in any of the following circumstances:

This Agreement may be terminated in circumstances 2 through 6 above only upon fifteen days notice to Registrar, with Registrar being given an opportunity during that time to initiate arbitration under Section III.N below to determine the appropriateness of termination under this Agreement. In cases where ICANN reasonably determines that immediate action is urgently required to preserve the stability of the Internet or protect third parties, it may suspend Registrar's accreditation immediately on notice to Registrar for the fifteen-day period or, if arbitration is requested, until that arbitration is concluded. This Agreement may be terminated immediately upon notice to Registrar in circumstance 7 above.

M. Term of Agreement; Renewal; Right to Substitute Updated Agreement. This Agreement shall have an initial term of one year, unless sooner terminated. If Registrar seeks to continue its accreditation, it may apply for renewed accreditation, and shall be entitled to renewal provided it meets the accreditation requirements then in effect. In connection with renewed accreditation, Registrar shall confirm its assent to the terms and conditions of the applicable ICANN accreditation agreement prevailing at the time of renewal (which may differ from those of this Agreement) by signing a new accreditation agreement. In the event that, during the term of this Agreement, ICANN posts on its web site an updated form of registrar accreditation agreement applicable to accredited registrars in the .com, .net, or .org TLDs, Registrar (provided it has not received a notice of termination of this Agreement under Section III.L above) may elect, by giving ICANN ten days written notice, to substitite the terms of that updated agreement for those of this Ageement. In the event of such substitution, the term of the substituted agreement shall be the same as the term of this Agreement.

N. Resolution of Disputes Under this Agreement. Disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement, including disputes arising from ICANN's failure to renew Registrar's accreditation, shall be resolved by arbitration conducted pursuant to the International Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). The arbitration shall be conducted in English and shall occur in Los Angeles County, California, USA. There shall be three arbitrators: each party shall choose one arbitrator and the third shall be chosen by the AAA. The parties shall bear the costs of the arbitration in equal shares, subject to the right of the arbitrators to reallocate the costs in their award as provided in the AAA rules. The parties shall bear their own attorneys' fees in connection with the arbitration, and the arbitrators may not reallocate the attorney's fees in conjunction with their award. The arbitrators shall render their decision within ninety days of the conclusion of the arbitration hearing. In the event litigation arises involving ICANN concerning this Agreement (such as to enforce an arbitration award), jurisdiction and exclusive venue for such litigation shall be in a court located in Los Angeles, California, USA; however, the parties shall also have the right to enforce a judgment of such a court located in Los Angeles in any court of competent jurisdiction. For the purpose of aiding the arbitration and/or preserving the rights of the parties during the pendency of an arbitration, the parties shall have the right to seek preliminary and/or emergency relief in any court of competent jurisdiction, which shall not be a waiver of this arbitration agreement; provided, however, that in the event Registrar seeks preliminary and/or emergency relief, the exclusive venue for such litigation shall be in a court located in Los Angeles, California, USA.

O. Limitations on Monetary Remedies for Violations of this Agreement. ICANN's aggregate monetary liability for violations of this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of accreditation fees paid by Registrar to ICANN under Section III.K of this Agreement. Registrar's monetary liability to ICANN for violations of this Agreement shall be limited to accreditation fees owing to ICANN under this Agreement. In no event shall either party be liable for special, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages for any violation of this Agreement.

P. Handling by ICANN of Registrar-Supplied Data. Before receiving any Personal Data from Registrar, ICANN shall specify to Registrar in writing the purposes for and conditions under which ICANN intends to use the Personal Data. ICANN may from time to time provide Registrar with a revised specification of such purposes and conditions, which specification shall become effective no fewer than thirty days after it is provided to Registrar. ICANN shall not use Personal Data provided by Registrar for a purpose or under conditions inconsistent with the specification in effect when the Personal Data were provided. ICANN shall take reasonable steps to avoid uses of the Personal Data by third parties inconsistent with the specification.

Q. Miscellaneous.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives.



Michael M. Roberts
Interim President and CEO



