Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Registry Agreements

gTLD Registry Agreements establish the rights, duties, liabilities, and obligations ICANN requires of registry operators to run gTLDs.

.POST Agreement Appendix 5 | Whois Specifications

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.POST Agreement Appendix 5
Whois Specifications

(11 December 2009)

Public Whois Specification

Public Whois for the Sponsored TLD will be provided according to the specification described in Appendix S.

Whois Provider Data Specification

Sponsor shall ensure the provision of bulk access to up-to-date data concerning domain name and nameserver registrations maintained on behalf of Sponsor in connection with the Sponsored TLD on a daily schedule, only for purposes of providing free public query-based access to up-to-date data concerning domain name and nameserver registrations in multiple TLDs, to a party designated from time to time in writing by ICANN (the "Designated Recipient"). Any agreement between ICANN and a Designated Recipient for the license of such data (a "Whois License Agreement") will provide Sponsor with the right to enforce the Designated Recipient's obligations under this Appendix and the Whois License Agreement directly against the Designated

Recipient, whether through being made a party to or third-party beneficiary of such agreement or through such other means as may be appropriate. In addition, any Whois License Agreement will include the following provisions governing the use of such data by the Designated Recipient:

1. The Designated Recipient shall only use the data provided by the Sponsor for the purpose of providing free public query-based Whois access as described in Section 3.1(c)(v) of the .POST Sponsored TLD Agreement. The Designated Recipient may not use such data for any other purpose.

2. The Designated Recipient shall use best efforts to implement any corrections to the data provided by the Sponsor as soon as practicable.

3. The Designated Recipient must take such technical and organizational security measures as are, at a minimum, equivalent to those implemented by the Sponsor with respect to such data.

4. Except for providing free public query-based access according to item 1 above, the Designated Recipient shall not transfer the data to any third party for any purpose except in the event that such third party becomes bound in the same manner as a Designated Recipient by the provisions of this Appendix and the Whois License Agreement.

The procedures for providing access, and the specification of the content and format of this data, will be as stated below, until changed according to the .POST Sponsored TLD Agreement. This Appendix is subject to change by agreement of Sponsor and ICANN during the design process as well as during the IETF standards process. Accordingly, the following provides the target architecture and initial functionality.

A. Procedures for Providing Access

Sponsor shall ensure the preparation of (i) full data sets for one day of each week (the day to be designated by ICANN) and (ii) incremental data sets for all seven days of each week. Full and incremental data sets shall be up-to-date and coherent as of 1200 UTC on the day to which they relate. Until a different day is designated by ICANN, the full data sets will be prepared for Sundays.

(Note that on the ICANN-designated day both an incremental and a full data set are prepared.)

1. Preparation of Files Containing Data Sets. Each full and incremental data set consists of an XML document meeting the content and format requirements of Parts B and C of this document. Once the XML document is generated, the following preparation steps will be performed:

a. The XML document will be placed in a file named according to the following convention: For full data sets: "wfYYMMDD" where "YYMMDD" is replaced with the date (YY=last two digits of year; MM=number of month; DD=day; in all cases a single digit number should be left-padded with a zero). For incremental data sets: "wiYYMMDD" where "YYMMDD" follows the same format.

b. The Sponsor may optionally specify to split the document using the Unix SPLIT command (or equivalent) to produce files no less than 1GB each (except the final file). If files are split, an MD5 file (produced with MD5SUM or equivalent) must be included with the resulting files to isolate errors in case of transfer fault. The Sponsor may optionally specify to compress the document using the Unix GZIP command (or equivalent) to reduce the file size.

c. The file(s) will then be encrypted and signed using PGP, version 6.5.1 or above, with a key of DH/DSS type and 2048/1024-byte length. (Note that PGP compresses the escrow file in addition to encrypting it.) The Data Recipient's public key will be used for the encryption and the Sponsor's private key will be used for the signature. Public keys will be exchanged between the Sponsor and the Designated Recipient by e-mail, physical delivery of floppy diskettes, or other agreed means.

2. Transmission of Full Data Sets. Once prepared, full data sets will be provided either by the procedures for incremental data sets described in item A (3) below or, at the option of either the Sponsor or the Designated Recipient, by writing the full data set to DAT tape (or other media mutually agreed by Sponsor and the Designated Recipient) and sending it to the Designated Recipient by expedited delivery service (such as FedEx or DHL). If sent by expedited delivery service, the full data set will be scheduled for arrival no later than the second calendar day following the day to which the full backup relates.

3. Transmission of Incremental Data Sets. To permit the transmission of incremental data sets, Sponsor shall specify to make them available for download by the Designated Recipient by Internet File Transfer Protocol. Incremental data sets will be made available for download no later than 2000 UTC on the day to which they relate.

B. Content

The data sets (whether full or incremental) will consist of four types of objects:

1. Domain Objects. One type of object is the domain object, which corresponds to a single Registered Name. Each domain object includes the following data:

Domain ID
Domain Name
Sponsoring Registrar (IANA-assigned identifier)
Domain Status
Registrant, Administrative, Technical and Billing Contact Information (references to appropriate contact objects)
Maintainer URL
Names of Nameservers associated with this domain
Created by Registrar (IANA-assigned identifier)
Last Updated by Registrar (IANA-assigned identifier)
Last Transferred Date
Additional fields (Sponsor specified)
Domain Registration Date
Domain Expiration Date
Domain Last Updated Date

2. Nameserver Objects. A second type of object is the nameserver object, which corresponds to a single registered nameserver. The nameserver object includes the following data:

Nameserver ID
Nameserver Name
IP Addresses associated
Sponsoring Registrar (IANA-assigned identifier)
Created by Registrar (IANA-assigned identifier)
Nameserver Last Updated by Registrar (IANA-assigned identifier)
Created Date
Last Updated Date
Last Transferred Date

3. Contact Objects. A third type of object is the contact object, which corresponds to a single contact (whether registrant, administrative, technical, or billing contact). The contact object includes the following data:

Contact ID
Contact Name
Contact Organization
Contact Address, City, State/Province, Country
Contact Postal Code
Contact Phone, Fax, E-mail
Contact Registration Date
Contact Last Updated Date
Currently Associated
Contact Status
Additional fields (Sponsor specified)
Sponsoring Registrar (IANA-assigned identifier)
Created Registrar (IANA-assigned identifier)
Last Transferred Date

4. Registrar Object. The final type of object corresponds to a single registrar. It includes the following data:

Registrar ID (conforming to the IANA registrar-ids registry)
Registrar Name
Registrar Status
Registrar Address, City, State/Province, Country
Registrar Postal Code
Registrar Phone, Fax, E-mail
Registrar Administrative Contacts
Registrar Technical Contacts
Registrar Billing Contacts

5. Objects Contained in Full and Incremental Data Sets. Full data sets include one domain object for each Registered Name within the Sponsored TLD; and nameserver, contact, and registrar objects for each nameserver, contact, and registrar referred to in any domain object. Incremental data sets consist of (a) those of the objects constituting a full data set that have been added or updated since the last incremental data set and (b) notations of deletion of any objects since the last incremental data set.

C. Format

Full and incremental data sets will be XML version 1.0, UTF-8 encoded documents conforming to the following document type definition:

<! DOCTYPE whois-data [<! ELEMENT whois-data (domain*, del-domain*, nameserver*, del-nameserver*, contact*, del-contact*, registrar*, del-registrar*) >
<! -- Del-domain, del-nameserver, del-contact, and del-registrar child elements are only meaningful where the attribute type= "Incremental" -->
<!ATTLIST whois-data
tld NMTOKEN #FIXED "jobs"
type (Full | Incremental)
version CDATA #FIXED "1.0" >
<!ELEMENT domain (name, url)>
<!ATTLIST domain
registrar-id IDREF #REQUIRED
registrant-id IDREF #REQUIRED
billing-id IDREF #REQUIRED
nameserver-id IDREFS #IMPLIED
created-by IDREF #REQUIRED
updated-by IDREF #REQUIRED
xfer-date CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT del-domain EMPTY >
<!-the presence of this element in an incremental data set indicates that the
domain has been deleted since the last incremental data set -->
<!ATTLIST del-domain
dom-id ID #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT nameserver (name, ip, ip+) >
<!ATTLIST nameserver
nameserver-id ID #REQUIRED
registrar-id IDREF #REQUIRED
created-by IDREF #REQUIRED
updated-by IDREF #REQUIRED
xfer-date CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT del-nameserver EMPTY >
<!-the presence of this element in an incremental data set indicates that the
nameserver has been deleted since the last incremental data set -->
<!ATTLIST del-nameserver
nameserver-id ID #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT contact (name, org, address, post-code, country, phone, fax-, email)
<!ATTLIST contact
contact-id ID #REQUIRED
registrar-id IDREF #REQUIRED
created-by IDREF #REQUIRED
updated-by IDREF #REQUIRED
xfer-date CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT del-contact EMPTY >
<!-the presence of this element in an incremental data set indicates that the
contact has been deleted since the last incremental data set -->
<!ATTLIST del-contact
contact-id ID #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT registrar (reg-status, url) >
<!ATTLIST registrar
registrar-id ID #REQUIRED
contact-id IDREF #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT del-registrar EMPTY >
<!-the presence of this element in an incremental data set indicates that the
registrar has been deleted since the last incremental data set -->
<!ATTLIST del-registrar
registrar-id ID #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT address (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT post-code (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT country EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST country cc (AF | AL | DZ | AS | AD | AO | AI | AQ | AG | AR | AM |
AW | AU | AT | AZ | BS | BH | BD | BB | BY | BE | BZ | BJ | BM | BT | BO | BA |
BW | BV | BR | IO | BN | BG | BF | BI | KH | CM | CA | CV | KY | CF | TD | CL | CN
| CX | CC | CO | KM | CG | CD | CK | CR | CI | HR | CU | CY | CZ | DK | DJ | DM |
DO | TP | EC | EG | SV | GQ | ER | EE | ET | FK | FO | FJ | FI | FR | GF | PF | TF |
GA | GM | GE | DE | GH | GI | GR | GL | GD | GP | GU | GT | GN | GW | GY | HT |
HM | VA | HN | HK | HU | IS | IN | ID | IR | IQ | IE | IL | IT | JM | JP | JO | KZ | KE |
KI | KP | KR | KW | KG | LA | LV | LB | LS | LR | LY | LI | LT | LU | MO | MK | MG |
MW | MY | MV | ML | MT | MH | MQ | MR | MU | YT | MX | FM | MD | MC | MN |
MS | MA | MZ | MM | NA | NR | NP | NL | AN | NC | NZ | NI | NE | NG | NU | NF |
MP | NO | OM | PK | PW | PS | PA | PG | PY | PE | PH | PN | PL | PT | PR | QA |
RE | RO | RU | RW | SH | KN | LC | PM | VC | WS | SM | ST | SA | SN | SC | SL |
SG | SK | SI | SB | SO | ZA | GS | ES | LK | SD | SR | SJ | SZ | SE | CH | SY | TW
| TJ | TZ | TH | TG | TK | TO | TT | TN | TR | TM | TC | TV | UG | UA | AE | GB |
US | UM | UY | UZ | VU | VE | VN | VG | VI | WF | EH | YE | YU | ZM | ZW | AC |
GG | IM | JE | UK ) >
<!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT e-mail (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT reg-status (#PCDATA) >

Whois Data Specification – ICANN

Sponsor shall ensure the provision of bulk access by ICANN to up-to date data concerning domain name and nameserver registrations maintained by Sponsor in connection with the Sponsored TLD on a daily schedule, only for purposes of verifying and ensuring the operational stability of Registry Services, the DNS, and the Internet.

The procedures for providing access, and the specification of the content and format of this data, will be as stated below, until changed according to the .POST Sponsored TLD Agreement. This Appendix is subject to change by agreement of Sponsor and ICANN during the design process as well as during the IETF standards process. In addition, accordingly, the following represents the target architecture and initial functionality.

A. Procedures for Providing Access

Sponsor shall ensure the preparation of a full data set for one day of each week (the day to be designated by ICANN). Full data sets shall be up-to date and coherent as of 1200 UTC on the day to which they relate. Until a different day is designated by ICANN, the full data sets will be prepared for Sundays.

1. Preparation of Files Containing Data Sets. Each full data set consists of an XML document meeting the content and format requirements of Parts B and C of this document. Once the XML document is generated, the following preparation steps will be performed:

a. The XML document will be placed in a file named according to the following convention: "wfYYMMDD" where "YYMMDD" is replaced with the date (YY=last two digits of year; MM=number of month; DD=day; in all cases a single-digit number should be left-padded with a zero).

b. The Sponsor may optionally specify to split the document using the Unix SPLIT command (or equivalent) to produce files no less than 1GB each (except the final file). If files are split, an .MD5 file (produced with MD5SUM or equivalent) must be included with the resulting files to isolate errors. The Sponsor may optionally compress the document using the Unix GZIP command (or equivalent) to reduce the file size.

c. The file(s) will then be encrypted and signed using PGP, version 6.5.1 or above, with a key of DH/DSS type and 2048/1024-byte length. (Note that PGP compresses the escrow file in addition to encrypting it.) An ICANN public key will be used for the encryption and the Sponsor's private key will be used for the signature. Public keys will be exchanged between the Sponsor and ICANN by e-mail, physical delivery of floppy diskettes or other agreed means.

2. Transmission of Full Data Sets. Once prepared, full data sets will be provided according to paragraph a below or, at Sponsor’s option, according to paragraph b below:

a. Sponsor shall specify to make full data sets available for download by ICANN by Internet File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (FTP access will be password protected and limited to prespecified IP ranges). The data sets will be made available for download beginning no later than 2000 UTC on the day to which they relate and until the next full data set becomes available for download.

b. Sponsor shall specify to write the full data set to DAT (DDS-4) tape (or other media specified by ICANN) and ensure the tape is sent to ICANN by expedited delivery service (such as FedEx or DHL). The full data set will be scheduled for arrival at ICANN no later than the second calendar day following the day to which the data set relates.

B. Content

The full data sets will consist of the objects and contents described for full data sets in the “Public WhoIs” section of Appendix S.

C. Format

Full data sets will be XML version 1.0, UTF-8 encoded documents conforming to the schema/document type declaration set forth in Exhibit B of Appendix 1.